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Everything posted by akflightmedic

  1. WHO ADMINISTERS THE NATIONAL CERTIFICATION?? Ummm, how about the National Registry. http://www.nremt.org/about/nremt_news.asp Here is their link and surprisingly enough, it has all the information you need. I say this again to anyone who reads this. DO not rely on secondhand information in forums with regards to your certification when obviously you have a computer and internet and can access the cold hard truth with a simple click of the mouse. The site tells you which states do and do not accept NREMt, if you need to redo the course or not, and if that doesnt help, they also have email and phone contact information so you can call yourself. My recommendation is that you redo the course, you have been out too long. Of course, I dont know where you could go anyways without redoing having been expired that long, but hey I dont know for sure, so I would suggest looking at the site.
  2. Click on the link in the first post and you will see the dates...
  3. BUMP...BUmp BUMP Now that Xmas is over, start saving again for the trip[!!!]
  4. I think we have made our points and like I said before in a previous post, for every procedure, medication, intervention, or whatever, we can find a dozen studies for and a dozen studies against. WHo is right or who is wrong...who knows? But it certainly isn't the first time we have proceded with flawed knowledge. I personally think the ends justifies the means in this case. The CISD has benefited me and I have seen it benefit close friends/co workers. Will it help everyone, probably not, I never made that claim. Another claim I never made was the use of amatuers in this sensitive area. Several times you said amatuer this or amatuer that. I agree with you, an amatuer should not handle a CISD. Here are a couple of links for your reading pleasure. There are just as many studies here promoting CISD as you can produce debating it. Guess it depends which side of the fence you are on. The studies range from the early 70's to the current times. No matter what study you produce, I personally will never change my opinion because I have benefited first hand from a properly handled CISD. Never is a strong word for me to use, but I know that I will stand fast by this treatment regimen for my lifespan. Other than us bouncing back and forth studies that is going to change neither of our minds, I think we should let it die as it does nothing but form negative impressions of the entire process in newbie's minds and may prevent them from reaching out at a time when they truly need it. http://www.icisf.org/articles/ http://www.icisf.org/articles/Acrobat%20Do...se_of_Field.pdf
  5. I will post my questions and comments with the understanding that I have absolutely no clinical psychological training nor do I have any hard stats, studies or figures to quote at this very moment. I for one am pro-CISD, I have seen it work many times in my personal experience and I have seen people who were unsure of it at first become very thankful that they did it later on. now the questions I will ask purely to stimulate conversation not debate are: A quote was made of treating the pt and not the disease. Do we want to wait until the disease is present before we try to fix it, or do we want to prevent it from ever happening? Not saying CISD will prevent all bad things from occurring, but do we want to lose even one coworker to ETOH abuse, drugs, suicide or even something that seems as benign as "marriage problems' , all becasue we didnt feel it was neccessary to help them out mentally. It seems to me that this is a nice prophylactic treatment and like all vaccines or drugs, some people will experience adverse reactions, however this is a minimal percentage of the population so it is safe or recommended for most. How do we quanitfy whether or not a CISD helped or didn't help. Since we are possibly preventing a series of misfortunate events secondary to PTSD, how can we say it didn't help. If the treatment actually worked, we can not say it didn't help because there is no way to know what may or may not have happened had we not treated. So basically, I think it should always be made readily avaliable and encouraged. Those that need it will use it and hopefully those that have not used it will try it. Just a small comment, but the presentaion of the CISD is most critical. It sounds as if many of you have had some bad experiences which unfortunatley has left a sour taste in your mouth with regards to CISDs. The ones you guys have described have sounded most inappropriate and I would probably feel the same had it occurred to me. However, I do not think you should criticize anyone that requests one nor should you think any lesser of them for choosing to do so. If your partner asks for one and you were on the call and you feel fine, you should still attend and support your partner. We need to take care of each other out there cause no one else is going to. For those of you that have trotted over and through dead bodies, babies and just been to hell and back....we all have been there one time or another in some form or fashion of our own personal hell, I am glad that you are ok and do not need anything to assist you--some people are just not as strong as you and nor should they be. We can not all be perfect...
  6. If you want to have a happy marriage, never come home early without calling and never check to see if the hood of the car is hot when you get home....
  7. I just want to bump this one. If you read closely, you will see this is three different venues merging. EMS expo has been the largest expo in the country. It is normally held in New Orleans, but due to obvious reasons, it is now moving to Las Vegas. This event is going to be huge!
  8. Hey Guys and Gals Fire Expo and EMS Expo are merging for 2006. This is going to be huge. Plenty of time to save for the trip, plus you can write it off. No excuses this time. Put in your vacation requests, stop buying lattes from Starbucks, skip a movie or dinner a few times a month and save your money!! http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/a...46&id=45692 I want to see everyone there...that includes Admin!!!
  9. ??????????? What's NASCAR????????
  10. I too have purposely chosen to not comment on this post. I want people to like me for the jerk I am, not what I do or do not believe. While I thoroughly enjoy a good debate and will even take the losing argument just for the sake of a debate, this thread is a BAD IDEA. PLEASE let me be the thread killer for this topic. I still have respect for everyone here and I wish us to remain friends. This is not a topic to be discussed here. PLEASE< NO MORE RESPONSES!!!
  11. The day will be here soon enough when we no longer use paddles. I was a holdout for a long time, until I worked for a service that only had pads. Now, I swear by them. They are no more time consuming than paddles and they are way safer for all involved. Give me pads any day.
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