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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Very astute observation richard, the fact we accept this kind of idea as something approaching normal does not bode well for the future.
  2. Dont reach for the water jug. Seriously, dont reach for it, if you walk into that room and theres a water jug in the middle of the table and some glasses, dont pour yourself a drink unless you are super confident. Nothing says "Hey everybody, I'm nervous" like trying to pour water from a 4L jug and it shaking all over the place.
  3. No dude, you dont have to drop out of college to do EMS, in fact, you dont even have to go to college at all. Kid, get some edeucation behind you, toss your scanner in the bin, get a degree and come back in 3 or 4 years and then you can call yourself professional
  4. Agreed Between this and the off duty thread, this guy is either a serious whacker or just a troll.
  5. Possibly the most idiotic thing ive read in a while. -5 for being a tool.
  6. Either that or the vic was black and seeing as we are all racist white guys we turned the cheek and headed the other direction. that would suit your stupidity wouldn't mate? While there is no law per se here that mandates i render assistance, there is some case law in civil proceedings where by medical professionals who "advertise" they are as such and who are close to an incident they are "obligated by their close proximity" to render assistance. The case this stems from involved a GP in his clinic working late after hours being asked to render assistance to a person on the street and refused advising them to call an ambulance, though seeing they are bound by a hypocaratic oath (thats hypocritic for you crotch) im not so sure i would be bound by the same obligation. The the "advertisement" of you position is one of the many reasons i dont have that retarded little ambulance sticker on my windscreen some of the guys have. Point is, unless its something serious or the patient is a hot chick, im the guy standing in the background telling people to call 000 Just fixing your typo mate
  7. Well, for want of a better idea, this is just Fuc&^d Later big man, see you on the flip side.
  8. Once again crotch shows hes a racist hypocrite i think i just figured you out crotch your a racist white guy trapped in a black guys body.
  9. It amazes me the ignorance you show when you deny your own racism, which also makes you a hypocrite.
  10. NAh man, he dont need that stuff - it might not work out in his little fantasy land where he is the centre of some kind of sexual racial gloab conspiracy and he is the only voice of reason left on the planet.
  11. My left arm for the dislike button. The world is not a conspiracy crotch, your just a fool, a fool who is as racist and as discrimminating as the people you accuse. Instead of whinging here what exactly are you doing to improve the situation? or are you another one of those dropkicks complaining that the "white man got you down" Your like that gay guy on tv, waving your banner yelling out how you want recognition for being gay, when the truth is no one give a shit if your gay, catholic, female, black or a fricking jedi. The only one with problem with skin color here dude, is you.
  12. Seriously, went to a blok with a broken ankle once, says he fell off his motorcycle. Told me twice he was almost stopped when he put his foot out and slipped on gravel, bike fell on his leg and broke it. I believed him as he had hen gotten back on his bike and ridden back home, all his hgear was packed away so i didn't check the bike or protective gear for damage - the story was a good one. No other complaints or findings. Anyway, i get him to triage anbd the shit head changes his story to "Riding at 80km/hr and the rear end washed out and i put my foot down to steady myself but it fell on me, I then slid across the gravel road and hit a sapling and i have a sore back" I could just about have hit him
  13. I once had a despatcher ask us to attend the scene of a violent psych and then notify them if we required LEO's. We to an fro'd for a couple of minutes about not attending the scene until proven safe or finding out the scene was dangerous and needing assistance. It ended when i threatened to jist ring 000 on my mobile and tell them al the details we had been given "violent male, psych history brandishing a wooden pole" I got my way in the end
  14. I swear, half the times we ask patients questions and all we do is prime them for their second and real resonse later on. Seriously, crews joke about this stuff all the time, patients giving answers full of half truths and sometimes outright lies, im surprised your Captain didn't have a laugh about it like most normal operators would.
  15. Any history of by-pass surgery?
  16. Thats so messed up herbie. It boggles my mind that gutless federal governments are so complicit in this pandering to minorities - heaven help us if they actually took after a real issue with the same gusto, we might all live in a better world
  17. Jake got in before me As a first aider, i doubt i would use another patients medication. As a paramedic however i would use someone elses, and i would use it if it were out of date, the same as i would use someone elses out of date epi pen. Jake is right with the o2, setting up a better o2 / c02 gradient may help stave off hypoxia for a little bit but its unlikely to be of any real benefit. Remember acute asthma is an inflammatory codition of the small airways, characterised by bronchospasm, mucouse pluging and oedema, none of which 02 is going to change. Beta agonists in conjuction with an anticholinergic are the first line of attack, while plugging and oedema devope, bronchospam can be immediately dealt with through the above - 02 isn't going to change this. So yea, i would use someone elses ventolin.
  18. Yeah, he certainly had the PR machine working for the US and not against it.
  19. So, they get sent to a car in the water and decide to enter the water without confirmation of whether there is anyone in the vehicle, decide after getting in the water that its too dangerous to proceed then one of them dies. Does that sum it up? Yeah, i think i have a problem with it.
  20. http://www.ambulance.vic.gov.au/Media/docs/Adults2-7914fa4e-3ede-4329-9acf-c2adcc77a5be-0.pdf It's buried these somewher, you can probably infer the rationale from the guideline gotta run
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