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Everything posted by akflightmedic

  1. Ok, so lets extrapolate the numbers for shits and giggles. Your church has 5000 people and 900 attend on a good day. That reflects 18%. This church has 70 families (lets assume 4 people per family) so 280 people are members. 18% of 280 = 50.4 people roughly. So a church which houses 50 people regularly and 280 when in force was offered a 24000 sq ft facility and 20M cash....what would YOUR congregation do if that came along?
  2. I dunno...a 1200 sq ft facility which was adequate for how many decades??? I also doubt the 70 family claim as they have every reason to stretch numbers to justify continued presence. One person with a dog who attends services 2 x a year could be part of their "census" family counting.
  3. As in go make amends and try to seize the money which has now been taken off the table...meaning they passed up on a significant opportunity...FREE PUBLIC money...they passed on it. They need to quit their whining, go eat some crow and attempt to seize the money they have missed out on. Seized because it is hostile what they are doing. This small little church was offered a shit ton of cash and they demanded more. As for where I got this info...there is this thing called Google. After entering the terms Greek church at ground zero thousands of articles appeared. I read dozens of articles before making my comments as I wanted to read information from various sources and see which facts remained consistent. I also read the smaller articles from the years between 2002-2009 when none of this was in the news other than small blurbs here and there as that is where you will find the real meat and potatoes in stead of when it is sensationalized and splashed all over, everywhere with people jumping on the emotional bandwagon aspect without knowing the facts (such as you did). It is not a islam/christian thing...this all boiled down to greed/corruption within the church (again---geez imagine that).
  4. Well, if you are going to get upset you need to know WHY you are upset. First, the Port Authority offered to relocate the church about 100 yards away and offered PUBLIC money to do so...over 20 Million of our tax dollars which should NEVER be spent building a religious building of any type. The church then made more cash demands and were being wankers about the entire move and construction, etc. The reason the Port Authority wanted to relocate the church is because they are building an underground truck screening area with bomb blast walls, etc. After the church got silly with their demands, the Port Authority said screw it, deal is off. The Port Authority has NOT restricted the church from building on the exact same spot. They have permission to proceed-they always have. The caveat is the Port Authority still needs that underground truck screening area which serves the greater good for that area. So the Port Authority is going to go ahead and use eminent domain to do their construction under the church's site and the church can continue to whine and scream discrimination or they try and patch up the road they tore up and seize the PUBLIC money which was offered. (Disgusting) This church was 1200 sq ft and served 70 families in the area. They passed up a 24000 sq ft facility with 10s of millions of public dollars. So...if you are gonna comment, as always get some facts and not hearsay bullshit.
  5. I get that and I do not beat myself up over any of the calls I made this particular night. This case only stands out as it was one of the last times I worked with the greatest partner ever and was also my last MCI as a street medic. I mean I could of added another one of those things they do not teach you in school is to double check where you lay your spine board when making access to a vehicle on the side of a highway buried in Florida dense, entangling vines and shrubbery. We had 2 bodies missing...found one right away, did not find the second one until the last patient was tended to. We went to pick up our backboard which we had laid down as a plank to gain access to the rear of the church bus. The same plank which we all walked on back and forth unloading patient after patient. Yes, the final missing victim was under the backboard...hope he was dead when I laid the board on him!!!
  6. There are many things from that night I would do slightly different but only if I have the hindsight knowledge. On a repeat of this case, I would have scrutinized her slightly more based on the fact that every one I came to had serious injuries. I had open pelvic fractures, distended firm abdomens, bilateral long bone fractures, ALOC, chest pains, you name it...it was all there. She was the only one carrying on so why would I not suspect her as having internal injuries as well? Why would she be the only one who was a green out of the blacks, reds and yellows? I actually stood over her and asked her to quit screaming because there were many people far worse than her. I said this to her twice that I recall...she was like a banshee. Oh well...maybe I would have upgraded her, maybe not. Still hard to say until thrust in that moment again.
  7. I agree almost 100% to this however I made one judgement call which turned out to not be in the patient's best interest. 18 person MCI remote area, we were closest unit and it took us almost 30 minutes to get there (semi versus southern baptist church bus)....one lady screaming for jeebus over and over...my thoughts were "great she has an airway" I already had her lined up on side of road rapid triage style waiting on help to arrive while I tend to all the other obvious criticals...me and my partner literally walked down the line starting IVs, performing interventions and making notes for the incoming. That lady screamed upon every name she knew from her religious book and was actually becoming quite annoying to us. (This is an entirely different tangent which they dont teach you in schools, but yes you will find yourself angered and annoyed many times over and sometimes you will allow your own emotions/stressors to take precedence over a patients). Anyways as the 5 helicopters and 20 other apparatus arrived...she was flagged as the last to be loaded via helo if at all, possible ground. The medics put her in their ground unit to drive to helo LZ and she coded. Oops, she had internal bleeding, she probably should of been one of my first patients to go, instead I kept her on the ground for a good 40 minutes after my arrival all because she had a very loud airway...it never diminished in strength, tone or volume....that was my indicator for her as I was treating all the other people who made no sounds and were indeed critical.
  8. Lone, I seriously think you need to see the Neuro-Proctologist to remove your head from your ass. You are way out of line on this one and your response seems to be a knee jerk emotional one for some reason. He was an adult, he made adult decisions...sometimes bad things happen. Hell for all we know, this could have been exactly what he was striving for, leaving the planet doing something he enjoyed. A second jump pass in his pocket is irrelevant to his state of mind...how many people have killed themselves in less ideal ways and had other things scheduled? If I were a paraplegic, I am not sure I would ever want to remain alive. Unfortunately, my options for removing myself would be extremely limited and dependent on someone else who may not have the courage to do what needs to be done. But just what if..what if there were a way where no one would have full responsibility and I could exit doing an activity I loved.
  9. I am a total rule breaker!!! Was taking a bed bound elderly man from the hospital to LTF an hour away. He had no family, he was it and aside from whatever illnesses would strike him in the future, his days of being outside were limited. En route we chatted quite a bit and he started saying he missed going to McDonalds, had not been in years and had no one to ask to bring him this request. When I realized he was serious and saw how deep in thought he was about McD's I told my EMT to pull over at the first one we saw. My EMT was petrified he was going to be fired but I told him I would take full responsibility. I took the man's order, went inside and got the food. I then offloaded the stretcher, lowered it to the ground and he and I sat at the rear of a truck while having Big Macs, fries and milk shakes. Everyone was looking but we were people watching just as much as they were staring at us. He smiled, laughed, chatted and then we were done. Back on the road to the shit hole and that is where we left him...with a smile.
  10. Medcor is looking for Paramedics to help in Minot, North Dakota area, which has been declared a disaster area due to flooding. You would be working and living in a disaster camp, sleeping in a tent or a trailer. Medcor will arrange and pay for your travel to/from Minot. Three meals a day and snacks will be provided at no charge to you. Laundry, portable showers and bathroom facilities will be available. The work schedule would include 40 regular hours and 44 hours overtime per week at a rate of $25 an hour (12 hour shifts seven days per week). If you have current ACLS certification and an active EMT-P license in any of the 50 states, and able to work 12 hour shifts seven days per week, at least a 2 week time period, please contact me ASAP via email at David.Good@medcor.com or call 815-363-9500, x: 5734 letting me know the following: 1) how soon you can deploy (between July 27 and October 30, 2011) 2) the dates you can work (looking for at least 2 week assignment starting July 27th, 2011) We appreciate your prompt response and look forward to working with you in assisting Minot with this disaster! David Good Human Resources Manager MEDCOR, INC. 4805 W. Prime Pkwy McHenry, IL 60051 Phone: 815-363-9500 ext 5734 HR Fax: 815-578-4044 david.good@medcor.com http://www.medcor.com/careers
  11. Why not just carry Nitrile and be done with it?
  12. I would like to also add that EVERYONE should have a personal and professional email address. Make sure you place the PROFESSIONAL email address on your CVs. I do not want to see bigdaddy@aol.com or kewlchick83@gmail.com...you get my point. Create an email that is your name if possible or first initial last name or something of that nature.
  13. Agreed. She is just down the road from me...wonder if she has any dates lined up?
  14. Aussie works for me...
  15. Ummm...NO. And neither is the girl in the picture.
  16. I was wondering what was up with my daughter and her friends facebook accounts when I saw them posting photos of themselves doing this...did not realize it was some new international fad. Oh well...it is kind of funny!
  17. Did someone say OJ??? Look at the happy couple I saw in downtown Orlando last night....
  18. There is a HUGE difference. Army medics tend to be the CLS trained, some are actual EMT Bs. Navy Corpsman see a lot of primary care, urgent care and some go frontline when attached to the combat units. USAF Medics are actually EMT Bs or Ps. The caveat to all the above is that this is only my personal experience from my numerous interactions with each of the above. Feel free to set me straight.
  19. No it is not relevant because you are talking about being personally insured in addition to whatever your employer already carries on you, the vehicles, medical malpractice, workers comp, disability, etc. Throw some life insurance in there as well for good measure.
  20. Rough approximation but I have purchased several ambulances very close to that price tag...thinking you need a new vendor.
  21. They were saying the cost of the engine (500K) is 5x that of an ambulance...drawing the conclusion that you could have 5 ambos for every engine if response to these EMS calls are so necessary.
  22. I just won a contract to provide MRI technicians in Afghanistan. If you know anyone who is interested in working inside a US military hospital on a US base in Afghanistan, please send them my direction. Prefer people with several years experience with MRI and previous deployment experience. Thanks!
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