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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Obviously the IR climate we live in here is a tad different from yours JP
  2. FUnny how people who hate nions are either in a managerial apacity or who have not not been a part of on oppressed workforce with sub-standard and even dangerous conditions along with shitty pay were the norm. I mean, how dare a group of workers think they are worth more. I dont condone militant unionism but geez, the concept should be embraced more
  3. Here you go, heres an extract from my mates last leter to his family, died 30 may this year, aged 27 Yeah, i totally understand what ch just wrote...
  4. Pros membership is international providing a wide cross section varying levels of experience honest (sometimes brutally) seems to be a real desire to learn here Dustdevil Cons crotchitymedic Time zone difference makes it hard to keep rack of discussion. Quite often you dont see a topic early enough and anything you have to say has already been said A lot of it is US Canadian specific and sometimes i dont have a clue you guys are talking about Addictive Trolls in general
  5. in reality, the whole metro/rural EMS is just an extension of the whole city v's country shite that runs in every day life, usually propgated by people who have either lived in or worked in only one of those environments yet has a "solid" opinion absed on conjecture and what a friend of a friend told them
  6. Yep, rural fire monkeys can do it, why not EMS? Because lives are at risk dang-nammit! Not to the patient anyway, though the 60 seconds you take by not donning your uniform which and you sustain injury or illness by not wearing your uniform / PPE (reflective tape, appropriate footwear etc) then you may be wishing you had have pulled on some gear.
  7. When i had time on my hands and i volunteered with the local bush fire brigade, i carried in a duffel bag my overalls, helmet, boots etc that were required in order to do my job. No one got on the truck without being dressed accordingly. Why is it then once it becomes a "medical emergency" should you be exempt from also wearing your identifying, safety providing PPE or corporate uniform. Pull you overalls on and slip you feet into some boots and your done. o denim jeas, tee shirts, shorts or flip flops. It just smacks of lazyness and whackerdom.
  8. RIP Marco Simoncelli

  9. We are paid for what we know, and what we may be asked to do, not how many times we physically do it.
  10. For sure... wether you agree with him or not, you cant deny he has an articulate, honest well thought out point of view, and he is tactful in discussion as opposed to just rambling popularist bullshit. And lest face it, running around within other peoples borders hasn't exactly succeeded in keeping the US out of the firing line either has it? Hell, you should turn over your polling to another country, maybe we could do a better job for you
  11. Its actually "Deja Moo", the feeling you've seen this bullshit before ?
  12. YEah, she had good legs and wore that red dress too! YEah, she had good legs and wore that red dress too!
  13. LOL I dunno dwayne, given the restriction of our sprinter vans and the dimensions they are and the size of the kids in question im not sure i can fit 2 kids on it, though i deffinately know i cant restrain them if i could get them on it. The ethical part of me says i cant actually down triage either of them. The altruist in me says i have to help both and so one of them is going to get placed in a KED and sat up in a seat, but i cant get 2 treating officers in the back if the kid is in the second chair in the back, and sitting up front next to the driver aint going to work eiher The resource allocation part of me says i should split my crew, steal a driver and transport one to the chopper and wait on scene with the less critical kid The MCI part of my brain says i should either create a staging area where we are and wait, or, ferry the patients to the chopper pad in 2 trips and stage there for addition resources. I dunno man, its not really a problem i'm likely to have. This question actually gets easier if their were 5 or 10 patients, the lines gets a bit blurry with only 2. so.... At this point in time im going to say i would KED one of them and place it in a jump seat and board the other one on the stretcher and treat with diesel, but until im confronted with the same situation, i wont gurantee i will make the same decision in real life. <<< EDIT>>> What sort of time frame are we talking about in regards to reaching an appropriate level of trauma service if we A ) wait on scene for the second unit B )send one on the chopper and wait for the second unit C ) Start to transport both ourselves and meet the second vehicle on the way? No problems man,
  14. Interesting how many people have missed the point that providing adequate pain management is about providing humane management. To not provide through lack of equipment, skill set or protocol is inhumane at best and negligent at worst Pain is pain Just sayin As for the K-juice, we trialled it here and it was an astounding drug. The stand out demo for me was a patient partialy ejected in a car v's tree, ended up with her mangled legs mashed in amongst the front drivers side suspension / sterring arms screaming her head off Special K sorted her out real good.
  15. well mate, my decision is made for me bcause my vehicle only has one stretcher and no bench seat, so my dilemma becomes; 1: down triage one and leave it on scene to die 2: split the crew and take a patient each and wait for a second vehicle 3. pinch a "driver" and ferry the most critical patient to the chopper then go back and ground transport the second patient How close is the nearest viable landing site for the chopper?
  16. Your service is negligent, it continually purchases and uses stretcher mounting and equipment restraints that are known to fail in moderate accidents, you advocate moving patients who are unrestrained thereby greatly increasing the risk of serious injury or death in moderate accients, and you bully your staff with threat of termination should they not choose to place patients at risk. What does this mean? We are right, your wrong and whoever you work for sucks.
  17. Damn craig, where have you been mate? long time no post!
  18. Your google fu is weak. Obese or not is irrelevent in the risk argument. The core issue is whether it is suitable to transport a patient unrestrained, so you should be searching for the incidence of serious injury or death of unrestrained person in motor vehicle accidents compared to those who are resrained
  19. "in this economy"? Do you withold gloves, fresh sharps containers and diesel too? Isn't that like making an excuse of a teenager "sorry officer, i know he assaulted that little old lady, but he's tired and hes studying for exams..." Talk about absolving adults of responsibility, and if burning themselves out is the cause of them being tools then i have no sympathy. Taking responsibility for your choices and actions might be a novel idea to these twits.
  20. = Logic Fail You company has a policy that allows your patients to be placed in danger? Your company sucks. Maybe your company should come up with a policy of buying safer vehicles, they do exist, just look outside your backyard....i know it may hurt your ego, but the truth is out there. I absolutely believe your in management, trying to defend an indefensible position and yet being offended somehow that people would dare question your policies or ideas, how dare people do that, youre in management dammit! I have a large sense of "deja moo" = the feeling ive seen this bull-shit before
  21. While we are showing the door, any chance of getting rid of snoopy as well?

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