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Everything posted by Defiant1

  1. I saw the same type of thing on The Happening, pretty sad though that a 12 year old had to die because of the stupidity of one person, my question is was there alcohol involved in this incident?
  2. The only problem with playing that song while doing CPR is fighting the urge to actually dance, and even after theres a major possibility of the patient wanting starting to disco in the ICU when they wake up :shock: The real question is, do you then throw them out or do you send them to the psych ward???
  3. Terri may have done a lot but she still has gone through a lot of chatroom husbands. In fact she's had more husbands than I've had even online relationships. :shock:
  4. Yeah but most schools use Windows computers, not to mention the fact that Gates dominates the American market with his XP, the only thing that could bring the downfall of Microsoft is Vista. Though I wouldn't mind taking a look at the Mac's O/S. And as for the pulling a laptop out of an envelope, still not that impressive as pulling one out of your pocket.
  5. Wow so big, my dell mini-9 has only an 8.9 inch display, I can fit it in the side pocket of my EMS BDU pants, I'll stick to my mini laptop for travel and my old 1501 for at home
  6. I agree but at what point does it stop being protecting the general public and start breaking First Amendment rights of freedom of speech?
  7. The real question is would not allowing videos like that to be posted on Youtube, Google video, etc. really have an impact on the teen suicide rate? If a teen is determined that they want to die they won't go watch people do it, they'll go do it themselves.
  8. The blood is fake, it was added after the thing was filmed. The guy didn't actually kill himself on cam for the world to see, besides how many gun shots have shimmering puddles of blood on the wall?
  9. my service doesn't, its an individual choice, even though i think they're a good idea
  10. how about carbon monoxide? or is there a separate detector for everything still?
  11. Either that was a reeeeally bad driver, or I wanna know how they got that rig into the house. And wouldn't that suck if that wasn't Hank and it wasn't Hanks house?
  12. Makes you wonder if they have beer/ alcohol flavored air and if so does it make you intoxicated? I had seen them in the Pikes Peak/ Breckenridge area and wondered just that.
  13. Will we get any sort of payment or government jobs if we vote for Dust? Gotta look out for my best interests of course
  14. that's so bad.... yet it's so adorable at the exact same time, strange
  15. if you mean in the "no ding" area, they can still cause them because of the fact they still have an area that the need clear in order to open far enough to allow someone to get out
  16. looks cool, but would probably require turning it into a "convertible" to get the people out in an accident if you can't open the door :shock: , but just think how fast it would go with just 4 pillars to cut
  17. damn that was funny, i'm sending that one to my fiance :twisted:
  18. what ever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME"? or am I the only one who got the memo that words are harmless, it's the people who give the word meaning that can make it offensive
  19. I'm not saying I'm an expert parent, and does my disability being in the same spectrum as one of the 2 kids give my argument no merit? I have a good feeling of what the other passengers on the plane went through, as my brother is about as close to the lower achieving autism as you can get while still being a functional member of society, a lot of times I will actually deny he's my brother in public because of his actions (imagine being around someone who barks constantly, welcome to my world). Its impossible to deal with people with autism sometimes, the mother should have anticipated that there would be problems and planned accordingly, which from the sounds of it she did not.
  20. They have autism.... yeah, your point? I have aspergers, in other words I have high achieving autism, I behave like I should in public. If you can't control your dang kids in public (here's a novel idea) DON'T TAKE THEM OUT IN PUBLIC!!!! This is what happens when the ability to punish children is taken away from parents,
  21. oh crap.... i mean um congratulations for Teri, i just would like to know who she payed to pass congrats Teri, just have to make jokes at your expense for passing
  22. :shock: that's just sick
  23. that is funny, but I think lil Susie has a thing for the marines... wow only 8 years old and already is attracted to a man in uniform
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