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Medics Involved in Virginia Tech Shootings.

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It is not very often we send out a note a of a job well done in our business. Although, I am sure there were many mistakes and errors during this MCI, as all MCI"s have, Yet, I have been very impressed by the representation of the Rescue/EMS as per interviews on national network television.

Like nearly everyone else I am not aware on how well the MCI was handled, but I have to say that I have watched two EMT's (Both first names are Matt. ?last names?) on several networks. It appears these gentleman did a smart thing and prepared a well thought out statement. I am very impressed with the way they have handled the press, they way they have spoke and in their personal & professional demeanor.

If their actions and treatment is any reflection of the way they described and handled a difficult situation such as national press, and interviews, I am sure they performed their jobs as well.

Again, my personal thoughts as many are with all of those involved in this horrible event, but was glad to see in this dark moment that our profession was well represented by these gentlemen, which is not always the given in such situations.

R/r 911

Yes Rid, I saw this too, a most excellent and intelligent commentary by Dedicated Professionals this makes me with very mixed feelings somehow PROUD....... in the face of absolute tragic event.

As I write this I am watching an Interview on CTV TV, the Media is "typically" is pounding the subject...in Virginia one can purchase a semi automatic or handgun without a background check, even without ID....that's just a little bit scary to me. One interviewer suggested that the Professors be armed....OMG! Stand away from that crack pipe! This is NOT even a viable suggestion!

This individual was know as a Loner, anti social, bizarre writings, stalking (known to the police) and death threats.....maybe we should pass legislation "For the Teachers" to report this pattern of behavior to the authorities and give the Police the POWER to actually do something. Oh yes, someone will scream a humans rights issue.. but a simple room search ? (if you have nothing to hide) is just not a problem for someone who is innocent.... just to my way of thinking.

But the good part of this "if there can be": is "The EMS Workers" were commended for their very Professional Response, describing that through training on "weekends" and "days off" they practice for MCIs and situations like this.

The (CTV) interviewed EMTs and Paramedics were called "prepared" and "well trained" "very professional" and they stated when the interviewer goes to the personal part (they always do?) that the EMS workers grieve AFTER the patients receive appropriatle Medical Care and are Safely in Hospital.

If one could find "a silver lining" perhaps these PROs have accomplished this....KUDOs to my southern brothers and sisters, they put themselves at risk once again.

ps they were "not" wearing body armour, as were the police.


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Another perspective here.

Nice article Michael, and I agree with it.

I feel bad for the shooter and especially for his family. This young man was sick, very sick. He needed to be treated for multiple issues, unfortunately he fell through the cracks a number of times.

Rid, good point. I was touched at the convocation ceremony when a young man was overcome with grief. Almost immediately a Medic was at his side to check on him. He then placed an arm around him and helped him out. I'm sure the EMS personnel for the school are going through their own hell, yet they were there to help others. Touching very touching.



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If hell on earth could ever be defined it would have to include that day at VT.

My heart also goes out to the fine young men and woman of the VT Rescue Squad, volunteer providers made up from the student body of the University, to have to respond to such a horrible incident and with the realization that the victims are fellow students. It horrifies me.

I encourage all the agencies that play here to drop a line to the VT Rescue Squad and let them know that we are thinking about them.

Friday is sort of an unofficial VT day and everyone is being asked to wear the VT colors of Maroon and Orange in support of the University and all those who lost their lives and for the survivors.

God Bless them Hokies.

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Yes, a sore day for VT.

My prayers and thoughts go out to all involved.

I, too forgive the shooter, he was obviously very disturbed, (understatement,).

The only interview I saw was with a volunteer first-responder, and she did well when asked about training for this type of scenario, though she referred to it as a "Multiple Casualty Injury".

Other than that, she did fine.

One thing that has made the bile churn for me has been the way the news media can hardly contain it's joy at such a good news day. If they think by blandly stating in robotic monotone that "this is such a tragic incident." somehow covers up their secret glee, they are indeed mistaken.

They are maggots who don't even wait for the corpses to rot a little before feasting copiously on them. THIS is the worst dishonor to the victims, IMO.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's headline read in HUGE letters, "BLOODBATH" across the front page. How crass.

I'd like to choke the shit out of the editor.

I would encurage all who read this to send the editor an e-mail here: jdwallace@ajc.com if so moved.


This type of low-brow journalism is unbefitting a major (albeit a liberal-rag,) paper in Atlanta. What's sadder still is this is the only paper we have here.

Sorry I am off-topic a little...

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Yes, a sore day for VT.

My prayers and thoughts go out to all involved.

I, too forgive the shooter, he was obviously very disturbed, (understatement,).

The only interview I saw was with a volunteer first-responder, and she did well when asked about training for this type of scenario, though she referred to it as a "Multiple Casualty Injury".

Other than that, she did fine.

One thing that has made the bile churn for me has been the way the news media can hardly contain it's joy at such a good news day. If they think by blandly stating in robotic monotone that "this is such a tragic incident." somehow covers up their secret glee, they are indeed mistaken.

They are maggots who don't even wait for the corpses to rot a little before feasting copiously on them. THIS is the worst dishonor to the victims, IMO.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's headline read in HUGE letters, "BLOODBATH" across the front page. How crass.

I'd like to choke the Ca Ca out of the editor.

I would encurage all who read this to send the editor an e-mail here: jdwallace@ajc.com if so moved.


This type of low-brow journalism is unbefitting a major (albeit a liberal-rag,) paper in Atlanta. What's sadder still is this is the only paper we have here.

Sorry I am off-topic a little...

Yes I was watching I think it was CNN (pretty sure but not positive) but anyway the whole day it was plastered across the screen -Massacre at Virginia Tech- In big bold red lettering. I thought it was very shocking also. But hey thats what they are going for the shock value and ratings. :x

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Yes I was watching I think it was CNN (pretty sure but not positive) but anyway the whole day it was plastered across the screen -Massacre at Virginia Tech- In big bold red lettering. I thought it was very shocking also. But hey thats what they are going for the shock value and ratings. :x

Got you to notice the newspaper and watch CNN, respectively, didn't it? Why do they resort to such tactics? Because it works, and it gets people to read the paper and watch TV. Now stop complaining, watch the news, and pay attention to the commericals when the TV tells you to.

I turned into the news on the radio when it first broke. I wanted to hear if it was an isolated incident or not and how many people were killed. After that, I haven't read any news articles or watched the news at all on it. What more do I need to know? Until the American public stops confusing entertainment with information, it will be round the clock bloodbath coverage with big flashing graphics and talking head 'experts'. You only have yourself to blame.

By the way... I hear they found new Jon Benet Ramsey evidence.... Or maybe it was something about Scott Peterson...no, wait it was definitely something about the girl who disappeared in the Bahamas. Definitely. Or maybe it was OJ. I'm not sure now. Whatever it was it was an exclusive, shocking, provocative, piece of expert journalism.

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I hear they found new

Or maybe it was something about

no, wait it was definitely something about


Or maybe it was

I'm not sure now. Whatever it was it was an exclusive, shocking, provocative, piece of expert journalism.


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