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Everything posted by WendyT

  1. Think I'm going to be sick :puke:
  2. See that's the whole point, its to confuse you and look at what time I posted that, I was sleep typing. :wink: Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind at 4am.
  3. Yummy sweety, is your name spenac? You dont have to kiss her hiney, no way man, you're clear . . . :wink:
  4. It's a questionable doubt that if Dust plans to sue because you in question didnt like what in my question was "Take it with a grain of salt, in his terms Sand, then you are all a bunch of LOSERS!! Just Kidding: You freak out over nothing, omyfreaking azz wipers. Dust, is a god send, he looks like the lubber of the Dali lama, except his name will be the Dusty lama or perhaps it's goat sheep herder, something that AKflightmedic does in his spare time. Anyways keep it coming, we are bound to find more jobs for Dust to do. Insted of us kissing his behind, he kisses his own lmao
  5. In order to get on Teri's good side, you have to kiss her feet and something else --> :pottytrain2: This is a good feeling, dont let it get to you, it's short in duration but longer reacting: :drunken:
  6. Come on dude bash the granny diaper changers . If we get all complimentary whats the point.
  7. FACTS ABOUT CALGARY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:55 pm ------------------- Population: 1,000,000 as of July 2006 ------------------- Location: In the foothills of Alberta's Rocky Mountains, at the junction of the Bow and Elbow Rivers ------------------- Comparative size: Third largest city in Canada ------------------- Area: 722 square kilometres ------------------- Elevation: 1,128 metres above sea level ------------------- Last municipal election: Oct 18th, 2004 ------------------- Next municipal election: Oct 17th 2007 ------------------- # of building permits: 16,723 ------------------- Value of building permits: $2.64 billion ------------------- # of recycling depots: 47 ------------------- # of major parks: 29 ------------------- Total # of Regional Parks: 40 ------------------- Total area of parks/open spaces: 7,500 hectares ------------------- # of library locations: 17 ------------------- # K-12 schools: 445 ------------------- Major local daily newspapers: 2 ------------------- Local radio stations: 17 ------------------- Local television stations: 6 ------------------- www.calgary.ca Update to Citizens The City of Calgary is currently in negotiations with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3421 which represents approximately 425 paramedics, emergency medical technicians, medical training co-ordinators, equipment technicians, safety officers and public education officers at The City of Calgary Emergency Medical Services. The City values these employees and the service they provide to Calgarians. The union is seeking wage increases of approximately 30 per cent over three years (July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2009) as well as increases to shift differentials. This goes far and beyond the ability of Calgary taxpayers to pay. The City's offer of 12 per cent is identical to 12 per cent accepted by the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 583. It is higher than the wage increases accepted by six other unions, including the Calgary Police Association and The City's inside and outside workers. Calgary paramedics are the second highest paid in Western Canada behind only BC. The BC ambulance service is operated by the provincial government and has a different organizational structure than Calgary. The average T4 among CUPE 3421 members in 2006 was about $75,000. The average T4 in 2006 for a crew chief (the individual who is in charge of the ambulance during each shift), was about $78,000. The City is ready to return to the bargaining table at any time and is disappointed the union has threatened to withdraw services. The City's primary concern is maintaining patient care; our focus is reaching a collective agreement. The City of Calgary is prepared to put alternate plans in place to continue EMS operations should the union decide to withdraw or reduce service and hopes citizens will not see any impact.
  8. If life for you is hopeless and what I pointed out to you about the cost, its like this, whether your working 2 or 3 jobs just to make enough to afford the high cost of living in a city such as this, great at least you survived to get past the point of doom. Yes Calgary is a great place to live, that's only if you can afford to live here. I say by the grace of God I did. My family lives here, I am stating to you that unless you have a degree under your belt, such as a medic or whatever, you'll survive, but hearing the work to rule campaign of what the medics have said that they are not going above and beyond unless. Well that's still decidedly on their part.
  9. CANADA, Dust, not unless you meant CANADIA, is that like a nasty out break woman might get? :wink:
  10. WendyT


    I'll have to remember that one the next time Calgary's finest ever pull me over.
  11. Excuse me, but I happen to live in Calgary, I was born here and have lived here all my life. The fact our lovely city has over grown to what it is now, 1 million or more and still counting. If you own a car, sell it because the roads are wall to wall and the cost of living here is pathetic, to take transit, the cost is $2.25 a trip, now the transfer is worth a 90 minute stop over, so you can stop over, do things that need to be done and go back home all in that time frame. When I was going to school, that never existed for us. I own a house, it's all paid off, but the cost of getting someone to mow you're lawn isnt cheap, someone to shovel your walks isnt cheap, to take a cab(taxi) isnt cheap, to take an ambulance isnt cheap, oops refer back to taxi rides . . . . .priceless. So you want to live in Calgary, eh? Good luck, you either have a degree under your belt or get stuck working 2 or 3 jobs in the fast food industry just so you can survive here. I wish they all went Edmonton, basically they can have it. Big deal Calgary is the blooming oil biatch of Alberta, who cares, the cows keep getting fatter, the Exec's keep getting fatter off of us. Here's a word of advice, dont move here,sure we are like only 90 minutes away from the Rocky Mountains, but if you do move here, you'll be sorry you did. I Have enough headaches, I dont want anymore. . . .please fire the Mayor, he's an idiot! Hi, Welcome to Calgary, where those who are insane enough to stay, and those who have yet to arrive.
  12. Ok here's a thought . . . How to relocate nest in tree, thank god for pressure washer's with a PSI of 1500 or greater. Havent had the time to do it yet, because we had severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings, being in the city doesnt help, it will get you anywhere, even on your royal throne. Anyone here ever taken a pressure washer to a collegue, enemie??
  13. That's really sad that a situation has gotten out of hand, that we've become what we are. I saw something on tv that's in Jersey, a hosptial that deals with people who are 5 times heavier than me. One guy who says, yep he's on the road to recovery and ends up back to square 1, watching the medics taking him from his house on a large lfit to that hospital. I cannot believe they can eat so much food like that. How much does an average cot weigh before a pt is put on it? and is it heavier without a pt.
  14. Hey I dont follow everything he says, I still drink crystal light, I love my onion rings chaser wrote: Personally, I would never let anyone grab my neck and twist it, regardless of them calling themselves "doctors". I never said he grabs me and twists my neck, he does things differently. Ya know Ruff, I dont take anyone's word for it, it was just something he quoted and I'm just adding my $20 worth.
  15. Brentoli, you should tell that to my newly married husband -mine. He adores chicken burgers with mayo, the ones that are deep fried, with a large fry and a diet coke to wash it down,I tell him that, it's all fattening, but he tells me I'm wrong, I think he forgets that I AM WOMAN, I NOW WEAR THE PANTS IN THIS FAMILY, not him. He has congestive heart problems, I give him less than 1 yr to live. At McDonald's, I love their salads, quarter pounder without cheese, extra onions and pickles, with mustard, no ketchup. I drink diet coke, and I try not to eat the fries. To me their fries are considered string beans, I like them thicker. I prefer a real hamburger so I goto Dairy Queen, because they open flame cook them and I take Onion rings insted of fries, because I cant stand their fries, they are kinda gross, unless you get gravy x2, which I do. Aspartame is not very good for you, My chiropractor said it's poison, if you drink gasoline because it's poison, would you drink something thats got aspartame in it? but so is everything else you see, cancer causing crap, the only thing that's good for us, is WATER, it may bloat you but it will sustain you, keep you full. Salads are also good for you, until you add calories (dressing) then it's a total different ball park. I prefer something you can eat that will richly sustain you, keep your figure and let you live long and prosper.
  16. 40 Things you’d Love to Say Out Loud at Work or to anyone - anywhere 1. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit. 2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. 3. How about never? Is never good for you? 4. I see you've set aside this special time to publicly humiliate yourself. 5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way. 6. Who lit the fuse on your tampon? 7. I'm out of my mind at the moment, but feel free to leave a message. 8. I don't work here - I'm a consultant. 9. It sounds like English, but I don't understand a damn word you're saying. 10. Ahhh. I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again. 11. I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid. 12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers. 13. I have plenty of talent and vision - I just don't give a damn. 14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth. 15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you. 16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. 17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist. 18. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. 19. What am I? Flypaper for freaks? 20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant. 21. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of karma to burn off. 22 Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial. 23. And your cry-baby whiny assed opinion would be? 24. Do I look like a f..ing people person to you? 25. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting. 26. I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left. 27. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer. 28. If I throw a stick, will you leave? 29. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed. 30. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed. 31. Oh, I get it. Like humor. Only different. 32. A cubicle is just a padded cell without the door. 33. Can I trade this job for what's behind door number 1? 34. Too many freaks, not enough circuses. 35. Nice perfume, but must you marinate in it? 36. Chaos, panic and disorder - my work here is finally done. 37. How do I set a laser printer to stun? 38. I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted a salary. 39. I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter. 40. Wait a minute - I'm just trying to imagine you with a personality.
  17. How to get rid of noisy birds in nest . . .Pressure Washer 1500 PSI
  18. I carry an epi-pen and I was sitting in the wal-mart store and this lady of about 20 yrs of age, was having a reaction to something and she said to her friend her throat was closing up, so I took my epi-pen out and told her what I was going to do and she felt better, but I made her friend call 911 because it could come back again. It's just to be on the safe side, so 12 days later I get a call from her mother telling me that her daughter is allergic to latex and she bought knew clothes to go running in and wanted to look great when she gets married. I wear spandex, that is so weird. I got bit by mosquitos before, the last one made my left leg look like a cherry tomato, what's with that?
  19. She's probably on to much 02 that could be her reason for not able to catch her breath, second of all she could of been in an area of someone wearing perfume and that is an area I came across a man in the mall and I said to him are you ok, because you could hear him wheezing and coughing hard, even though she wasn't coughing at all. Food allergy, pneumonia, irritants, anxiety. Blood pressure on a person with anxiety can also be normal and can also fluctuate
  20. Tell me about it, I've already been through the ringer, hated the other side because truly what I've done since the car accident in 2002, why do they needed to know more that had nothing to do with the bloody flippin accident in the first place. :evil:
  21. This is the nursing home, my mother's father was in in the late 60's and her cousin was there in 1979 and now that she's in this dilemma that I should think about getting her into another care facility. The problem with the city of Calgary, it's so darn crowded, the price of everything here is so darn expensive and it's called the waiting game, wait to see if anything becomes available. I was advised to clean this house up and sell it, I could easily clear $475,900 for it. Now all of them are not that bad of people, it's the true facts that you as a person couldnt do something about it. It just simply says, what can you do as a fellow friend to help those people in said questions.
  22. If a Fish eats Fish bate (bait) & a Shark eats Shark bate (bait) What does an I Master eat . . .you what?? Found on a fisherman's shirt, lmao
  23. I would love CTV to do an interview and get to the bottom of this, and whatever happened to the BBB?
  24. I feel for you, I too posted that joke as well. So when I say I feel for you, I know what it's like trying to find that joke hoping no one posted it too. :wink:
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