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Is it possible to be an emt with a terminal illness?

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It happened. I was transported to Kings County Hospital, assigned a partner and a vehicle, went to "Coney", wasn't used for 3 hours, and got stuck for over an hour awaiting transport back to the EMD in Maspeth, from KCH. I was not in too fine a shape for my next 4 to midnight tour, on only a few hours sleep.

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While I do not condone this in the least bit - What I'm about to add, that is - there is the option. If they say no, you can always pull the ADA card. *Most states will be willing to assist you, as needed, to take the course. EMT's aren't just used on ambulances. You can be an EMT, and use that to bolster teaching, like American Red Cross courses. None of the other instructors I took those courses with, were active in any type of organization that required them to perform first aid care. They took, passed and taught the same courses, they didn't have EMS certs, some had no prior expirience. Now I wouldn't want an EMT instructor w/ no expirience. But first aid, it could work. Or you could work in an ER.. Be an ER registration clerk.. That could be a possibility, any of those, for even an EMT that couldn't walk.

If you want to become an EMT, regardless of how you want to perform as one - a career, a volunteer, a mentor.. Get something off your bucket list. You do it. Hell, I took the EMT class with people that had no intention of ever using the skills for anything other than. Oh my god, - oh wait, I know how to help this person, type deals.

This is part of my instructing speech. Do you know the number one excuse people give, when I ask them to volunteer? They can't stand the sight of blood. Hell, neither can I. My own. If someone else is bleeding, I'm there. If it's my blood, wake me when you control it. Do you know why most people get squeemish, or nervous? Because they have no idea how to help the person. But when they get in the ambulance, or on a scene, with a little education, wow.. The person is no longer an icky mess, that is a person who needs help, and you know how to help them. I respect anyone, that just wants to know how to lend a hand to their fellow man, whether it's in a uniform with a pay check; or in street clothes with a pager.. or just a soccer mom.. or a babysitter who went a step beyond standard first aid. Even if you have no plans to keep up the cert. If you want to be an EMT. Do it, even if its just for yourself.

Disregard any spelling errors. I typed really fast, b/c I had a really greasy lunch, if you catch my drift.

KIWI, I need to talk to you ASAP and I can't send you any PM's I have a package I need to deliver to you

Is it a bomb?

Or an inflatable sheep?

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