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Everything posted by scubanurse

  1. Gotchya....sooo why isn't this post locked and deleted yet?
  2. I'mmm confused. I just don't see the point of this?
  3. Back to Denver in the morning...can't wait

    1. spenac


      Rocky Mountain High. I'm not going up there this year.

  4. Off to Texas in the morning

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scubanurse


      yup... got in around 7 last night and having fun with my cousin :)

    3. scubanurse


      stupid small town cops!

    4. brentoli


      Uh oh. How was jail?

  5. Strike started this morning FYI: http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Washington-Hospital-Center-Nurses-Strike-117395623.html
  6. I think it is a good question the patient asked...why didn't they stop. When I think back on the codes that I had run, I find it difficult to believe we would have worked one for 90+ minutes. Great save though and one lucky lucky guy.
  7. I've been watching your posts for quite some time and generally ignore your attitude and posts. What gives? Are you just looking to upset people or do you honestly think what you type is good information? I would love to see you be a floor nurse for one shift and get your ass handed to you.
  8. Getting my custom stick on Friday!

  9. Come CHAT people!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brentoli


      Whatever, kt.

    3. brentoli


      Damnit, I leave, see you in there, come back and youre gone!

    4. scubanurse


      i saw you sign out!

  10. Looks like they are striking over wages and some of the policies in place...http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Washington-Hospital-Center-Nurses-Plan-1-Day-Strike-for-March-116773044.html I know some nurses last year got in trouble from WHC for failure to report due to the blizzards and the unsafe road conditions while other nurses were held for 20+ hour shifts.
  11. stuck in photo lab waiting for idiotic freshman to finish their photos

    1. brentoli


      Freshman suck!

  12. ?? What's happening in Wyoming?????
  13. The nurses at WHC are some of the best I had the chance to work with and put up with a ton of CRAP....but is it ethical of them to strike? The article does not go into contingencies in place to ensure patient safety and care during the strike, but I find it hard to believe the patients won't suffer as a result. The hospital utilizes a lot of LPN's and tech's and I could see them just increasing those positions during the strike, but would that compromise safety? Thoughts? http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/DC-DC-Nurses-Vote-to-Strike-117018123.html
  14. I was never specifically trained to handle these situations but it is a good one to bring up during training. I have run many situations like that as the population in my first due was mostly elderly. I would appeal to their sense of grandmother/father-hood. I would tell them since I am a young provider that if they were my grandmother/father I would want them to get evaluated because what if it happens again and you get hurt more seriously. It generally would work with me and when it didn't, I would go back to the station and call the social workers I knew to go do a home eval with the family to make sure it was still the best place for the patient and assist the family in getting at home nursing care or home placement. good topic
  15. I believe UMBC's program is still a 4-year program and I don't think the OP is interested in another 4 years? Most of the counties in Maryland are not currently hiring. And those that I have experience with require BLS time first with Fire as well. It would take at least a year or until he was off probation to go through their paramedic training. You can also look into Washington Hospital Center's EMT-I program.
  16. Since I see you are in MarylandI would check out Howard CC.... from my experience in talking to them a few years ago they are willing to work with you on credits. Worth checking out. Good luck!
  17. As far as I know there is no University of Columbia only University of the DISTRICT of columbia hence UDC... You will be hard pressed to find any program that is less the 5 weeks and the only time I have heard of that was during the summer at the training academy, we went 8-4 5 days a week for 5 weeks... resources have been provided and I wish you the best of luck...
  18. You mean UDC?? Look into NVCC here: http://www.nvcc.edu/curcatalog/programs/ Best of luck to you!
  19. heard from our friends a few hours ago...thanks. Been a rough few days for the sailing community... And why are you still in the same town as that kid?? just kidding Glad you both are safe.
  20. That's great to hear... I haven't heard from two friend who are in Christchurch currently but I am hoping that it is due to the internet being down right now. My parents were supposed to fly from Syndey to CC today but their travel plans have been postponed. Really happy that you guys are all safe...any word from Kiwi??
  21. Currently enrolled in a nursing program.... nope... no physics required... just biology, chemistry, A&P....along with other core classes
  22. I was fortunate to take Physics in high school which was the perfect amount of information to understand force, kinetic energy, speed vs. velocity... I personally think it helped me in my EMS career.
  23. So the thread about safe vehicles got me thinking tonight. I know there is a tedious debate here over higher education and EMS. I'm not looking to get into that and degree vs non-degree programs. What I am curious about is this, would physics be a good requirement for paramedic just like A&P is in most programs? The thread goes into kinetic energy and it's impact on car crashes, which from my experience are a good chunk of what we run. Would a basic understanding of physics help EMS provide different (not saying better) care? Just curious.
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