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Everything posted by chaser

  1. chaser


    No, but by not checking it out places it in the category of censorship by proxy. Why not check all things out, and make a decision from there?
  2. I am curious Doc, why would you think that?
  3. chaser


    I think it sounds interesting, I will see it. I see nothing wrong with checking it out. From that point on, you can draw your own conclusions and opinions, and if you feel so inclined, do your own further research. By merely boycotting by association seems a bit narrow minded.
  4. Oh face it Dust, you like getting spanked, who do you think you are kiddin' ? (sorry, couldn't help it. Glad you all kissed and made up. On with the thread, and welcome Kat!).
  5. This cracks me up! This was exactly what I was thinking.... Personally, I would never let anyone grab my neck and twist it, regardless of them calling themselves "doctors". But I will eat a double whopper quarterpounder.
  6. That picture was quite disturbing....... And p.s. Marty, go DAWGS!
  7. I would love one, that is, only if you sign it. Will I be able to see it? :wink:
  8. sorry for the double post, I was going to hold my tongue, but couldn't......... I would say so, as your post is extremely disturbing for many reasons. What does this mean? Define appropriate in terms of caring for your child. He won't bash him against the wall for crying but will change diapers? The child gets water every 3 hours but he won't feed him? Where do you draw the line? You stated you have seen and experienced this before, therefore you should recognize red flags when you see them. I have no clue what this means, would he care more for your child if you made more money? Regardless, this is no way relevant. He is either part of the family and cares for the family, or not. I realize I am being harsh with you, but I feel it is justified. Wake up and put your child first.
  9. Dog in an ambulance, could have gone elsewhere.... but how about this How about Criss Angel making G. Bush disappear?
  10. Just curious, what was that? Well, somethings are worth a comment. Happy Anniversary Ruff! Congrats
  11. Happy Father's Day to all those Dads out there!!!! For those of you looking for the perfect gift for that special guy, why just get a tie or socks? Why not go all out???? Here's a thought: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN-qxVNKfeA
  12. Gotta love lego land, they don't even need any "ambulance drivers" Ok, how about a rabbi, priest, and a duck entering a bar?
  13. Hopefully she will get a square deal as the facts of this case trickle down. Who are wee to laugh at someone else's foley. In all fairness, it would be best for us to just let this go. However, maybe she shouldn't get off Scott Free, depends on how you look at past precedent. Not to be a stooly, but it appears as if this is not her first theft offense. It appears there are some skid marks on her record.
  14. ^^^ I suppose we are Richard, but it is hard to cut the flow of the thread mid stream.
  15. Lets hope they don't put the squeeze on her.....
  16. Ok ok, I quit. Can't top that one (brown noser)
  17. I have to agree Dust, butt I heard she is hiring a private dick to help her get to the bottom of this case. Ur-ine for a long wait if you think she will let this go. She was quite pissed earlier, got all upset and flushed. Her lawyer, who is a bit of an ass, kept telling her sh*t happens and don't be so anal, butt she really wants to wipe the slate clean.
  18. Maybe he didn't want 2 ply her with questions, I'm sure the truth with leak out with time. Perhaps he was just pooped and wanted a rest for a bit. It is a big job.
  19. It certainly is. I will give you a gold star and 1K points
  20. I am wondering if you are ok in car as long as you have no seat belt on? If you don't want to answer thats cool. I'm not being sacrastic or making fun of you in any way, I am just curious.
  21. No, before you all do. Let it go. Good dog. Sit. Stay.
  22. Too late......... :twisted: 8 1 (of course to you, only kiddin' :wink: )
  23. I use #1 and #8 all the time. Although my BF uses #5, in which I have to respond with #3.
  24. Emmy, http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...&highlight= Maybe you could let us know if anything has been helpful to you. You have received some good advice.
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