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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. The thing that i dont get with the way people accept and view suicide, are those people that will say "Suicide is so selfish, how could they be so selfish to kill themselves blah blah blah blah blah" and THEN at the same time will go "What about me? what about my feelings? Why didn't they think about me? they must not care about me?......so who's actually selfish here? Think abou it.....
  2. Fair dinkum Buck, thats horse shit There is no comparison between boxing and a blood sport that has the aim of killing your oponent It hasn't got any other section to put it in because it does not belong here....leave this shit on youtube where it belongs If you think being in the ALS section would mean people would go the egostistical route and talk about "swooping in to save the day" your wrong again...unless of cours you are gonna say that the people here will change their morals and ethics for the sake of self glorification.. The stupid thing is, i am an idiot. Even with the warning i thought "how bad could it be?" and clicked that link, and was taken back a year ot so to an MVA where a truck driver ran off the road then bailed out of the cab, only to hit a 5 foot wide gum tree on his way out of the door. Things id rather forget, god im an idiot...... :?
  3. If ever there was a reason, theres one right there!
  4. You would give both Besides the obvious reduction in pain by the conjunctional use of narcs, sedation gives a nice little amnesic effect, so even if they do squirm (the CSN is still going to feel it and respond, though the pain perception may be reduced by the narcs) they are not going to remember just how much it hurt.
  5. - DANGER DANGER WHACKER ALERT - Ok, ok....im buying a pair..... After another bike rider shattering their leg inside their kevlar plated boot ive got the shits with regular trauma shears and im buying a pair. I broke 2 normal pairs of trauma shears the other day cutting leather of a couple of guys so im now a convert Lets see how these babies go
  6. And this has what to do with medico-legal and ethics issues?
  7. :roll: :roll: :roll: LMAO, why does this not catch me off guard anymore?
  8. How can you define "success" and "save" as the same thing? A successful resuscitation has ROSC, does not necessarily mean you have "saved" them from dying?
  9. Sir? LMAO....righto man! I think you mispelled it, shouldn't that be "curr"??? :wink:
  10. Yes Because St John wouldn't over inflate their presence and the coverage in order to stroke their own ego's :roll:
  11. The problem here is people usually refusing to seperate emotions from statistics. Number 1 is a nice to have, but you havn't really saved anything have you? end result is they are still dead Number 2 is a definitive example, where quality of life can be quantified and a person lives to function in a relatively normal manner
  12. LMAO - thats so cool Its a "stent" buddy :wink: OOoohh Bugger! Questioning this scenario is probably even less of a good idea then :? If working in industry has taught me one thing its that it is possible to be lower than a st john forst aider, and that anybody working in private EMS
  13. You bet your booty this would have implications! I can see it now, "St John First Aid Volunteer questions Rural Ambulance Victoria, body found 2 hours later" :?
  14. Oh Timmy, i could tell you the great story of BS that became the CSU degree, and how its not worth nearly as much in contrast to the monash university degree, but that would take a long time. As far is am aware, no, PTO's on NSW dont require a diploma, as NSW still recruits its ambo;s strait off the street. There are pros and cons with this and i think that the victorian services are starting to find out the limitations of graduate entry only programs :?
  15. Bwaaahahahahahaaa Thats funny stuff right there, i dont give a rats who you are! :D/ :laughing6: :wink:
  16. Oz..if its anything like I have had to put up with, Timmy just stood there and got berrated :?
  17. Man.... :shock: If your a stupid person you should be in constant agonizing pain :?
  18. Yes yes, lets do that, lets break the law then falsify the run sheet to cover it up, how altruistic of you! Lets also do whats best for the pt, lets get the medic to shuffle their butt down the bench seat and push the med themself like they are supposed to do :? Bah...rules and laws exist for a purpose people, not to be twisted and re-interpreted and adhered to only when it suits us, geez....simple concept, and anyone who makes excuses not to follow them and even condone behaviour to the contrary should not be in medicine :x
  19. Yes timmy you did the right thing mate, just think when your a medic down the track about how much better you will get along with people having been on the recieveing end of this BS :? I can tell you a few stories where ambo's have done this, one of them when i asked if i could have a replacement cc0collar, took it off the patient and gave it back, then put another collar on the patient :!: Dumbasses! Good dose of civility for their over inflated sense of self imprtance would go along way, or a smack on the jaw Its nice to know that this doesn't just happen in NSW
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