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Everything posted by scubanurse

  1. Well said... I couldn't believe what I was reading in the OP... Nothing in life is free regardless if you believe in God.
  2. vodka martini's are saving my airport experience right now. Flying to TX tonight then back to Denver on Tuesday evening.

    1. spenac


      Shaken not stirred.

    2. scubanurse


      that's right! TX is so bloody hot! Back in Austin from Ft. Worth now.

  3. My boyfriend is in a similar situation. He's attending a community college for his P and applied for FAFSA but didn't qualify because he's not married and makes enough for one person....doesn't account for cost of living which is what got him. He's applying for grants through his school. Your best bet might be to find a department/agency that will pay for your schooling and reimburse you and just apply for a private loan. Good luck
  4. Giving a speech tomorrow on Public Access Defibrillation

    1. spenac


      Picture everyone naked and well either you get excited or sick.:)

    2. scubanurse


      lol that would be weird...speech went well though

    3. spenac


      Glad to hear.

  5. RIP MFF Poon... You'll be missed greatly.

  6. Nothing like curling up on a saturday morning with the puppy in my lap and hockey on tv... Best friend from Pitt is visiting me tomorrow!

  7. Hockey tonight and I'm still not feeling well..this should be interesting!

  8. is bored...someone go into chat and entertain me?

  9. Puppy is at the puppy sitters for the night, and I'm off to the Brad Paisley Concert!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scubanurse


      uhm we live in an apartment.... $20 bucks for a happy tired puppy this morning is so worth it!

    3. spenac


      LOL spoiled dog. Hope you had fun.

    4. scubanurse


      better than keeping her in a crate for 12 hours last night...we had a blast!

  10. no worries...now that I'm more removed from the situation the post is actually kinda funny in a dark humor sorta way.
  11. Lol he raised an eyebrow and asked if I was following university policy on Internet usage. He didn't seem amused then again he is one of e older Jesuit priests we have and very traditional. No harm...just a little warning would have been beneficial to avoiding an awkward situation.
  12. wow...sorry I was offended guys and it probably wouldn't have been so bad if there had been warning about having naked boobs on the screen. I go to a really strict catholic university and I opened this in the student center and there happened be a priest sitting next to me. I thought I was opening something from the recent threads section (no way of knowing it was in the funny stuff) and I thought it might have been related to the law suit against the site. I wouldn't have opened it if I had known a big picture of boobs would pop up.
  13. Cowboys should just go ahead and change the franchise name to cowgirls...

    1. P_Instructor


      They don't deserve that much credit....call them 'cowdungs'

  14. I was planning on going... I have a bunch of friends who drove out with the Montgomery County, MD Pipes and Drums Band... Not sure now if I can make the drive...have a ton of stuff to do today
  15. Today we will remember those who died in the planes, in the towers, and on the ground. We will grieve with the families of the fallen. And we will thank the heroes who saved countless lives on 9/11. God bless all of our Warriors out there today risking their lives to make sure this never happens to us again.

  16. Same for me in D.C. you just don't appreciate the ambient noise they cause until suddenly there are no planes anymore.
  17. I was living in a suburb of D.C. at the time and in 8th grade. I was home that morning and went to turn on the TV to watch a movie and the news channel was left on. At first I saw that the plane had hit the first tower and yelled to my mom...she kinda blew it off as an accident and thought it was a small plane, but as I continued to watch, we first realized it was a commercial plane and then the second tower got hit. Then the Pentagon got hit. My dad was doing work with the White House at the time and thankfully was not downtown when this all went down. It was just scary. That day was more a blur than anything, but the weeks that followed were even creepier in D.C. My parents house is on one of the flight lines for Regan National Airport and with all air traffic in and out of the airport stopped, I realized how quiet it could be. Going into D.C. was quieter, the gaping hole in the side of the Pentagon every week going to and from my cello lessons, to a 14 year old kid, it just all didn't seem real. It took my parents a while to let my brother and I go back out and into the city alone and we both got cell phones (as if they would work after a terrorist attack anyways). It was definitely a time (more than just a day in history) that has changed my life and I will never forget.
  18. Big difference between a belligerent drunk and a sick child.... I would have be furious if that was my kid... faking or not... try first to figure out why the kid was doing that and talk to him/her about their fears...talking with a kid can go a long way to easing their fears. So often we just do things to kids that adults understand but kids don't and that creates a lot of apprehension and fear of the medical community.
  19. Well good news is no surgery for the hand...bad news is in a cast for 4 weeks.

  20. Even with the fusion, you'll learn how to adapt and compensate. I have been thinking about going back into EMS with a fused shoulder... Just take it one step at a time and do what's best for your health, the rest will fall into place. kae
  21. New hockey skates and helmet...the day I break my hand... hopefully I can still play Thursday!

    1. spenac


      Maybe hockey is not a good sport for you my fragile friend.

  22. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38993181/ns/world_news-asiapacific/ Sounds like there are a few rescues being made. Most important sentence in that article to me was that there's no risk of tsunami as my parents are in the cook islands right now about to hit landfall at Niui tomorrow. Hope everyone in NZ is okay.
  23. Fusions aren't the end of the world... know a few people who have had it done, and I might be getting my left one completely fused... Good luck to you, and remember if you aren't confident in the doc, find another one.
  24. You can talk to your surgeon and anesthesiologist about your concerns....having been through 7 orthopedic surgeries in under 5 years, I understand where you're coming from. You can also request to be awake during the surgery if it's going to be under an hour they'll sometimes do this...they do a scalene block to numb the nerves in the arm and keep you twilight sedated during the arthroscopy. I've never just had an arthroscopy though so not entirely sure. You can also request an ETT be used instead of an LMA due to your past history of airway complications. Good luck
  25. is going to have a sister in law! yay!

    1. spenac


      Were you expecting a brother in law? lol


    2. scubanurse


      well the possibility always exists... I just can't believe my brother found someone who can put up with him

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