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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Not in EMS, but when you consider the largest fire service in the world is here, with all 79 thousand vollies manning it, ive seen my fair share :shock:
  2. Deffinately a phrase that gets tossed around a lot..................
  3. I used that article in an assignemnt last year. The lecturer liked it so much she had it copied and given to every other student in the class :shock:
  4. Ive just found my new job description!
  5. Yeah! Tossers! The whole lot of em are tossers 8) :wink:
  6. Wowz! Yuz soz coolz! If i searched hard enough, i bet i could find every one of those stupid cliche's here on the city at least twice.. Rule 41: Posting lists of cliche'd phrases on EMS forums makes you look like a tosser :roll:
  7. I love it, and those services who didn't drop the ball on this will benefit greatly. Pity that those who decided it was beneath them for whatever reason will just be pilfering from others hard work, rather than co-devloping the data :?
  8. These three had me laughing my head off.... and..... and... Gold mate, absolute gold!
  9. Hehehe.... I get the feeling this will be a good read when its done 8)
  10. Im surprised you didn't have fire monkey in there mate And who refuses to wear thongs? thongs are a great piece of footware! :?
  11. Please forgive my ignorance, but what is HIPPA?
  12. Oh god, you know what i reckon ill end up describing that to a psychiatrist on day :shock:
  13. Sounds to me like you just put up with having crap hung on you :shock:
  14. Dust, its a movie titled emergency EMS POV, and all it is is a video of a whacker car with its beacons on inside a dark shed
  15. Hey You come onto a website where opinions and debate is what makes those forums great places to be, you expect to be called on an opinion and i would expect nothing less to towards any opinion i voice. There are 2 things you can do, you can choose to nut things out in a constructive discussion, or you can take your bat and ball and go home which you have chosen to do - thats fine with us that your choice. If you feel this has been an attack you are either very easily offended, have misread the tone of the posts presented or have never truly been personally attacked before I for one have seen no personal attacks carried out on any one in this thread, just discussion on opinion regarding the scenario at hand Balls in your court................
  16. When one of your droids says "i forgot to pick up the beer"
  17. You know, i know a few people that descriptopn would fit that perfectly :?
  18. :shock: I think you may get a backlash form that one mate :twisted:
  19. Thought about it, but lets face it, if shira cannot see whats so blatantly wrong with her statement then whats the point? :? Maybe vs-eh? will do it for us -EDIT- Actually i will Shira, you can qualitate and quantify formal education, training and responsibility. Each will be different for EMT and Medic. You can only quantify personal experience, not qualitate it. All this equals the medic being worth more money But im guessing there will be little use debating this, the people on these forums whose extensive education and experience will be termed as basic bashers and instead of having an educated opinion on the matter, they will be palmed off as another gripe from the resident paragods :?
  20. Replace the drug kit with a portable barbecue, the oxygen kit with a gas cylinder and the trauma bag with an exky and meat, replace your helmet with one of the helmest that beer cans attach to I see a pattern forming here............
  21. LOL...do you think that the Johnny's in Aus came up with that uniform on their own? They stole it strait from the UK mate
  22. MUWaahahahaaha! and the big fella passes the post!
  23. Charge the cop for negligent driving Charge the FF for driving like a twit
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