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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Sure mate, come downunder and help keep us degree carrying fee paying potential career paramedic borne and bred aussies on the unemployment lists because they gave our jobs we busted our asses to get qualified for to people from the UK and south africa :x :x
  2. Well, thats the most short sighted, ignorant and arrogant post ive seen in a while.........heres a banana for your troubles bojangles :roll:
  3. Oh whinge whinge whinge...... For once id like to see an argument where a US BLS'er tries to justify having ALS instead of justifying why not to have it. BLS NEVER makes sense on its own, and failing to recognise its limitations by arguing against an ALS alternative is as mad as an irish women who takes to pills "To be sure to be sure" :?
  4. Oh jeez, did anyone else notice this?? How does one do this? And is it anything like training a beagle? :shock:
  5. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Buddy, you better lube up and bend over - i have a feeling your about to get nailed to the wall.
  6. This thread should be prescribed reading to insomniacs who dont respond to strong drugs.. :shock:
  7. Ha! Thats a funny line right there, the only thing missing from the end of a line like that is the words "you tosser" 8) :wink:
  8. Oh NO!!!! Not the dreaded "C" word :? :shock: :x :evil: :roll:
  9. Are instead advocating that a suitable level of education is not warranted, a suitable level of education is part of what makes professional bodies a recognised profession. Would you then suggest that Dr's dont need as much education? I find the US system fascinating in the sense that what you guys consider the norm and what others around the world are considering the norm do not even come close to each other - it's like comparing pluto to the sun! I see prilliant people here like Rid, AZCEP, vs, paramedicmike etce etc (and you dusty :wink:) coming up with great arguments as to why education is so important, and the responses are all the same "its not what you know, its how you act", "if that happened, then i couldn't be part of it" or my favourite "you cant make me do that, im a volunteer" Its' like people have no willpower. If you really want it, there are ways to get it. Im setting into motion a plan that will get me the education and qualifications i need to attampt a qualified entry as a paramedic in 3-5 years should i not be able to get employment as a student paramedic. Its gonna be a pain in the arse, but i will get there and i can make it happen, and if not its gonna leave me in a great position to become a kick ass emergency room RN Why is it so hard for people to think outside the current square??
  10. No bitching here. Actually, talking with various people around the country i have come to know in different services, some places will be looking for a 3 year degree and 2 years as a student paramedic before considered qualified, so 5 years in total. Some places are mooting post graduate study of some description in order to be considered to upgrade to intensive care level + 3 or so years on the road as a qualified paramedic. Of course there are those services that still do training in house over a 2 to 3 year period and spit their guys out with a diploma, though im not sure the educational component is of the same quality, hence the movement away from this type of "off the street" recruiting In fact, im almost anticipating this becoming normal mode of operation in the next 5 to 10 years hence why im already looking into post grad study to get ahead of the game :shock:
  11. I vote yes... Aside fromt he above reason of which agree with (but dont have the field experience to go with that opinion, so it fairly hypocritical of myself) i base my opinion on what i believe is morally and ethically correct Besides, at the moment im feeling selfish and need to vindicate three years of school and 20K in fees i owe to the federal government - id hate to see what my opinion is next year when i start my bridging program for RN and post grad IC studies :shock:
  12. I know that i need one, but i lost it with my kar keys, and besides - im a tosser remember:D
  13. Essentially, this discussion has evolved into one where the pros and cons of both evidence based and clinical based medicine are being juxtapositioned with one another, and has really pointed out just how much professions struggle to implement the philosophy that is EBM on a large scale. Its like eating ice cream, you just want to devour and digest it, but if you bite to much, it gives you a headache :? Fascinating! continue all, i will watch on............ 8)
  14. I cant believe you guys are actually arguing about this.............. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  15. While it could be seen as offensive i thought that was bloody funny right there! As for good advice, what he said!
  16. Well Oz, you got me into the books for this, but its completely out of my level of education. The best my brain (for what its worth) can come up with is the sedation effects cause by kappa receptor stimulation in the hypothalamus and the sedatory effect kappa stimulation has on the ANS, including the vagal neurones., This could be wrong, the text was a bit average concerning this (damn tortora) No direct action on the SA node that i can find, but that don't mean much I find in class a lot of the time people over simplify some things, and the SA node stimulation/suppression is often implied to as a direct action on the node, rather than a vagal/CNS effect which i find amusing considering they can still cite atropines effect for systolic arrest, bradycardia and organo phosphat OD Maybe its just a wives tail? I dunno, thanks for the headache Oz
  17. Should have paid more attention, sorry for re-stating your previous post welsh
  18. If the reasoning behind the higher mortality is indeed the cardio vascular effects of morphine sulfate, i wonder then if similar data could be collected on the use of fentanyl instead? Or do we simply allow them to stay in pain, even with GTN and O2?
  19. $1655 I had some re-offences :shock:
  20. Oh dear..... :shock: :shock: :? :? :roll: :roll:
  21. I dont even know what rain looks like let alone snow? :?
  22. I think you would be surprised, America was much popular under Clinton
  23. Yes, its true, i am constantly surrounded by gorgeous women 8)
  24. Asys..... In a few years id like to do some travelling and ride with some different services around the world, and when i do im gonna come to new york and beat on you, i just spat coca cola out of my nose and it hurt... :shock: That was funny man, good stuff!
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