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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Crikey! I could think of cheaper SAED's to buy, especially when only "Some" of your people can read ECG's :shock:
  2. Hehe Theoretical (at least on my part) This is what was described to me by a bloke who did a lot of work with physio control and laerdal, said they developed the technology but people were scared of it, most of what they did ended up in SAED's anyway
  3. It will pick up the electrical impulses from the person touching the patient. Its like that ECG (dont know if youve seen it) that looks like 2 PQRS complexes overlapped and its of 2 children holding hands while 1 is hooked to a monitor. The same technology is also in SAED's, in case someone touches the patient as you press the shock button Im told its sensitive enough so that if the patient is laying in a pool of water and you touch the water they are laying in it will also detect you :shock:
  4. Urban legend Full automatic defibrillators will detect the presence of a second person and cancel the shock. In order to accidently get shocked there is a margin of error that is the several one thousandth of a second in which it will not have time to detect and override the shock, which is a much smaller margin for error than an SAED The reason we fear the FAED is not really because it is dangerous or less safe than an SAED, but because we can control one and not the other. We have to feel we have control, or it makes us unwary
  5. I shit you not....i found the 4th edition of that book in a bargain bin at uni for 8 bucks! Awesomeness!
  6. By maquerading and inferior product at the same standard as a medic at half the price. While EMS'ers may not necessarily believe this, joe public and the bean counters will fall for it every time. they are driven by the bottom line
  7. Must suck that those colonial bastards turned out better than you eh?
  8. LMAO! 8) Nice to see your cranial seafood bisque is working, as mine is suffering cerebral flatulance obviously! :shock:
  9. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Do you revell in finding an argument?
  10. I thought youd be one to love the smell of napalm in the morning now if i can just remember what flick that line cam from :?:
  11. I took out my leatherman and performed a c-section on the spot wait wait......Im dying and im pregnant? :shock:
  12. wait a second...let me get this out of my system............. BUUUUWAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA! But i will have to quote something from my favourite magazine "On return to england, the english cricket team will be burned at the stake, and their ashes scattered on the pitch at lords so the australians may walk over the top of them for generations to come!"
  13. You know i had to go back and actually see if i wrote that? Been a while since i looked at this thread :?
  14. How would removing the roof have made any real difference to the way this was done...except remove a rescue unit 40km from its base and standing around waiting a long time? Volunteer fire here is not rescue capable (in this state anyway)
  15. Thats cool mate.. I was having one of those moments where you have trouble picking a the "tone" of the text later..
  16. Disclaimer...i have not done cardiology yet Systole from QRS to end of the T wave has rapid intra/extra cellular changes in electrolyte balances and takes in phases 0, 1,2 and 3 Diastole is during the resting state where the electrolytes are at equilibrium (resting membrane potential) and there is complete rest i.e no mechanical, electrical or electrolyte movement and constitutes phase 4 One has electrolyte movement, the other does not...at least thats what i get out of the Dubin book :? Its most likely wrong but i thought id have a crack anyway 8)
  17. When us "civilised" people of the western world started taking "civil" action for rediculous complaints. It sucks royally, but unless required to stop i can fully understand a persons reluctance not to based on this exact reason Having said this i dont have a position on this as a do not know my local legalities enough to make an informed opinion :?
  18. :laughing6: :sign5: :sign3: LMAO...that was funny....
  19. Although a new hand at EMS, im reasonably well experienced at fire and assisting with extrication. Most windws are busted by the accident anyway, so i think ive done this twice now. One was a back window to extricate the pt through, the other was a rear side window to get someone in the back as the doors were that buckled we could not get them open
  20. Well, let me break it to you....... See that little flag under bradlai's name? Thats the flag of Hong Kong, so my guess is that english language and all its twists and turns are probably not bradlai's forte Pull your head in, not everybody here is from the english speaking world
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