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  1. take it, my cats will have something to do, I leave my husband, you can have him. :twisted:
  2. Then why call EMS, remember you said; ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It's not like your going to change their mind anytime soon over the slitting of their wrists. Theresa said a medic partner I think of hers said he showed a patient the correct way of slitting and now he's serving time. It's not only people in general doing this, medics who are burnt out do it too, does that make them anyless of a human being? Those who actually do it leave no note behind and several days later you find them when someone calls and says the apartment 1 floor above has a smell coming from it and you find a rotting corpse.
  3. take it, I love anything gold . . .take my ladybug costumes complete with red tights, for hallowsEVE, something Ak would look lovely in :wink:
  4. Don't worry you maynot be catholic, but I am. :wink:
  5. I think you missed what Arizonaffcep said, I immagine that a more accurate saying would be "medics are the closest things to doctors/surgeons in the field." How Long Could You Survived Chained to a Bunk Bed with a Velocirraptor? Take the challenge. http://www.bunkbeds.net/velociraptor/
  6. WendyT

    My MySpace

    You think your appalled, I'm appalled at my niece and her fiance over this, well I'm not going to their wedding, which will be in Jamaica in Dec 08. Oh they were too kind to invite my nephew into it, he's from my sister in law's side. I happened to mention to them about this and they didn't care and so I said who am I to you, chopped liver on rye? Anyways that was on facebook, not myspace. I guess the name Aunty means nothing to them,
  7. take it, I need all the goo gone I can get, how about a bottle of aspirin enough to last you a year. :wink:
  8. Read my blog there is a statement I wrote, perhaps if we did something, knew before hand, would he still be alive? I attended a funeral wednesday for an 18 yr old who committed, his uncle found him the next day in the garage. There was no letter, except for the one the ex-girl friend wrote to him. I watched as his mother held the box in which his cremated remains were as she kissed her only child one last time. You may be angry how stupid people are when they do stupid things like this, but where's your compassion, didn't God or buddha or whatever you believe teach you anything. I may not understand where it is you come from or are coming from, or what ground you hide in but like you I'm angry too, but I'm also sad because my friend had to bury her son, who was hurting and I guess he made the wrong decision in life. So what does this tell us, it tells us that NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, DON'T PROCEED TO DO HARM TO YOURSELF, REACH OUT-WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. www.snodgrassfuneralhomes.com under the name: Cody Grier found in Service Annoucments
  9. If you look at it this way Dust, no matter the shortage where ever, I know 2 guys that were medics gave up the field to become cops, because we now have a gang problem in our city, they graduate soon. As for the Doctors who knows what they were thinking, wasn't there a medic on here who was going to school to become a doctor. Anyway Medic's are almost like surgeons/doctors in the field.
  10. I vote that Dustdevil be Prez of the good ole USA and Akflight be his sidekick. I over heard at one of our hospital's, 2 doc's saying that in a few yrs time, more and more doc's will be working ambulance because of the shortage in personnel.
  11. This video clearly states that this person who is about to gut this guy's shoulder out with a very large knife, perhaps should have their head examined. I've heard horror stories and watched other videos such as this. A friend of mine, her son went to the hospital by ambulance, because of the huge boil on his backside and the pain as he puts it, unbearable and something else was wrong but it wasn't mentioned and when the doctor lanced it it was like a fountain of pus shooting out. And it left a crator and so it was packed with gauze soaked Iodine. http://www.machovideo.com/video/Bursting_z...h_a_knife_8607/
  12. Who invented the light bulb to begin with? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison When the bulb explodes how to remove it without cutting one's fingers . . . cut a potato in half, take the other half and screw it into the broken bulb and twist and the bulb will come out.
  13. Given factor's since he was stung so many times that makes the epi-pen not nearly helpful enough and benedryl pills or liquid? Sweating profusedly, throat closing, given the distance of him mowing the lawn from his house, running to his house only makes the venom work faster against him. So I can see why it's not working, to many bee's, had it only been one or 3 bee's it might work. But a whole swarm is not good. I'm surprised he's NOT dead yet! :wink:
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