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Everything posted by speedygodzilla

  1. For the most part you are correct, however sometimes the third time is the charm.
  2. Agreed, I am a ER Gopher/Tech. I like the job, and it sure is not rocket science. Just a stop in the road for me. Honestly they can ask you anything. Be honest, and don't sound as if you would not ask for help with a patient. When I interviewed I remember a scenario ask of what I would do if I mother brought an non-breathing baby to me in the waiting room? And other questions like... Explain the last time you were late for work? What do you do at your current job? Why are you leaving? Just be prepared for that kind of stuff. Good Luck
  3. I draw labs where I work and all we use is butterfly needles. I generally get it the first stick, however I have only been doing it for less than 4 months so I try as many as three (depending on if me and the patient are still comfortable) than I call another. I have had very few patients not let me get to three tries. I don't quite understand why they don't use butterflies. That is all I ever use, as I am quite comfortable with them.
  4. Due mainly to cost of living I would not work as a basic for minimum wage. I also agree with spenac about it "hurts our efforts to be viewed as professionals." If I could afford it maybe I would take the blow and use it as more of an experience as I work towards my Paramedic. However in the current living cost I choice to live in, it is out of the question. Thus said I would work somewhere for more money, as I work towards my Paramedic. I am glad the hospital I work at choices to pay EMT-B well. However this will not make me want to be a lifer, as my goals of becoming a Paramedic are not really about $$$.
  5. I would not work for minimum wage as an EMT-B. However I did quit a $11 an hour warehouse job to take a $9 an hour ER (EMT- Tech job. The two dollars I was losing an hour is worth the experience and excitement of the job. Maybe others don't care as much about the money but enjoy the job enough. Does anyone work as a EMT for minimum wage? I guess I got lucky cause 3 months after working as an ER Tech all Er Techs got a $5 raise, so I was happy to make $14 an hour. None of us even knew that we were going to get that kind of a raise. My supervisor said that the techs were getting a raise, so I was expecting 50 cents but I sure didn't argue with $5. I have been told by my supervisor to go for an RN rather than a paramedic as I could make more $$$. I don't think twice about changing my goals. To me the extra money is not worth giving up the excitement I see in the field as a paramedic. I want to be in an ambulance not in a hospital (unless it is surgery, too much health channel ).
  6. Are the EVOC classes always offer by the service? Can you take them before you get the job? I would be interested in adding an EVOC to my education even though I am not currently applying to ambulance jobs. I am happy, for now, getting my experience at a hospital. Kyle, I [s:7b5716f808]don't think[/s:7b5716f808] know that 90mph is never needed, unless you are looking to cause your own emergencies. Trust me we got enough idiots on the roads already keep thinking like this and you may just be one less.
  7. Smilin' Laszlo Dregg whatever that means lol
  8. Seen a lot of spider bites, but never one that bad looking. It does however make sense. How long do you think it would take after the bite till it looks like that?
  9. I don't know, I would be very curious how this happen. Being a basic and never seeing an electrical burn I am wondering if this is an exit or entrance wound of an electrical burn. As for a standard of care if it turn out to be just that area I would just stop the burning process, apply dry sterile dressing and bandage, and transport. Of course going through the assessment from top to bottom with ABCs being first.
  10. I am just bashing this thread. The reply rate sucks. How bout that bash for you?
  11. I don't smoke (thanks to the fact that my dad does). I wouldn't touch the things cause I see what they did to his health. I don't think your job has any right to discriminate against smokers. The hospitals I work are "Smoke Free Campuses," which I also disagree with. Now instead of the employees smoking in the back in smoking zones they are now smoking across the street in uniform giving the company a bad image. Even though I am highly against smoking I don't judge people base on the fact that they smoke. As long as it is not disrupting your work than I see no reason for the employer to use it as a hiring tool.
  12. Wow I have to say that trailer didn't make me want to see it. Looked pretty stupid. Maybe on video when I am bored, but probably not.
  13. I have to agree, but he does make you think and check your grammar before you post. That as far as I can bash him, hehe, he is too smart for me to go any further. As for other jobs I suggest English Teacher. And now class please welcome English Teacher Dust :twisted:
  14. Beep, Beep................... In defense I didn't have to read that more than once before I started !!!!
  15. Sdowler please take it from me a fresh EMT-B with little experience. I have been an EMT-B for about 4 months and a Boy Scout since I can remember. EMT-B scope of practice and education is not much more than my first aid merit badge in Boy Scouts. I thought when I got out of EMT school that I was really a big shot. What I am, is the short end of the totem pole in EMS. The EMS community doesn't need EMT-B it is just much cheaper. Listen to the paramedics here, don't waste your time trying to stand up for a horrible scope of practice which a Boy Scout with an extra course on backboards, adjuncts, and such could be added to their first aid merit badge in less than a couple weeks. When did someone ask what EMT-B do? Most of the paramedics were EMT-B for a time, so I am sure they don't need this explain to them. I used spell check too and I think it could of summed up a much shorter posting: Word correction Sdowler No Suggestions
  16. Wow! I read it yesterday a couple times and gave up. It was not until today when I read it out loud to myself that I got it. Funny, funny.
  17. I have to agree with you totally. I have discuss this many times when I am working at the slower of the two ERs I work at. One ER doc said the same thing, and I am sure if I ask many of the rest at both ERs they would agree. There are many times where I bite my tongue, where I would love to explain that this is not an emergency, please see your family doctor. Mind you all, I am just a EMT tech so my assessment skills are limited but I do have common sense. The slow ER I work at takes almost every patient back to the room with 0 to 3-4 mins. The only reason we can do this is because we are a stand alone ER, meaning we receive no ambulances, just walk ins. The other ER I work at is crazy busy as they are a full trauma center. They sent a postcard to all past patients advertising that you will be seen (greeted) by an RN within 5 minutes of arrival or you get a free meal. We were already doing this for the most part anyways, so I think it is an absolute waste of....something. The RN ask what is the c/c and you have been greeted. On a busy day you will still be in the waiting room for 2 to 3 hours sometimes more until you have a room in the ER. We have been ordering, sending all labs, and x-rays while the patient is in the waiting room so that way the doc has what he needs for the most part to assess and treat the patient. I do like the idea of the RAT rooms. We only have 3 "triage rooms", where we see most 4 and 5 trauma levels. With only 3 rooms for that, it is a slow process also. We could use like 20 "RAT" rooms but I don't think this would effective treat patients any better, They just may feel that they have a room now while they are still in a "waiting area."
  18. I would have to go with the dream job. It is your choice not ours or your parents. You should be picking a career which you will love. Nursing is great for some just like firefghter is great for others. Sounds to me like you should go for the fire career. Yes nurses tend to always make more money but if you went in it just for that alone I would consider you a sell out. If you still want to do nursing you can do like FormerEMSLT297 and goto school and still get your nursing after you are done with the academy. That is my plan except it is not going to be nursing for me. good luck
  19. I believe others who just want to be EMTs may feel unwelcome and unappreciated. Not every one who goes into EMS wants to be a Paramedic. I look forward to going to paramedic school in less than a year or so but I don't believe that everyone who gets their basic has to get their Paramedic. I encourage getting further education, but it is a personal decision as some may just want to be a basic.
  20. Even though I see many of your comments as negative I respect them. Please do the same with me. I like to be corrected as being wrong and not having it pointed out to me is worse. I encourage you to find more positive ways of pointing out others weaknesses. Thank You, yes I am working on my spelling, and grammar day by day, but many times when I am posting in between a busy day at the ER I forget the little things. I still see myself as a good health care provide even if others (who don't even really know me) don't.
  21. My grammar and spelling sucks, remind me to check it before I post on a thread. Got to remember that I am going to be graded on that rather than my actually knowledge and experience. The insurance company had the cost in mind not my care. And he wasn't talking to a doctor, I know that for sure. My doctor had my best care in mind not trying to save the insurance company $$$. I got the skin graph as it was needed.
  22. I think it boils down to a few things. Of course the one on top is money. I believe that many counties choose to have just BLS units due to money. It sucks for the patient as the level of care basics has is very limited. But providing BLS care is better than having none. Also why two medics? I don't know as much about what the paramedics do or can handle as many of you do. Is there many times when two medics is needed? Do you think two medics could bump heads? With a EMT partner his level of care and responsiblities or know and are separate from the paramedic. You know who is cleaning the ambulance, who driving, do base line vitals, grabbing the back board, etc. I would think your EMT partner is not going to bump heads as much as a paramedic partner would. If every ambulance need two paramedics wouldn't there be a shortage? They can't produce paramedics as fast as the semester corse for EMT. The same reason we have CNA in the hospital. Maybe CPA would be a better name for it .
  23. I will see it on video, so that I don't bother anyone else by my comments. I have quite a few negative comments on health insurance, just from working in an ER for 3 months. I have heard quite a few stories from many other staff. Are health care system sucks. I haven't seen any of his movies before, but I really relate more to this movie being a health care provider. When I had to get a skin graph for a 3rd degree burn insurance try to tell the doctor over the phone that it is not needed, and they will not pay for it. Since when did the insurance companies decide your treatment rather than doctors?
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