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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoY_Fahp_Qc
  2. Cool, im unfamiliar with the use of hypertonic solution for raised ICP pre-hospitally, do you routinely see much imrovement with 3ml/kg?
  3. Pallor and + or - sweating but with tachypnoea in the low 20's without a reasonable cause always gets me thinking. Skin and resp rate is evident so much earlier than tachycardia and hypotension. It really irks me to see patients who clearly have a perfusion problem but dont get managed Because they are GCS 15, normotensive with pulse rate in the high end of normal. Hyovoleamia and anaphylactic shock are generally well recognised, cardiogenic not too bad but i think we generally do a poor job of identifying sepsis and septic shock
  4. i did, i belt so bad for you i couldn't help myself
  5. drunk teens, dustbuster and a stupid prank... poor bastard cracked a chubby once the thing started sucking and in a panick withdrew quickly, slicing it open on a a sharp bit of the plastic shroud
  6. cause earle had to die... nah nah nah nah nah.... gooooodbyyyyye eaaaaarle! Those black eyed peas! (nah nah nah nah nah nah) Tasted allright to meeeee, eaaaarle you feelin weak? Why dont you lay down and sleeeeeeep, eaaaaarle! Aint it dark??? Wraped up in that taaaaarrrrrr, eaaaarle!
  7. You went from a GU to a kia sorrento?? what a downgrade!! 1988 VN commodore - written off in a hit/run in Parramatta 2005 Holden Astra - which is just a rebadged Opel Astra 2011 Holden Colorado - rebadged isuzu D-max
  8. "the guy with the dust-buster" Need i say more.....
  9. When you say signs/symptoms do you literally mean that or do you have transducers to measure ICP?
  10. Like i said, not much changes when you cross the ditch. RAV had a massive restructure in 2006, eople got sacked and asked to reaply for their jobs, the management structure was changed then the dead wood cut loose and funnily enough a culture change ensued and we had a hay and productive (if underfunded) workforce. Fast foreward to 2008 when the goverment forced the merger, RAV and most people in its higher echelons were done away with and we re-inherited the same nepotistic, narcissistic culture of bullying and harrassment from MAS that they had spent millions of dollars getting rid of in the first place. No money, no morale, no care factor and no idea. I cant have new boots BUT we have millions of dollars to buy new helicopters and a motorcycle resonse unit that was never even in a strategic plan until the government needed some good PR.
  11. Its almost a universal gripe in ambulance eh? Pretty much the same this side of the ditch though i suspect you know enough about the former MAS and what we turned into after the "merger" in 2008 to know what i mean.
  12. My employer denies theres a problem then blames us for having bad morale
  13. Its alleged i went out at night, of course its a bit of a blurr so i may have imagined it in my drunken stupor.....
  14. Be careful in dubbo mate, its like detroit after dark
  15. those recommendations from ILCOR were adopted here, and melbourned has ROSC rates over 50% with survival to discharge approaching 30%. Country victoria has survival to discharge approaching 20%
  16. Maybe not intubation alone but intubation in the setting of ROSC opens doorways to other post ROSC management that certainly does improve survival to discharge and quality of life for those patients.
  17. The secret to not being biased is to hate everyone equally
  18. Scale Model Building Fullbore Target Shooting Camping and bush touring
  19. No doubt, but have you seen government action on any form of registration for ay health care discipline until the last 5 or so years? I wonder why the keep leaving ambulance out? perhaps they are shit scared of what a political force it could be if we could actually get uniied under one body?
  20. I rue the day i become a twisted old man like you phil...... I think the National Regisration thing came from a shake up of registration of health disciplines country wide... would you believe that natropaths made the list for registration but we didn't? There was some representation to government about it a year or so ago, but i dont know what came of it.
  21. man, if only i still lived there, i would have loved to have met the dwayne meister!
  22. i read about it in a book once.... it might have even been in a fairytale
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