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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. Thats how it works here, and there are no issues. We don't give priorities out when we dispatch. "Ambulance 1 - Trouble breathing - 500 Main St - 81 year old male trouble breathing taken treatment with no relief cardiac history RD 50-01" Thats your normal dispatch here.
  2. I saw a mystery diagnosis along these lines. I won't share it.
  3. Which is also a common denominator in female suicides. Consideration.
  4. How many is everyone? Where is the gathering at? Indoors, outdoors? What are the symptoms being shown?
  5. Is it comarable in size to a full size SUV we have in the states, or does the picture just make it look smaller?
  6. What kind of chip do you have on your shoulder? Seriously. Just come clean and tell us. I am not advocating every call to be an emergency response. But you want me to ask every 911 caller "Do you feel lights and sirens are needed to respond to your emergency?" Have you ever really dispatched? The sweet 60 year old grandmother will tell you not to get those people in a big hurry for her husband while you can hear the agonal respirations in the background. Hang up from that call, and you will be getting cussed out from Billy's mom because they aren't there fast enough for his sprained wrist. I am not going to put my opinion out about EMD. I know the program I use, and I know I don't like it. I have heard about others, and do not have any experience to rate them on. I require three things before I get the tones started for the ambulance. Address, Phone Number, Chief Complaint. I can get the ambulance out the door once I get those. Then I can spend time on information gathering, calming the caller, EMD.... There are alot of call takers that don't see it that way, or their computers won't allow them to. That is a system failure. In my region, dispatch should not tell you what your priority response is. We dispatch for 9 diffrent ambulance districts. If I tell you the chief complaint, and any additional information I can gather, you as the EDUCATED MEDICAL PROVIDER should be able to make the decision on your own, based on your agencies standing protocols. I have had 24 hours of medical training through my dispatching position. Don't include my EMT cert in that, and realize that and refresher training is all that many dispatchers will recieve. So why are the paramedics, who have more than 100 times the medical education hours than I, putting call priority in to my hands?
  7. I think I can give you a sample of the smell... I had a nice salad for dinner. Interesting note though along those same lines as to what you are thinking Ruff... Channel 13 Eyewitness News
  8. Just watched a news report filmed from the side of I-465 (think of the Indy500 for everyday folk). The news reporter had her ANSI jacket in bright horrible ugly yellowgreen on. They CARE what they look like every day. Why is it so hard to get us to use them?
  9. Nice education on how you do it down there. The Land Cruiser is a transport vehicle? It doesn't look any bigger than a jeep!
  10. Shouldn't you be getting back to bed... the sun is coming up soon. Wait thats vampires, not witches. hehehe
  11. Of course. I don't bitch just to bitch!
  12. Holy Bump Batman! I seem to always find only large adult or thigh BP cuffs when I have a 100 lb person.
  13. I am not coming at this with any medical evidence... just a question in theory. How can you evaluate the injuries that were not sustained by refraining from placing an airway?
  14. Oh shut up... you don't belive in cute sayings! Unless you are trying to follow "Change is difficult but often essential to survival"
  15. Va. School's No-Contact Rule Is a Touchy Subject
  16. How about a strecher that will accomadate the monitor?
  17. He's got to get to 2000 somehow!
  18. I wish I still had some from those d..... nice guys. I also wish I could have my 979 posts back from brentoli the first... bah.
  19. Thats why you don't use text messages or alpha-numeric pagers for primary alerting.
  20. Some CADs do have that ability. We actually have what the OP is asking for. Our counties CAD sends and email to a distribution list, which then sends a text or email to everyone on the departments phone or pager. It is used as secondary alerting. On the average, it takes about 20 seconds from when I enter a unit to a call for the page to be received on my phone. Usually I forget to put my phone on silent, and it starts making obnoxious noises while I am keyed up doing the dispatch.
  21. I don't care. The OP asked for help with SMS services and said pagers were out of the question.
  22. Every phone has an email you can send txt's to. Just set up an email distribution list.
  23. Fail. Don't make assumptions with out knowing your audience. #1 What would you think in the ER if the nurse came up wearing her best "proud to be a redneck" shirt, holy jeans, and sandals. Then you were met by the doctor in daisy dukes and a wife-beater? Now tell me the pt doesnt care? #2 Why do you not care about your patients safety? Do you think they really want you to bleed all over them when you slice your arm on a sharp B-post at 2 in the morning? #3 Why do you not care about your safety? What good is a responder who is injured and needs treatment? By the way.... I work in a suburban/rural volly service. Thanks.
  24. Because you are an all volly service does that mean there is less chance of you being hurt than at a paid service with full gear?
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