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Everything posted by Defiant1

  1. more like mortally wounded, with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel in the mud
  2. yeah well aunty grammar was getting old, it was really only a matter of time, besides her rebellious daughter is HOT
  3. goodbye common sense, how we will miss thee, and doesn't he have a brother who's dying too? proper spelling i think is his brother's name.
  4. so THAAAAAATS what you do, the look on the bicyclists face just as the EMT was about to use the paddles on him was hilarious, bet he recieved a "shocking" experiance
  5. Talking about a meet-up again? well if this one pulls through I might be able to go, although it varies depending on what mother thinks (yes I know it's sad that I need my mothers permission when I'm 20 years old and I'm an EMT) and on if I have school then, but heck I'd love to go and get hit on by Jess... I mean meet Jess and everyone else
  6. Tell them over and over that the all you can do is give them BEST treatment that you can, and that what happens from there will happen, because not everyone can be saved. I wish someone would have told me that before I had my first DOA patient even though I knew it was a fact, it still would have been nice to hear it from someone else.
  7. silence..... I KILL YOU!!!! a, c, phlegm..... remember children location location location, lol jefafah doneham is hilarious
  8. oh my god :shock: my brother is a garbage man and i've had to help him a few times on the route, and his boss is a former EMT... >.< GAH! i never thought of it that way darn it. ok that is just creepy when you think about it though
  9. that was erm.......... interesting. to say the least, at first it looked like they were gonna have a cat fight, but dang, i bet the white guy got some brain damage from that. scott
  10. bushy, maybe you should lay off the schoolin for a while, i think you're loosing it, that or the heat's gettin to ya
  11. yeah, i get those alot, i read them because i think they're funny, especially when they're from "princess's" then once i've read them i just mark them as spam.
  12. lmfao, yep, definetly true about texas, texas is actually a part of heaven, california just sucks hahahhaha. love ya Tx_EMT_19
  13. Defiant1

    What the...

    wow, we used a thread for this? we all know what they're doing. :twisted: mind in gutter children, mind in gutter. that's all i'll say
  14. when will teens learn that WE ARE NOT INVINCIBLE? it's a sad truth, I learned this when my classmate died. How many more must die before this is changed? I mean come on, Wisconsin will just slap ya on the wrist for not wearing your seat belt ($10 fine, but as far as I know it isn't a moving violation) it may have changed, but I don't recall hearing anything. We can only hope that people will wise up about it.
  15. Dude, don't worry about it, I have ADHD and I passed the written test, my brother has the same disability AND more and he has a CDL; just remember what you learned in class, and study hard, you should be able to pass registry. good luck, scott
  16. AK, you come back alive and in one piece or else, lol. good luck stay safe and don't do anything i'd do. scott
  17. about 6, yeah, but i sti act like i'm two 8)
  18. so does this mean that i actually have to actually need to have a real emergency if i'm in, i don't know, saaaayyy... indianapolis and jeni or wendy are working in the back of an ambulance, or if i'd go to pennsylvania by where gracey lives, or down in MO where k8 and cntry live, or in georgia where jrenee works? suck, lol. oh well
  19. death to you by sharpened hot dogs! lol. odd way to die vs, but i actually think your avatar is somewhat nice
  20. ummm, how about this, a while back i was on call doing work experiance down at the squad building, when tones dropped, turned out it was for a heart attack, so we had 2 students and one EMT-IT (I-85) in back. me and the other student had our training permits so we could care for the patient as long as we had a preceptor. anyway, lets just say it was a perfect text book code. we got there, did CPR, got a combi-tube in him, had shocked him with the defib, and en-route to the hospital, we had restarted his heart, so when we intercepted with the paramedics, we just had to switch over to there ventilator machine thing. we had a line started on him and stuff, so once we got the medics in our rig and we had someone to drive the medic's rig, we continued on to the hospital. fast forward about a month, our squad was having a little awards ceremony, i received an award from the patient i had helped save, him and his wife gave me a hug and said thank you. i was of course at a loss for words. but yeah, that was like the coolest thing for me.
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