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Everything posted by scubanurse

  1. Disgusting but friggin hilarious!
  2. home after a hard game of hockey...another win though...i could get used to this!

  3. -5 outside right now. ouch.

    1. tniuqs


      will trade - 32 when I woke up

  4. playing hockey for the first time in like two months... wish me luck

  5. finally got on some antibiotics so I hope they start working!

  6. First week of classes is over tomorrow... ready for this semester to be over already

    1. medicgirl05


      I feel the same way! Im ready for spring break!!!

  7. Rookie? None of us are rookies... .I think it is you who needs to go read some books, lets start with basic spelling and grammar because you lack both. Storey? let's try that again, it's Story. You come in here making light of other peoples emergencies, pain, and misfortune, and expect us all to laugh along? I do not think so. Please come back when you gain the maturity and composure to conduct yourself in a professional manner.
  8. I fail to see the humor in someone hitting their head until the point of passing out.
  9. The way I learned to improvise a traction splint worked very well. You cut slits in the sides of the hiking book to put webbing or string or clothing through and then lace up the boot nice and snug. You use a tent pole, long thick branch, walking stick, anything firm. You attach the pole to the leg like you would a regular splint, and then make a pully system at the distal end to pull traction.
  10. it's 8 degrees in the sun right now here... so cold!

  11. Things I have used in the wilderness: Pillow Sleeping bag Hiking poles Branches Outter frame backpacks Shoes Clothing Ground pads Camp chairs WFR would be a good course for anyone interesting in hiking. First step in survival in the wilderness is to always be prepared. This means, even for a day hike, anticipate the worst and pack extra layers and depending on your skill/where you are hiking you might want to bring a sleeping bag too. If you go out with the mentality that nothing will happen, and something does, you will be unprepared and could make a situation worse. I have hiked up on inexperienced hikers before where someone has been injured and they had nothing to weather through the night, which is what we ended up doing until some help could arrive. They were in shorts and t-shirts in mid-october where at night, it gets cool. They would have made more problems for themselves if they had to spend the night alone. Take the course, and be prepared.
  12. Meniscus tears suck... I'm putting off an MRI for my knee to rule out one from hockey... As far as altitude goes I know what you're talking about. As you know I've had most of my surgeries in Vail and live in Denver... so driving back into the mountains for the follow ups kills. The swelling increases and pain increases. My surgeon said it was a common complaint post-op for his patients who don't live in the mountains and it's probably the change in the altitude and changes in pressures. Good luck with your knee and let me know if I can do anything to help!
  13. Home from Australia and had a blast... just glad to be home

    1. spenac


      I still can't believe you forgot my ticket so I did not get to go. :)

    2. scubanurse


      you didn't give me your address so I couldn't send it!

    3. spenac


      I was waiting at the airport with all my luggage but my ticket never arrived.

  14. took some great pictures of the eclipse!

  15. 2 days until on a plane to Australia!

    1. spenac


      Wait did you buy me a ticket? :)

    2. scubanurse
  16. Fuck December 9...you're over and I'm glad cause you suck... your date should be removed from existence

    1. Eydawn


      That's both my mum and MIL's birthday lol! It was OK over here...

    2. scubanurse


      Last year we got in a car accident on 12/9 and this year Dustin's wallet was stolen from the locker room at hockey

    3. Eydawn


      Yuck! That really sucks.

  17. Maybe have them check you out for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome... I am a type three, hypermobile and have had all sorts of knee and joint issues. Best of luck to you.
  18. melodrama everywhere!

  19. CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is something you can recover from. I've had it twice following shoulder surgeries... unless it's something else. I was told it's the nerves freaking out and over firing. I remember even a sheet on my arm would cause me to scream out. My cousin who also has EDS got it following ankle surgery a few years ago. For both of us they did regional nerve blocks a few times and put us on anti-seizure medication to calm the nerves down. I have been where you are, and I can tell you, you'll only have the options you give yourself. I am 23 and have had 7 surgeries since I was 17. I have been told not to do certain things, sometimes I have listened others, I didn't stop living my life. Yes I am "crippled", yes there are things I can't do, but there are things I can. Don't give up, keep your chin up, and you'll find another way to help your community.
  20. How come everywhere else in the country and world is getting snow but we aren't!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scubanurse


      no fair! I just want snow :(

    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Skiing is overrated!

    4. fakingpatience


      its been snowing here for a couple days straight... you can have it!

  21. Got into advanced photography!

  22. scubanurse


    I have had a boxers fracture before and could move my wrist and my pinkie finger. I didn't get it checked out and didn't follow the doctors instructions once I did and now have a big bump over the knuckle and still don't have full range of motion. They had put me in a removable cast to keep it from moving but still allow me to bathe etc, and I hardly wore it and now I'm paying the price for it. Get it checked out and listen to the doctors.
  23. I was in a medic unit that was t-boned at an intersection when I was 18 and a senior in high school. I remember immediately afterwards thinking holy crap what just happened. I had been in the back on the bench seat so I hadn't seen it coming. I'm glad you guys are okay, as we were eventually. I'd expect to be shaken the next time you have to drive L&S. Best of luck to you guys and hope nothing like this happens again for you.
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