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Everything posted by scubanurse

  1. Married life is really no different than it was before...weird.

    1. Eydawn


      Yeah, you are who you are in a relationship with or without the piece of paper . Seriously. I found it to be much the same, just had to adjust to calling the man "my husband" instead of "my fiancee"

    2. rat115


      So true. If you had a good relationship before you'll have a good marriage.

      Hope yours is good.

  2. That made me laugh...thank you for sharing.
  3. officially married.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spenac


      Condolences. lol


    3. scubanurse


      lol thanks guys :) I'm pretty happy just feels new and weird but other than that nothing has changed

    4. penguin_pong


      Congrats Kate!!!

  4. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pray all goes smoothly
  5. common law... scarrryyyy

    1. spenac


      Yes thats what happens when you hang out with someone to long. lol.

  6. I am giving a speech on Thursday to my class about the need for more students and professors at universities to be certified in CPR. Currently my university only requires security to be certified and the head RA's of each dorm hall. I hace a few questions and if any instructors would like to give me a quote to use that would be fantastic, please just message me with your name and where you instruct cpr. 1) How many people (roughly) are currently certified in CPR? 2) How much is would it cost (roughly) to certify one person? i.e. the cost of training per individual I've been searching the internet and haven't really found much. thanks guys!!!
  7. What were the two people in the red car doing in a closed garage then? Maybe get a CO reader out and check levels.... could the people in the red car be suffering from some carbon monoxide or were their pants around their ankles?
  8. My heart goes out to you and your family. 21 is far to young to go, and I can't imagine the pain you all must be feeling now. Take comfort in the good memories you have, and how appropriately to be buried on veterans day. Will there be any sort of memorial fund in his honor? My sincerest condolences, Katie
  9. another dislocated shoulder... so sore right now

  10. I hate my shoulders.

  11. chat people it's free.

  12. People will always do stupid stuff. I think two halloweens ago right before the presidential elections, there was a big issue with someone displaying a figure that strongly resembled Sarah Palin hanging from a noose and they were ordered to take it down. It just bothers me that people still do stuff like that... at least he took it down eventually.
  13. Sounds like you'll be a valuable resource to the city! Welcome and thanks for introducing yourself and not just sneaking in!!!
  14. The one time I had seen this in the field, we put a liter bag of LR over the flail segment to act as a counter weight and stabilize the chest wall... And if I'm thinking through this correctly, even with a BVM there would be negative pressure in the chest cavity. A BVM does act on positive pressure, but the action of exhalation would create negative pressure. A chest tube is a surgical procedure as well... Remember fixing an ingrown nail could technically be considered a surgical procedure. Correct me please if I'm wrong guys... wouldn't be the first time and certainly wouldn't be the last
  15. scubanurse


    Welcome! Good luck with class and feel free to look to the forums for help throughout your course.
  16. Migraine... yuck...comm exam then dry lab... to the mountains this weekend :)

    1. spenac


      I want to go to the mountains. Not fair I only get to drive over them in the dark on my way to work.

  17. You will find often in the OR, doctors and NA's not wearing a mask or eye protection, but keep in mind these patients are most likely NPA for 8+ hours, they don't have much to vomit up. I would err on the side of safety and BSI up
  18. What happened to the old chat?

    1. Chief1C


      What's the point of having a big fancy chat program, if it doesn't get used? Boring.

    2. scubanurse


      true... I just liked seeing who was in there up at the top

    3. EMT City Administrator
  19. Back to the daily grind of school....ugh

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