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Status Updates posted by DwayneEMTP

  1. Any body else having issues with not being notified of new message, but getting notified of old messages as if they're new? Also not getting notified of your prescribed post replies?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TylerHastings


      I havent got a notice in I don't know how long.

    3. FireMedic65


      i get some right away and the same ones several days later

    4. DwayneEMTP


      Yeah, well, evidently there's no point in mentioning it. I love the City, but in all the time I've been here I've sent Admin maybe...10 emails and have never been gifted with a response. Seems silly to expect one now. Have to get one of the chicks to ask... :-)

  2. Second, can ssomeone PM me about seeing who left + or - on certain posts? God knows I've gotten way more +s than I deserve, but there are times when I think I have an opinion that no one else would like or agree with and would be interested to see who did..see what I mean?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EMT City Administrator

      EMT City Administrator

      Dwayne, it shows you are a sponsor. Just hover your mouse over the +/- and it should pop up.

    3. Chief1C


      Since it's based on individual opinion, you get what the masses think you deserve. Perhaps it's a showing of respect, in some light. Are you saying you want more (-)'s?

    4. DwayneEMTP


      Heh...Thanks all. No, just curious who agrees and disagrees with what...

  3. You know what I wish? I wish that someone would invent something, like, maybe a lotion or a spray...and it could, say, magically, block the sun sort of! See? So that when you run around in a boat on the Gulf of Mexico on a beautiful 75 degree day the sun wouldn't fry your face off... Is that so much to ask?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tniuqs


      Hey not using my hat ... no risk of sunburn here ... frostbite and hypothermia oh yeah.

    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Umm...don't they already have something like that....somthing to do with SPF?

    4. DwayneEMTP


      Damn it! Why are all of my best ideas already taken!?!

  4. Is it just me, or is the ability to see who left the positive and negative ratings broken? I've been unable to check them on several computers...I think that it's a valuable function.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DwayneEMTP


      Ahh...I didn't think of that..my subscription has lapsed..maybe that's it..

    3. Dustdevil


      I didn't know you ever could see who left what!

    4. DwayneEMTP


      Heh...yeah, you could either click or hover over the number..don't remember which. I renewed my subscription but it doesn't work still...

      And I like being able to see who left negs but didn't have the balls to justify them, or who agree with one of my batshit goofy thoughts...it's a cool feature, when it works.

  5. Yikes. I just pulled up the 'new posts' and see my name on every...single...one. My new clinic gig on the oil spill is terrible slow...sorry you all got babysitting duty while I'm here. Then again, it's fun , so suck it up Princess! Lets rock the forums!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eydawn


      Ok, Princess... you asked for it... ;-)

    3. DwayneEMTP


      I did reply, you mean to the papers you sent me? I replied when we were chatting...I can't help it if you only read half of what I write!!

    4. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      No, I was talkikng about the email I sent you about the flail chest video....

  6. Mardi Gras in southern Louisiana...no posts made beyond this point should be considered without that in mind...Just sayin'..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star


      I wished I could have hit the French Quarter when I was working down in Nawlins! Unfortunately, we were sequestered in Baton Rouge....

    3. rat115


      Don't do ANYTHING that I wouldn't do. :D


    4. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Well, that just took all the 'fun' out of it! ROFLMAO

  7. Asmin. Received the following message from DFIB in my personal email. I can't get my City mail to work so am posting it here so that we can hopefully get him back online. Hey amigo, Is the City broke or is it just me. They are going to have to put up a EMT City methadone page for all us addicts. . I keep getting this message. I hope we didn't get hacked. Fatal error: This file has expired. in /usr/www/users/emsonli/forum/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/sources/ads.php on line 0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mobey


      Ha! Asmin lol

    3. EMT City Administrator
    4. island emt

      island emt

      I had a fatal error while trying to log in early today also. It's fixed itself now. ????

  8. Ok, it's official. I'm tired of taking care of myself. I want to go home now....

    1. FireMedic65


      call 911 like everyone else does :P

    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Is this where I get to insert the "Suck it up, Princess" comment? ROFLMAO

    3. uglyEMT


      Awww does wittle Dwaynie want his baba? LOL just kidding Bro. Homesickness sucks, I feel for you.

  9. Finally...at the airport. Got on a flight that puts me home 9hrs earlier than before! Ate a horrible hot dog that was awesome cause it didn't come out of styrofoam....So far, so good!

    1. Happiness


      Watch out BABS here he comes ;)

    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      That 'round thing' that your food is setting on is called a 'plate', and those silver 'stick things' are called silverware...

    3. FireMedic65


      hey I had hotdogs for lunch too!

  10. Thanks everybody, for the birthday messages..they are truly special, especially when getting them here..Love and miss you all! Merry Christmas!!!

    1. scubanurse


      Didn't know! Happy Birthday bud!

    2. HERBIE1


      Dwayne- Happy belated birthday, bud. Sorry I missed it. I too celebrated a recent one. We can tip a virtual frosty beverage in both our honors. LOL

    3. Hi-me


      I remember when Dwayne was just an EMT, I come back on after a long absence and he's a medic . . .WOW! Happy belated birthday!!

  11. thinks that not all of life is about the glass being half full or half empty. I like to start each day with my glass three quarters full, but do find that some days it seems to be leaking..

    1. uglyEMT


      LOL I always liked my glass filled half way with a good scotch LOL

    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Optimism is seeing the glass as 'half full', while pessimism is seeing the glass 'half empty'. I am a 'realist', I see the glass is too big for the amount of liquid in it!

  12. Oh, My, God! In New Orleans and just ate my first meal in ages that didn't come in some type of white container!! The most yummiest patty melt ever created with human hands...I'm not sure, but I think I may have just had a tastegasm...No, I'm not kidding...not even a little bit...Really...

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Wait until you try things like crawfish pie, jambalaya, gumbo and crawfish po' boy! I don't know too much about crawfish etouffee, but I'm game to try it!

    2. Eydawn


      Yum... patty melts are fabulous! I LOVE those. Major change from food out on assignment, eh?

  13. You and i wake up in a psych ward using four words what would you say to me. Note if you comment you must post this as your status to see what i would say.

    1. Happiness


      I did it again

    2. spenac


      Wow what a party.

  14. Admin...Not sure if you see the spam in CrapMagnet's status update comments?

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      I already clicked on the 'report member' button on their profiles...

    2. scubanurse


      I get those a lot so I just delete them

  15. And why is it that peoples Horoscopes can take up half my friggin' Facebook page but I have to create a 'note' for my two paragraphs because it was longer than 420 characters? (Tell me that some FB stoner didn't pick that max.)

    1. uglyEMT


      Thats why I dont do social media except here. Its all a ploy to drives us crazy.

    2. DwayneEMTP


      Sorry all...I keep forgetting that this updates off of my facebook..

      I hear you Ugly..but it's a good way to keep in touch with those that you love...

  16. You know...I just went in to change my signature,(Sorry Mobes) and noticed the people that have visited my profile. It knocked me off of my chocks. I'm not fit to carry the bags of most of those folks (Not saying who, in case I have to call you a douche later) What a priveledge it is to share this time with you all...Just sayin'...

    1. spenac


      I'm flattered you think so highly of me. ;)

    2. Chief1C


      Get my bag, Spleen, I might break a nail.

  17. Ahhhh.... 35hrs of jeep/air travel with cholera... As a travel plan, I can't recommend it. As a diet plan however...yeah, it rocks! But to be home? There's really nothing that compares to that...

    1. nypamedic43


      Welcome home my friend :)

    2. cscboulder11


      Back here just in time for the storms.

  18. Why is it that I can't get friggin' SuperGlue to reliably glue anything, but if I drop jelly on the floor, no matter how much I scrub it, for the next three month my socks still stick to it?

    1. Chief1C


      Funny story.. A bunch of us from the station had a party last summer, got totally wasted, one guy decided my mirror would be a good place to lean. B/c lets face it, leaning on something is a necessity when you're drunk. Snapped it off. The next morning, I decide to take it apart and glue it back on with Loctite. Get it back in place, spring back in, but the chunk-o-plastic has nowhere to go, and it's needed to hold the spring.

    2. Chief1C


      So, I glove up and smear glue all over it, and decide to hold it in place till it dries in 10-15min. BAD idea. The plastic melted, the glove melted, and there I was... finger solidly glued in place, up, over and to the side in the mirror. Glue ran down, and solidly secured the whole mirror to its pedestal. Took three people to get my hand out, w/o snapping the mirror back off. Therefore, I would recommend http://www.loctite.com/

  19. Dylan-ism for today... After blowing Dylan a kiss at bedtime, he caught it, pretended to eat it, and then as I was walking away said, "Hey dad! Your kisses taste like hearts!" What kind of person sends that kind of love to an idiot like me? I don't know either, but I know that I don't want to be an idiot any more.... I'm wondering, of all the men here, who believes that they are who they should be without the love and thoughts of those that "see" them? Without that? Man, I'm a 50 year old...

    1. emtdennis


      Sounds like one beautiful kid you have there.

    2. Emergency Laughter

      Emergency Laughter

      If epic can mean beautiful, then that's epic!

  20. Last flight...two more hours...I'm getting to old for this shit...

    1. scubanurse


      Are you coming or going?

    2. Kiwiology
  21. Good on you k_emt! LS, checked my City inbox, my personal inbox, I don't have anything, I'm pretty sure at least...are you off your meds again??

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Originally sent on 01 November 2010 - 01:55 PM

      Resent today @ 1136 EDST

  22. It's really, really hard to have a man crap vs woman crap discussion without lots of quotes....

    1. tniuqs


      So what does the bottom line read on new avatar ?

  23. As I go through my 'friends' list I'm amazed by the people that I find there. Amazing people, strong, kind, old and new friends, family that choose to be my friends as well. It would seem that no matter how often I mess up, how long I go without saying 'hi' that I will continue to be gifted with love, kindness and friendship...and I'm made better by that....Merry Christmas!

    1. spenac


      Are you drunk posting again? Seems you already posted this before.

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