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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I tend to seek out male doctors for myself. No real reason, I get along with everyone, but I just seem to mesh better with men in general. But, I will drop any doctor who doesn't seem to hear/listen to me, doesn't matter the gender. For my children though, when they were younger (not too long ago) I liked having the women pediatricians. My daughter still wants our female doctor (she will be 11) and my son now wants a male (will be 13).
  2. I had to laugh when Tyler said Pair of medics...lol
  3. lol no kiddin. They are horse country, so I guess they do NOT mess around.. hehehe
  4. I am actually myself seeing more and more of that "entitlement" among people of my age. I am not sure if I am just now open about it, or its just becoming more common? What I am noticing with younger kids and teenagers is a lack of patients. With the INTERNET, I'M, texting, etc. they don't have to wait for anything anymore. Its now now now. So maybe, you can somehow bridge cheating with the thought process of instead of waiting to learn, just taking right then and there? Also, kids are treated with kid gloves and have been for a generation now. I am very militant with my kids (Army brat here) . When they mess up, it's usually a harsh punishment. I let them know that they chose the action that chose the consequence. I make them think twice about doing something stupid again, or even for the first time. I have not spanked them, I usually make them give up something or do something physical. They know they are loved, and that their father and I are doing what we need to to ensure that they are smart, grounded, productive, active, and healthy members of society when they become adults. They know that to get something you have to work for it. Nothing is handed to them, except at Christmas and birthdays and honor roll. The rest of the time, if they want something, the first thing they do is come up to me or their dad and say, "I want ______, what do I need to do to work for it?" and we set up a plan for them to get _________. They know about dishonesty, and what it can do them as a person, and how even one little lie can haunt them for a long time.
  5. I am scared as hell quite honestly. I have no idea what will be of EMS by the time I am done with all of my schooling and training. 1)I have no idea what will happen under the new Obamacare bill as far as EMS jobs, and now, education wise as well. 2)I keep hearing (reading blips on here) how fire wants to take over EMS. I do not want to be a FF, thats not my goal. If I did, I would go for that. Not knowing exactly whats going on between the two, I do what I do best, think the worst..lol The only thing I can do is just buckle down, get what I need to get done, and just hope, pray and cross fingers that everything will work out best, and be just fine. I can only hope that where I live, within an hour (give or take) in each direction of me is a larger city, I hope my options are greater.
  6. If you cheat in class or on a test, you are only cheating your patient whos life depends on you. It's unfair and uncalled for to those who have called upon you at a (possible) dark moment in their life.
  7. Too.....many.....jokes......heads.......gonna......explode...........
  8. OMG yes.. There is a steakhouse here where I live and the knives there look like chainsaws. lol Best damn steak though..hehe
  9. Ya know with some of the prices the steakhouses charge, that would be a really nice deal....lol
  10. Every day something about the human body just amazes me to no end. I remember when I was younger, my dad would tell me stories about when he was in Vietnam. He would talk about how some guys would just get shot once and die right away, while others seemed to be riddled with bullets, and survive. It's simply dumbfounding how someone can survive a 10 inch knife to the head, and some other person can die from a paper cut (flesh eating bacteria). This kid is one lucky SOB.
  11. This was not the way to go about all that is wrong with the country. Nobody can sit here and claim that we are perfect, that everything is exactly how it should be. But, the way this went down feels dirty and wrong. It's not going to give people the utopia they are hoping it will. This bill will not fix our problems, only create more.
  12. Finally getting the proof that my voice does not matter to my Government hit hard last night. Watching that witch Nancy Pelosi strut in front of protesters with the gavel made me sick. Every single time I heard "this is for Americans" it made my blood boil. I am actually scared, scared for my family, and for my children. I have NO faith or hope, esp. with Obama and Nancy needing the power as much as they do! IRS agents *edited to add link about new IRS forms, and agents for new health care
  13. She weighs 602 pounds Click for full story
  14. BRAVO. Its become a weapon, and people are starting to wake up and get really sick of it.
  15. Wow, really? That truly is an accomplishment. Congrats
  16. Just quit with your games.. Leave me alone. Don't you have any type of life?

  17. Anything is possible I suppose. But, as another said, it is going to take so much time and energy that your family and friends will need to be almost as involved as you. I have a 10 yr old and a 12 yr old. They are at the age where I can trust them to do the basics. The next door neighbors are like family, and I have family down the street. All will be involved in my school with me on different levels ranging from moral support to helping with kids. I accept the fact that even after Paramedic school, things will not "calm down". We will all have to adopt a new way of our living, and our household. The only thing we can do is take it daily, and adjust as life happens. I am taking the longer route which you may want to consider. Go to a community college, get your general education down, and find a program that will allow you to combine those credits with their Paramedic program. It takes longer, but you will be educated and trained, a win win for everyone. Plus, as it takes longer, it does give your family / friends, and most importantly, yourself, time to adjust to the changes. Good luck in whatever you decide. And DON'T ever give up. Postpone if you must, but do NOT give up!!
  18. My daughter watched one of the episodes and asked me if thats what I was going to be doing. I laughed and said, "Um, not even close!"...lol
  19. This is what I love hearing! I can understand (via talking to different levels and walks of EMS folks) how it can get frustrating, and exhausting to say the least. I have heard some horrible things, and some wonderful things. And I get that I wont "get it" till I have worked in it. However I love knowing that there are those who still talk about their job with such enthusiasm, and happiness.
  20. Interesting. If you do come across it, please pass it on. I am curious to see how this ends up. Thanks
  21. I don't think you are going to find what you want any time soon. You will find what you need takes time and effort. Until you discover that, and understand it, its going to be an uphill battle for you.
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