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Everything posted by chaser

  1. You haven't stated what your current job is, but there are jobs you can do that can help you along and flex with your schedule. When I was in college I worked at the local hospital. Lots of perks; flexible hours (I worked evenings or graveyard) to accommodate my classes, halfway decent pay, and the staff was very willing to share their knowledge (best perk). And I bought Starbucks, early on, good perk but aside the point. Best of luck to you
  2. Interesting DQ, is this what you do? And how does that work for you????
  3. oh, never mind, thought this was about something else...
  4. Just makes you smile (well, at least me).
  5. Please don't (defer), I promise I won't hit you.
  6. From the dates of these studies, doesn't look as though its just in. And regardless how its presented, I wouldn't consider domestic violence to be a bigger problem for men than it is for women. (I never said it didn't exist) Lies, damn lies, and statistics. You can manipulate them to prove any standpoint.
  7. OK Arnold, I'll bee here. I certainly don't want to butt heads or milk this topic anymore. Cheers. 8)
  8. Don't you hate euthusiasm? What an awful trait, after all, most posting on the threads are always so appropriate and un-offensive :roll: . And, as always, posted :love5: with due respect DQ. Lola
  9. What does a blow up object do with a sheep? Oh well, forget I asked- I probably don't want to know, after all he is just a Kid.
  10. Wow, a flippin' Rocket Scientist with way too much time on his hands. He is just now catching on that ad's may be deceiving us.... :roll:
  11. http://www.psychovision.ch/synw/synchronicity_jung.htm
  12. guess you didn't get a happy meal. And, I think your post belongs in "random babblings that amount to nothing". Oh, there isn't that thread. I wonder why....??????????.
  13. Are you kidding? Unfortunately, I don't think this is the last we will hear regarding this. Some doorknob can sue because his coffee is too hot. I do agree I don't think this family wanted their happy meal "this happy"....but really, *shit happens, get over it. And, JPINFV, I love your post, what a classic!
  14. Jeez Michael, I didn't mean that resourceful............
  15. Was I smug? To shed some light, I can check my own oil, and change it. Just never been the mousey type, and I wouldn't want to appear to be a dipstick. :wink: Most of us girls are pretty resourceful.
  16. How many "Men" does it take? Thank God there are no light bulbs to change.
  17. Consider which you would push if there was that option.
  18. I kept thinking why it took so long for anyone to react? They all stand around and wring their hands until someone finally arrives to shoot the poor lion (who is only being a lion). You think they could have had some sort of tranquilizer or dart gun readily available. Jeez, they are working with a lion, not a bunch of goats. Surprising no one thought there just might be a potential for a bad situation. :roll:
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