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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I am not worried. My husband is the one who had the big eyes..lol Im excited, I cant wait. Im such a dork..lol I just hope I keep this enthusiasm after working in this field. Thats what worries me more then a combative patient. Ive seen some pretty angry, bitter, pissed off EMS people. I dont want that for me.
  2. I do not have any stories of my own. But, I was watching Cops once, and there was an episode where a man was very very intoxicated, and involved in a SMVA. He seemed way out of it, and they called for medics for his injuries. They load him up and the cops goes on his way. Minutes later, he gets a call that the female paramedic was pushed out the back doors by the man while enroute to the hospital. Luckily they were not going fast, and she was injured but not horribly, and not killed. My poor husband flipped out and asked me, "You want to do that!?" lol
  3. Are you going for a cert., or associate of science in Paramedic studies?
  4. Crazy! I am taking math and A&P next month... Lets see how much I have forgotten lol Good luck, I wish you the best!
  5. Nerves? How do you think you're going to do? Is the class big?
  6. OMG I had to stop looking through all the Youtube videos about Wii. There were some disturbings ones, funny ones, and just plain wrong ones..lol
  7. Yes it worked.. And no I have no objections to swallowing! Wait. what? lol
  8. OMG..... I was not expecting that, and now I have diet pepsi all over the screen!
  9. Ha.. loved it! He wont have to worry about sexual harassment
  10. From Dwayne I am getting that experience is the key. From Dust I am getting dont even touch anyone untill you have had X amount of education. So, maybe I read something wrong, or only read what I wanted to read..lol And OMG yes, I need to apologize to the OP. I am sorry about jacking (up) your thread and drawing any attention away from what it should have been about. This
  11. Well, it sure beats wasting your life away infront of the computer and or T.V. I doubt, (but I do not honestly know) that they are alone on these calls. If they are basic BLS, then, why not? Having kids, I can see how today, alot of these kids are not 'involved in anything' anymore. Not many are doing sports, and the clubs at the HS's are lacking.
  12. Okay. But, honestly, I am getting two different things from Dust and Dwayne. So, if they speak the truth, yet, two different truths, do I combine them and find my own? Am I overthinking all of this? lol I do that, all-the-time!!!! So, do I start from ground zero, get all the basics, then go into EMT, then Paramedic? Do I start with EMT while at the same time getting the basics too, then when done go to Paramedic?
  13. Complaint department is that a' way --> lol
  14. A&P, yes... The others, no. Right here, right now is the first I heard of needing everything else. Would I make a better medic with all that above, or will I not make it as a medic at all without the Psych, Algebra, and Speech (to name a few) classes?
  15. OMG why did I even try to read this thread My brain..... My brain......... I will understand this one day!
  16. I have heard the argument that Basics sould have atleast a year before even thinking of jumping into Paramedic. Something along the lines of if you do not have that time in the rig, on the road, with calls, and miles, that you will not make a good Paramedic. Or rather, one makes a better Paramedic with that under their belt rather VS just having text book knowledge. Quite honestly, I would love to go straight through. I want to be a Paramedic. But, I want to be a damn good one, so, if that means being a Basic for a while, then thats what I will do. And in looking at it, it probably is better that way I can learn from all angles and take that with me through medic. *Did I say that right...lol My brain is mush right now, I am sure you guys know what I mean.
  17. Unfortunatly it is nowhere around me. I would have to move way way down south, or out of state to be EMT-I. Which I personally think is stupid. I wish I could graduate from B, to I, to Paramedic. But, I will have to take the much larger leap.
  18. Like the song or not, ya gotta agree, it REALLY is hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your ass out all day long!!!! That really can go both ways..hehehehe I love the song, I like Rodney Carrington too! 'Show them to me' http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Zf80jYNg8Og *edited to add the above link does show boobies.
  19. Perfect.. thank you so much
  20. I am a Blackberry junkie. Is there anything like this for the Blackberry, or do I need to suck it up and get an Iphone? Oops, found it... http://www.handango.com/catalog/SoftwareCatalog.jsp?storeId=2218&deviceId=1105&platformId=40&categoryId=7603 Incase anyone else wants it, ^^^
  21. I guess thats exactly what I am asking. I do not know, at all....... So, you just asked my question a whole lot better then I did..lol
  22. Could palpating and / or manipulation have caused (or cause ) the AAA to rupture faster enroute rather then in the O.R.? Then I would think that not even touching the abdomen, in that situation, is the better choice.
  23. To just reach my goals, and not be afraid. To not be my own worst enemy. To learn from mistakes, make more friends, laugh way more, and cry less. No more self pity parties, and no excuses. Basically, retrain my whole brain..lol Awesome goal.
  24. Can you imagine the irony of doing this (to be a smart ass or whatever) and then actually using it????
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