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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Systematic bullying in my workplace by front line manager, has eroded my confidence to the point where i started making silly mistakes. It has taken months to get back to some semblence of my previously energetic useful self, but even now i find myself lacking drive and general care factor Moral to this story, not all experiences are positive and stick up for your rights sooner.
  2. http://lifeinthefastlane.com/2009/12/the-evolution-of-utopian-medicine/ I though it was pretty darn good
  3. Im with turnip. Its the queens english Anything else is just a wannabe
  4. Bloke, not a lot here that says anaphylaxis to me, unless there other info you missed. Angio oedema, urticaria, GIT upset etc. Did his resps have a prolonged expiratory phase? regular? Also, did you get a chance to auscultate his lungs. SOunds likenthis job moved very quick, but if this was anaphylaxis, did you consider IM adrenaline and chest thrusts before you moved to the car?
  5. Did you not read the last 5 pages of discussion?
  6. Good idea with potential to backfire The government here did that, its called "nurse on call" and all they tell them to do is call an ambulance. 10% increase in ambulance workload the year it was introduced
  7. Interesting. Here, a hot load would be a very rare beast indeed. never seen one, only heard of one in 3 years
  8. Bro, you have seriously lack understanding of what paramagic was trying to say. Your acronyms mean almost nothing to people who dont understand your local vernbacular, so without people knowing what OEC is your never going to get an answer if OEC + a basic course is equal to a wilderness EMT cert, and thats only if im making sense of your local vernacular. See what im getting at? cant get an answer if your quesiton makey no sensey.
  9. Seriously, given the OP' and the rest of the info (not having a go at ya over the AED bloke, just didn't know if i was reading it correctly) i'd say there is maybe a bit left wanting in the management of this patient, no matter how slim the odds. All in or all out, no half arsed management
  10. Not kidding. Using the center line on the road and the rotor head as a reference point, its a pretty good guage of how far the horizontal drift and quite clearly the silly bastard at the controls as heading out over the field for some translational lift - fat chopper and all. Had they have not hit the rotor on the wire they may have succeeded in putting the tail rotor into it instead when they tried to line up their egress. Like i said, our guys, who are CHC mind you, would not have a chopper there in the first place. critical patient or not.
  11. Out of curiosity, does your fire truck not have a defib?
  12. Good god! Our guys would never land that close to pwerlines
  13. Its just embarrassing the Bullshit PR that comes out of AV Its like when they were rabbiting on about how they were the first amblance service in the country to have all its ICP's performing RSI, which is bullshit because that distinction goes to Canberra.
  14. I should probably kill myself as i have "whacker jumped" a patient when i was already loaded But lifes to freaking good to do that
  15. one of my favourite stories..... In some of the POW camps on the thai burma railway during WW2. Aussie POWS fashioned a still out of petrol cans and bamboo as piping to distill water, and with distilled water and ground rock salt were making saline to use as IV fluids for cholera patients and cleaning wounds. Giving sets were Beer bottles with the bottom broken off, turned upside down with some sterilised cloth covering the opening. The giving set was a rubber stopper in the neck of the beer bottle, spiked with sterlised bamboo shoot and a length of stethescope tubing hooked up to a needle that was resterilised and re-sharpened for each patient One way was using a can of saline or distilled water that was allowed to trickle over tropical ulcers as a constant irrigation which recuced the number of limb amputations. Everything was sterlised in boiling water as it was the only thing they had, hands, eating utensils, clothes (if they had any), uncluding towels for packing during surgery. Even in POW camps with no supplies, they were stil able to come up with ingenious ways to perform complicated surgery in the middle of a jungle, and with the exception of some surgial instruments that they carried with them from Java and occasional silver spoons with the edges sharpened as scalpels, sewing needles etc adapted for the job, everything else was made with bamboo. Useless information, but interesting... there was a refernece to water i there somewhere, im sure of it.
  16. Bump any thing to add, ill whack the answer up tomorrow if not
  17. i wrote all that crap out, i should have just let ruff say his 3 senteces
  18. Heres an opinion from some bloke half way around the world, who has never had miltary anything service who doesn't know what is in EMTB but has some of the AAOS text books for it... Seriously, the EMTB advice is the best advice here, think of it as an uber first aid course. I suspect that one of the things you will andoubtedly get out of doing it, especially doing ride time is just how much garbage in first aid kits is just there to look shiny and is really pointless crap. More of the basic stuff and less of the fancier crap will do you well, also, a couple of rolls of duct tape. You dont really need splints, eye patches, ten different sizes of tape or safety pins or multiple sizes of polyamps of saline or whatever diffent sizes of sticking plaster or whatever else they come with is just taking up space. You'd be surpised much you dont actually need or use, and how much if it can be improvised (dislocated my knee a few years back, splinted it with a Pizza Box!) Thirdly, talk to your Doc about having some courses anti-b's stored in it, and OTC analgesia, stuff that will keep and last a long time. And bulk water sterlisation/storage (but i suspect you already know this) So long as you have boiling water, you will be fine. Shit, most of that is already in my pantry!
  19. Honestly mate, my performance got better and my managemnt greatly improved when i stopped trying to come up with a provisional diagnosis for every patient. After a year or so i figured tha sometimes (most of the time?) My real purpose was to collect good information for the hospital and quite often treat based on potential rather than identified illness/inury. COnsequently i ask more question and do more interventions (within reason i hope!) because i actually started identifying a lot more issues! It also helped that i formulated an acronym that covered my own "clinical approach" rather than trying to digest a pre fabricated method for doing things. Incidently, it was an expansion on the method i used for case studies at uni. DAPOCAT is what i use, when its expanded it looks like this. Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, Bleeding (life threat), Circulation, Compressions ?, C-spine Apply Defib if needed Posture Opening assessment (nose to toes) Clinical assessment : Various cronyms fit here, SAMPLE, PQRST, DOLOR etc, whatever your local vernacular is. We would do what we call perfusion status assessment, respiratory status assessment (PSA, RSA)to fill in the rest Apply apropriate CPG/CPG's Transport and re-evaluate. Its a bit of a mess, but becuase it's mine and i thought it up, it works for me.
  20. Hilarious! But seriously, lets look at the facts. First aid guy come Paramedic, driving around with a shite load of gear in the boot of his car, carrying more crap on his belt than batman and judge dredd put together. Plays with handcuffs and OC spray. Talks about saving lives, how well he is respected and his hundred hours of "combat" training, "rescue ambulances", EMTB's deserve no respect, you "Buy the best eqipment and know how to use it", powers of arrest and all the other garbage you have here. Your first post here is about what toys you have hanging off your hips, yet your some kind of awesome paramedical pioneer who gets results, and yet i have barely seen a post in another thread about something clinicall orientated or one that didn't involve your whacker belt or how awesome you are. So are you a new troll or are you one we have had here before?
  21. Lights on the POV make this even funnier
  22. Does the pain increase or decrease when she leans foreward? Ive seen this before, some bloke tore himself a new hiatial hernia getting out of a chair, the SOB was diaphragm rigidity from the inflammatory response.
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