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Everything posted by chaser

  1. :roll: :roll: study avoidance doesn't work... and hey, who said anything about porn?? You have a dirty mind mister. I am princess, therefore untouchable. Right DQ??
  2. Hey, you are supposed to be studying. Log off and get back to your books.
  3. Yes, by all means, list out everything you have done. It will definitely spell out your experience and maturity. Oh, and spell check is your friend.
  4. LMAO I read that and thought it was some new code that was over my head.
  5. When I worked in human resources, I never wanted to see a resume with more than one page. Waste of time. My $.02, be concise, highlight your education and experience. You can elaborate when you get an interview. And, never forget the importance of a cover letter (also, one page). Good luck.
  6. Can we ask what meds he is on for the neuro condition (or any meds he is taking)? Possible Todd's paralysis following seizure. Any confirmation from other sources he has never had a seizure before? I'm assuming the blood from mouth is due to him biting his lip or tongue but is there something that would show otherwise?
  7. Sleddog asked that, it was 156.
  8. Can you smell AOB or he merely appears intoxicated by behavior and speech?
  9. LMAO emtsave, I guess I wasn't the only one to notice that
  10. Would you just teach them regardless of credits?
  11. is this old jazz cat hip enough??? How about cats playing poker?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRf9AJSbHy4 How about a little time out for a music break............sometimes there could be more than meets the eye, just a feeling....
  13. I think either of your suits would be appropriate, as long as you are comfortable in them. Nothing is worse then fidgeting around and adjusting your clothes. It makes you appear insecure. Details are important. For example, clean nails, no cologne or very mild, make sure you shave, etc. Try to relax and be yourself. Good luck.
  14. "woman rang police to report a theft of cannabis plants she had been growing in buckets at her North Island home...."I am a good person. I am sick of these low-lifes stealing my things,"..." The flippin' nerve of some people. Dang low lifes. Is there no honor???? :x
  15. I would leave the O2, never know when they could have SOB for some reason or another.......
  16. I don't think you need to apologize. I did watch as I had heard about this fire but hadn't heard any details. I didn't watch the entire video- I got the idea of the situation after only a couple minutes. But anyway, we all have the choice to watch or not watch. But my heart goes out to all those involved.
  17. I like ladyemt's idea regarding the first aid kit. However, forget the first aid suplies and stock it with....well, use your own imagination. :wink:
  18. You know Wendy T, for someone who posts crap like this http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=103791#103791 to judge someone else really ticks me off. Its 3am, I have been up all night with a sick child, and have no patience or tolerance for holding my tongue about your childish posts.
  19. hmmmm, ok. I am curious what drug dosages you are referring to.
  20. 10.Queen Mary having bottom scraped 9.Smokers are productive, but death cuts efficiency 8.Prostitutes appeal to Pope 7.Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkersr 6.Stud Tires Out 5.Autos killing 110 a day, let's resolve to do better 4.Reagan Wins on Budget, But More Lies Ahead 3.Sadness Is No. 1 Reason Men and Women Cry 2.Teen-Age Girls Often Have Babies Fathered By Men and the number 1... Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
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