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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. I can't answer to NYS laws and regulations. Honestly, if you want the real true correct answer, go here first before relying on what anyone from here tell you: Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Central Office Hedley Park Place 433 River Street Suite 303 Troy, NY 12180 (518) 402-0996 (518) 402-0985 Fax -- What I can tell you, is that EMS takes paitents to their choice of destination, unless the destination can not recvieve them, or the person can not make the choice. In that case the most appropriate reciving facility is where they are taken. I will be honest, I didn't read the whole post because I don't know your system or how it operates. In our county, we have one hospital that is able to accept psych paitents. They have adequate security, adequate accomidations, and an inpaitent center to transfer them to on campus. All of our psych paitents go there. We really don't have to worry about that not being their choice, because most people in that situation, know that center is what they want checked into. Hopeully you can call someone in that office and get an answer. Also you might be able to get some common sense answers from the community here.
  2. Does anyone..... Have a powerpoint or other materials about report writing? I am looking to put on a workshop, for our service to better our narrative and report making skillz.
  3. I'll come back to this... I need to research this tonight...
  4. It was mandated by the state this year, and I belive they are supplying kits to services. I could be wrong on that last part though.
  5. Has anyone been trained on the new SMART Triage system yet? Did your agency conduct the training? Did your instructor go to a DHS train the trainer course? How did it go? How do you like the system?
  6. Mythbusters - Episode 15 Car caper 3: Bullets blowing up car Jamie had some well-placed shots (tight cluster) through the gas tank showing off his marksmanship. Nothing happened. busted ---- You have better chances of catching on fire while refuling, if you get in and out of your car and create a static spark.
  7. Wow... Representing Indiana right there baby....
  8. Interesting. What else do we not pay enough attention in cleaning too? Pens Shoes Glasses/Sunglasses Uniforms Steering Wheel BP Cuffs Pulse Ox Probes All of these are places that are commonly touched in the process of paitent care. Does anyone take the time to worry about them?
  9. http://www.emtcity.com/index.php?showtopic=13098&hl=
  10. +1 I would have to agree, this is the reason most of the people here have been so vocal about it. There is no harm in being a good samaritan in a disaster. If he had a "trauma kit" as opposed to an "ER" the responses would be very diffrent. Kerlix, 4x4's, Asprin... nothing at all wrong with someone having stocks of those. The biggest issue here, is getting into the narcs, the airway supplies, sutures... things this person has said he has no training in at all. I would have to agree with Doc on this one, you could bring me this kit, I would be impressed, but I wouldn't use any of the advanced supplies even if I had the training in 99% of senarios.
  11. The same doctors that agree with someones personal diagnosis that they need every pain medication under the sun. For a $25 co-pay of course.
  12. Getting off topic here, but many womens health organizations discourage mandatory police reporting of domestic violence and rape. Their fear is if a health care provider is required to turn it in... the women will not get the care they need.
  13. It's state by state AK. I am not sure on rape, but I know Indiana is not a mandatory reporting state for domestic violence. Mandatory Reporting Laws by State
  14. "Hey guys, this truck is 2 feet taller than our garage door!" "OMFG LOL No way!" "Totally" "Let's make a comittiee to fix the building" "O Rly?"
  15. Ok, so I don't want to sound too wackerish here, but this really is something everyone should have. I will admit, I don't and it worries me at times. You should be prepared to be self sustaining for 72 hours following a disaster or other incident. What all does everyone have (or think you should have) in your 72 hour kit? How is it assembled? Is it transportable, or are you prepared for a shelter in place only? What about a personal medical kit? I'm not talking about the whacker stop on the side of the road and beable to setup a mini-hospital for the overturned greyhound bus. How do you have a kit stocked for you and your immediate family needs?
  16. Does anyone live in a non-mandatory reporting state for child abuse? If so, would you report it?
  17. I've never taken the NR, so I don't have anything to compare to. To me, her description of the state test is pretty accurate. There isn't a magic formula to promise passing. Thats understandable about fire, and don't think I am trying to tell you that fire is the only way to go. Thats not the case. Its just the only way to get good pay in the metro area. I'm at work right now, I will finish up this in a while, I just wanted to leave me some notes to work off of later before I forgot.
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