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Everything posted by akflightmedic

  1. State benefits and retirement? 50K per execution?? Sign me up!!
  2. Amusing conversation but to analyze it (AK Style)...to the one who says shut the hell up you dont know anything about kids...this is one case where not knowing what you dont know is ok is my book....if someone hates kids, by all means maintain that attitude. I prefer it over them actually having kids and then confirming what they already knew all along.
  3. As most of you are aware, I opened a clinic in Afghanistan. Due to business being more than what I planned initially, I am in need of a PA...very soon. If you know one who has a desire to come over, please put them in touch with me. No details will be discussed here, I will speak to them one on one. If they have no desire to start with, nothing I say will change that. If they have a desire, then we will start negotiations privately. Thanks everybody in advance!
  4. Yay for me! I finally have opened my private medical clinic in Afghanistan. I have several contracts, have seen several patients in 2 days time and am negotiating several more contracts and have two bids being currently worked on. Some more of my staff arrive tomorrow and then my brother arrives next week. Been a long time a coming, but here it is, here I am...fail or succeed...I gave it my all!!! Sorry to anyone who doesn't care or is not interested but I have been working on developing and launching this project for over 18 months. It is no easy feat securing venture capital, jumping through government red tape, ensuring compliance with all safety codes/regulations, hiring staff, etc so I am glad to have survived all these headaches and am patting myself on the back!! To those who knew and were supporting me during this project, I thank you and now the journey really begins...
  5. They always come back, never fails. I remember all too well the insanity of LFC. Sometimes wish some people would stay gone, but then again we would not have any drama or fresh drama. Who is going to show up next...Vent????
  6. You SAW me doing that??? Oh wait, wrong word nevermind...
  7. Quoted because it is rare that I find something Crotchity and I agree on 100%...I could go on about this post/topic for hours, but you summed it up nicely.
  8. \ To play devil's advocate, you must have me confused with someone who works for the airline or is licensed under that medical director. Since neither of those two are the case and if I decide to cease efforts yet the MD disagrees...well then I guess the stewardess needs to get on the microphone and ask if anyone else would like to assist. Easy cheesy...
  9. If it wasn't a livable wage, we would have major shortages across the nation. However, we have a surplus in most areas and thousands upon thousands of EMS folks who are doing the job and continue to do the job every day. A livable wage is defined by you, the individual. Do you want bigger and better toys, do you want frequent vacations, do you want to own a home, do you want to have a savings account...that is all determined by you and how you choose to spend. People live and survive on "lesser" jobs every day.
  10. So to clarify, you did not work as a basic or an intermediate yet you fully support and recommend the experience as it is invaluable? How does that work?
  11. Ok...I will. Seeing how you present yourself in an educated and impressive manner and do not appear to be a ricky rescue yahoo type...please answer this question which has come up many times on the forums. Knowing what you do now, almost finished with paramedic school...did you or do you feel better prepared because you went through the various levels of training or do you wish you had gone straight from basic to medic? Has your opinions of experience changed? Are you glad you spent time as a basic before going to medic school or do you wish you had gone straight into medic school after basic? Did the time as an intermediate "waste" more of your time? Did you find yourself wishing again you were in medic school? Were you happy with the level of care and knowledge you had working as an intermediate or was there some disappointment? Would you recommend people skip intermediate? Would you recommend people skip or not give as much concern to "getting their feet wet before medic school" if their area allows that?
  12. Only real benefit is the first 92K is tax exempt...other than that, it is entry level or for medics who hail from low salary/rural or vollie backgrounds.
  13. I have posted on them in other job threads, also on international thread on another site. Your typical war zone contractor, ok pay for the position, ok health insurance, ok rotation...nothing special. Unarmed clinical medic position. Think of all the KBR medic jobs over the past few years, now change the name of company to OHS and nothing has changed other than a few thousand more a year. You want to get your feet wet, this is the company to cut your teeth with.
  14. Yes, but maybe not on the grand scale you wished to imply but they do....a very large country called USA does this all the time, has done so for years. But in all fairness, it is only "privatized" when they have shit to hide or dastardly deeds they do not wish to be directly associated with the good ole US of A.
  15. Umm, try again hero. First, EVAC is a private company and no they do not REQUIRE it. Second, having a top of the line stethoscope and running frequent MVCs has no correlation. Ex: So what if you run a lot of car crashes...are cars still crashing around you while you are on the side of a busy highway??? Or are you in the rig listening just like every other ambulance does in every other state....there is nothing unique about "FL EMS" and vehicle crashes. Third, because you own one makes nothing fact. Heard the word anecdotal before? So take your "ALOT of MVAs" and "FL EMS" (which is almost nonexistent) and do some serious fact checking next time.
  16. Go to a used college book store...pick up old EMT texts, pick up old AnP books, pick up Medical Terminology books....have fun. I have found same books at Goodwill and yard sales. Better yet, go to the college and sign up for the above courses. Your eagerness to prepare ahead is admirable and if you continue at this self study pace, you will be severely disappointed during and after the class, but you will be ahead of the game should you continue on to paramedic.
  17. Would love to know where you heard that little gem of completely wrong information. You will NOT be employed, especially in Orlando at a fire department as an EMT only. Volunteering is almost non existent as well. Your best bet for a job is to look at inter-facility companies to get your feet wet.
  18. What I would suggest is that you visit each one. I do not know what your finances are, but if you contacted HR at each company, told them the big move you are contemplating, they would possibly let you do 1-2 days ride along and tours...might even have some housing or let you crash at a station. You simply do not know until you ask and yes I have done this before. I think it is Air Tran who has the "fly all you can" for 30 days special right now. For the cost of a plane ticket, you can fly as much as you want, anywhere they go for 30 days. Might be a good time as Airtran flies into or close to all 3 of those places. Also, do you have national registry? Have you considered what is needed for reciprocity in each of those places? Before assisting you with info on those agencies and their respective areas, what are you looking for? Longevity, career, promotion? How old are your kids? What about your spouse? What does she do? What are basic interests and goals, both personally and family wise? What is your age and have you prepared for retirement or is this a key part of your decision as well?
  19. And Saudi Arabia is officially 100% Islamic, so why are we even discussing a synagogue there? Status of religious freedom Saudi Arabia is an Islamic monarchy and the Government has declared the Qur'an and the Sunnah (tradition) of Muhammad to be the country’s Constitution. Freedom of religion is severely limited. Islam is the official religion. Under the law, children of male citizens are considered Muslim, regardless of the country or the religious tradition in which they have been raised.[3] The Government prohibits the private and public practice of other religions. The Government bases its legitimacy on governance according to the precepts of the rigorously conservative and strict interpretation of the Salafi or Wahhabi school of the Sunni branch of Islam and discriminates against other branches of Islam. Neither the Government nor society in general accepts the concepts of separation of religion and state, and such separation does not exist. The legal system is based on Sharia (Islamic law), with Shari'a courts basing their judgments largely on a code derived from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The Government permits Shi'a Muslims to use their own legal tradition to adjudicate noncriminal cases within their community. The only national holidays observed in Saudi Arabia are the two Eids, Eid Al-Fitr at the end of Ramadan and Eid Al-Adha at the conclusion of the Hajj and the Saudi national day. While observance of the Shi'a holiday of Ashura is allowed in the eastern city of Qatif, in other areas with large Shi'a populations, such as Al-Hasa, Al-Hofuf and Dammam, the Shi'a religious practices are restricted.[3]
  20. Those damn faith groups are at it again...just attacking random Muslim taxi drivers...these faith based groups are out of control..ALL of them, pure evil!! Heck of way to promote inter faith dialogue! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_cabbie_stabbed;_ylt=AjJrfjN3z7ZDD_U6y5mtGq1bbBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTM2M3RrODZ1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODI1L3VzX2NhYmJpZV9zdGFiYmVkBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNQRwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA3BvbGljZW55Y2FiYg-- NYC suspect believed to volunteer for faith group AP NEW YORK – A group that promotes interfaith dialogue says one of its volunteers is likely the man who's been accused of stabbing a New York taxi driver after asking whether he was Muslim. The Rev. Robert Chase of Intersections International says he believes that Michael Enright, who is in police custody, has volunteered for the group, based on the police saying Enright is from Brewster, N.Y., and other details. A Facebook profile for a man named Michael Enright lists the same hometown and employment at Intersections International.
  21. Just a little humor... Also a great article addressing freedom from religion versus freedom of religion http://atheism.about.com/od/churchstate/a/FreedomFrom.htm
  22. Good point but consider this...in my little bubble, very few people of the same thought processes as myself started out that way. We all came from religious backgrounds and it was through our own interests, our own desires to learn more, and a slew of other reasons that we came to believe or know what we do. It is because we have those past experiences that we are able to make an intelligent and informed comparison. As for visiting those places, most have already been there previously, but would you return to a place where you will be pressured at every turn once they find out what your beliefs are or aren't? When we do not seek to convert, or preach, or mind boggle...what purpose would it serve to be at those places other than stirring up shit (there are those who do enjoy that on both sides of the fence).
  23. Ironically, most atheists, humanists, secular people's simply turn the other cheek. We do not preach, we do not knock on doors, we do not start wars or hand out unwanted propaganda. There is no pressing need to convert, convince or alter one's opinions. (Speaking real life day to day, not internet boards) If someone wishes to engage in one on one conversation and agree to listen to my opinions as much as they wish to express theirs to me, then I am all for it. I can converse with out threatening, cursing or getting angry and walking away. The latter happened on more than one occasion from the other side. It is difficult to argue, defend or debate an irrational belief...when ultimately it ends with the response of "I have faith and thats all that matters" and "you will burn in hell if you do not see the light", then there is very little left to say as you simply can not argue with that, nor do I care to most times. The bottom line is usually I truly do not care what you believe in as long as you do not impede on my life which includes my circle of friends and family. If you are in a position of authority, such as a teacher and then you let your words or actions influence my children's lives, then I have a problem. So what am I doing to "thwart" all this meddling. Really there is not much I can do but I do stay informed and I do inform others when they express interest. I am a member of the Atheist Alliance, the Secular Student Organization, various Humanist groups and the ACLU and we all petition the government on many occasions. There have also been many successes due to our government involvement. Simply go to any of those group websites to read about it. I suspect you won't and not calling you out but in my experience, very few "of the faith" will ever take the time or develop enough interest to explore counter opinions. It is much easier and more comfortable to simply ignore them all and keep on keeping on in one's daily routine.
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