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Everything posted by akflightmedic

  1. Do you live in a multi-level home and have you recently taken out any policies on your loved ones? Just checking before we tell you "how to get away with it".
  2. OSHA did try to mandate it, however now they use the CDC guidelines as their default position. The CDC strongly recommends it....
  3. No it makes your employer shitty for only providing one bed.
  4. Do a search for Algebra in the forums, there are some great threads from 2005 and 2007 concerning this very topic. I even recall me specifically saying exactly what LS just said.... Anyways, there is a 2 year degree poll thread from 2007 which has some great comments from Rid, Dust,VS-eh, and many others...also I remember a certain medic wanna be at that time saying oh man when I become a medic...yadda yadda yadda....you know who you are, right ole man?
  5. Nice try Lonestar, but we all see through this...it is so obvious that this is a white dude wearing makeup...see some of it on his collar. Additionally, that is the most fake black accent I ever heard and his hair is not nearly nappy enough. And finally, look at his name...that is a white name if I ever seen one!
  6. What about those who are half-black or quarter black??? And is this only a concern if they are black/white mixes; what if they are Puerto Rican mixes with Black? Do the freebies apply based on percentages? Speaking of racism, let us talk about the issues blacks force upon other "blacks" within their communities on those who are mixed blood. To deny this happens would be an outright lie.
  7. Wow...who knew this day would come eh?
  8. Very impressive to have lived such a long and amazing life. Some might even wonder if he is now SOMEWHERE reconnecting with the love he left behind...just being himself with no pressure.
  9. Whoa, whoa whoa!!! Hold yer horses!!! First, I think everyone has gone way off course here. The new poster and young one at that is obviously a very eager beaver but we have had many of those over the years. What is different is he came to us with very well thought out questions, explained himself well, used proper paragraph breaks and grammar...and then we give him the shits?? WTF over? Yes, some of his thought processes are skewed but Doczilla quickly addressed them in a very professional way. The OP took them personally and replied with slight attitude but nothing in the way of what we have seen in years past. This "kid" obviously has set the bar very high for himself and has taken many steps to achieve it; he is asking for a little assistance steering the ship back on course. I think we all should recognize his potential and instead of breaking him down further, chime in with your own input on how best he can proceed. To the OP, take a minute to breathe and relax. Do not take everything said personally, instead simply consider it as constructive criticism and advice to be heavily considered against what you know to be true about yourself and then make an informed decision from there. Doczilla took time from his exceptionally busy life...one which would impress you if you knew him and gave you very direct answers. He even posed questions to you which were disregarded as being "talked down to". Go back and read his post again and then get back to us. Ak Sends...
  10. If you are going to become a RN and then sign up, why not do your BSN and then sign up as an officer?? Regarding mid east medic contract work: The odds are pretty good after you complete your two year paramedic degree program and get 3-5 years of busy 911 experience that the USA will still be at war somewhere...then people will hire you for sure!
  11. If you are seriously moving to Florida, you are wasting your time doing fire academy in any other state. Go to firehouse.com, there are tons of threads dedicated to this very topic concerning Florida. Florida does not hand out reciprocity. There is a challenge process but it is very difficult and very rare that someone completes it. FL Fire Academy is 450 clock hours, it is 6 months part time or 3 months full time. It is run like a boot camp at most places and there are long waiting lists to get in.
  12. I say this with all seriousness...Take a college level AnP I and II class. I became a medic before doing these courses. If I could redo my education, they would have come first. I am not ashamed to say, I learned many new and useful things relevant to my practice as a paramedic. The amount of understanding the "why" we do something is absolutely amazing. If you are hungry for knowledge this will quench it. Additionally, you will breeze through medic school if you complete these two classes and truly apply yourself. Your will have a better understanding of how and why medicines work on certain conditions, why some treatments should be withheld, your overall patient care knowledge toolbox will be stuffed! If you are sincere in your effort to learn more and become better at this career, then college level courses are the answer.
  13. Congratulations everyone! I intentionally avoided this conversation until it was over as I did not wish to cast a vote or be voted for. Dwayne and those who contributed have made very wise decisions and I do not disagree with the selections. What a very difficult process this must have been but I am happy you did this with open eyes, assessing all potential candidates and making very accurate judgments. Strong work Dwayne!
  14. You asked for insight and this is all I have to offer... You stated visually the leg seemed all right" on scene but it was not until you cut the pant leg at the ER did you see what had truly occurred. This was a trauma patient, an elderly one who is very, very high on the susceptibility to fracture from a seemingly benign mechanism category. You did not see the injured area with your eyes until you arrived at the ER. You did perform an exam with palpation and maybe lifted pant leg some but did not pull down or remove pants...correct? Knowing that elderly bones break easier, knowing she is female (low calcium, high pain tolerance)a more thorough VISUAL exam should have been performed. It is justifiable and the patient would more than likely allowed it. Is this what happened or am I assuming the wrong things from what you wrote?
  15. Richard, those questions from Crotchity were for the original poster...not you.
  16. One 12 hour ride along per month is more than adequate for an EMT B to be able to practice/maintain his skills. Research Dr. Tober in Florida..he had a similar requirement for his Fire Paramedics, yet even that small of a request proved to be too much effort for them. If the town FD is truly supportive and this is their legitimate reasoning, help them develop a plan where the guys are rotated on an ambo for 6-12 hours a month. However intentionally delaying the arrival of a vehicle with higher level of care and thus affecting the transport times of a patient to definitive care is ethically wrong and should not be tolerated. This is a gross injustice to the patient in the here and now simply for the benefit of the EMTs knowledge on a future potential patient.
  17. http://www.cracked.com/article_18983_5-complaints-about-modern-life-that-are-statistically-b.s..html
  18. I have posted on this school several times. They are legitimate and I have refreshed my National 3 x now and am getting ready to do #4 using them. They are a brick and mortar school licensed and approved by state of Florida. You download the refresher and it takes several days (due to work schedules) to complete. After completion, you mail it in for review. You must answer in complete sentences and they check for accuracy. After they grade it, you receive a certificate stating you took 48 hours of medic refresher. For the record, I have never been able to complete it without using the internet, textbooks and multiple medical resource books so it is an active refresher because it does require you to perform research. I always learn something new as a result of my researching as well. I have had no issues with NR or state of FL re-certifying me using them. By the way, it is NOT an online refresher...it is HOME STUDY.
  19. Whew!!! Thought you were going for a Billy Joel remix there for a minute....We didn't start the fire....
  20. Ahhh...but that is the problem...the powers that be who wish to insert "their belief system" into the legal system and feel it is justified since it is theirs...with complete disregard for all the other cults you mentioned. And I do not know why I even tolerate Crotchity anymore...he is a black firefighter here, but on another site he is a flight medic with many years experience...
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