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Everything posted by WendyT

  1. WendyT

    New Game

    PARANOID-Isnt that what a paramedic is? j/k Actually thats alcoholic and workaholic. :wink:
  2. He was having a mild heart attack/stroke.
  3. Today I went in to get a blood test done, they had a bit of trouble landing a vein, they poked me 4 times and in the end (5th) they decided to use a butterfly needle. On the wall it says, do not request the use of the butterfly needle, it's upto the person taking the blood. After 5 tries, dont you think I had a right to demand it, my veins are always like this, it's never going to change. What are our rights when it comes to blood tests when our veins wont co-operate?
  4. Category 4- Are those who are lonely....suffering a loss of a life long spouse...mother, father, brother, sister. or a child. This could of been me, from the loss of a brother, father and child and my mother is now in a nursing home. But you have to realize that when people are in this state, the black hole as it is called, they are so deep its hard to resurface from it. No amount of medication will help, so they resort to electric shock to bring them back.
  5. One thing I can tell you, they arent related to me, Thank God!! Buddha whatever. :wink:
  6. The more I do this job, the more I realise that there is no God and if there is He is a vindictive bastard.
  7. That depends if you have all day to go through 2344 topics just to find the one already discussed, I dont think so. I have better things to do. :-s
  8. I can just see it in your file and the boss calls you in and says, you know I'm a whacker too, just so you know we are clear on this. :wink:
  9. APACHI = ALBERTA PARANORMAL ASSOCIATION CALGARY HAUNTINGS & INVESTIGATIONS: We have been up and running for almost 3 yrs since May 28th 2004. I work with the Alberta EVP Research out of Sask. Some of you call me weird or creepy, well sticks and stones may break your bones, but the dead will haunt forever. :wink:
  10. Guess what spenac does on his days off? :wink:
  11. I just had to touch on this subject: Salvia divinorum has long been and continues to be used as an entheogen by the indigenous Mazatec shamans for healing during spirit journeys. Wonder what these journeys are like . . . :wink:
  12. We should be ashamed of ourselves. :roll:
  13. This one reminds me of my new husband of one month. 23. And your crybaby opinion would be?
  14. WendyT

    3 Word Story

    left the convent
  15. I plan to send that to my priest at our church, he'll get a kick out of that. That was really cute.
  16. WendyT

    3 Word Story

    Dust, Ak, goats! sorry lmao
  17. Yeah just look at Lone Star's picture and you can see how the process went. :wink:
  18. what a cheap-O, you gave a dollar, gee spenac, that should help at some point, what point I dont know? Maybe a phonecall. I heard the saying, give till it hurts. I think you my dear are waiting for someone to take a pot shot at it, so you have a reason to bite people's heads off, like trash good ole ITKU2ER. No way hosei, you're going down, all the way. I hear the hell motel has room for you bucko. :wink: lamo Send us a postcard . . .
  19. Hey Kat When I took CPR, we did it at our local pool, right in the middle of breath and chest compressions on a dummy, a real person was under for what I think we were told was 3 minutes, an actual drowing . . .wow. I dont know what happened after that, whether they lived or not, dont know. Anyways Ruff is a cool guy, good you found us and even though we are a crazy bunch, we're all human. Hope that explains it. Have a great day, eh!
  20. WendyT

    3 Word Story

    Which caught the
  21. I just talked to a friend who owns 3 Timmy's in Calgary here and I asked if we could use the one that's in the Aveneida mall and he said ok. All coffee addicts welcomed!
  22. It's what God gives you that counts, he knew in your mind before you knew that you wanted a boy. Think of the little girl who could of been, they to turn into tomboys, you could of had it both ways. :wink: Congrats!
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