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Everything posted by MedicAsh

  1. so.....sleepy.......

  2. My poor student. She got to deal with a very tired and slap happy me. I even had her laughing so hard she was crying.

    1. nypamedic43


      new medic with a student??

    2. MedicAsh


      Basic Student

    3. DwayneEMTP


      Pretty cool..I loved those shifts as a student...

      And I think students with new medics is a great idea as long as the medic has been vetted for personality and attitude.

      Explaining things is an excellent way to learn.

  3. My poor student. She got to deal with a very tired and slap happy me. I even had her laughing so hard she was crying.

  4. I had to run a code on one of our own (EMTs) from the next county over and its not easy. When I heard it was one of our own I said I wasn't going to loo at the face and I never did. I think that is what helped me keep a level head. I treated it as any other ACLS call. We were not able to revive him. I never thought I would have to do this but now that I have (this may sound bad) but I feel better knowing that I can keep a level head. There were other EMTs in the rig that were just yelling and screaming and crying and I made them step away. It was making things worse. Once everything got calmed down it was much better. Its horrible when we are trying to save one of our own (EMS, Fire, police) But if it happens keeping a level head is key. I forgot to add, that is one thing I never learned in school. I am thankful that I have a good team that I can debrief with and work through bad situations.
  5. Back on my stretch o-n. Bring on the calls!

  6. Back on my stretch o-n. Bring on the calls!

  7. So tired, Day 4 of 7 almost complete.

  8. Home at last! I hear my nice warm bed calling my name :)

  9. How NOT to impress your medic on the first day: Get the ambulance stuck on a fire scene and in a place where you can't get the wrecker in to pull you out until the fire scene is cleared by all firefighters. Oh and you can't run the ambulance because the exhaust pipe is covered by the snow so your medic sits outside and freezes her a$$ off......yep....long night of trying not to kill my partner.

    1. PCP


      sounds like it was not a fun shift! I am sure your partner felt bad.

    2. spenac


      Why didn't you as the lead tell your partner where to park?

    3. MedicAsh


      Ok, let me clarify. Yes, I was the medic and I did tell him where to park. He did feel bad about it but he is by no means a new emt. He has been working as an EMT and a fire fighter for years. This was my first night working with him. Everyone failed to tell me that he has night blindness and had a hard time driving. So when I asked him if he wanted me to drive and he said no I maybe would have driven or at least urged him to let me drive. I am not trying to be bitchy here but I think that th...

  10. Somedays, working with a flight crew is quite entertaining! LOL They are a whole new breed of EMS.

    1. xstreetsweeperx


      Who knows. Maybe someday I will be a part of a flight medic team.

  11. She knew everything as a basic student. We try to knock her down a peg but then she just goes right back up.
  12. Thanks everyone for the input. I just wanted to get others' thoughts on this. I guess if you knew this person you would understand. She is in medic classes and is already the "paragod awesomest bestest paramedic in the WORLD". She bad talks all of the area departments that she rides with saying they don't know how to run codes, take care of patients properly, etc. So when a patient does not personally thank her she believes they are ungrateful for her even though she just "saved their life" (put on a bandaid). I am not trying to bad talk her but I think there is a limit and to me she hit the limit and has no business in this business.
  13. It shouldn't matter if they are volley or paid. You have to remember that some rural services don't get the call volumes. Also it may be a smaller response area. I know there are times we go days without calls. They also could be talking actual patient contact calls and not standby, lift assist, etc.
  14. I think I need to move to a bigger area. LOL Our calls for the first county are about 1000 per year On the second county I am on, we run around 800. Both places are medic staffed 24/7 one ambulance and they have other ambulances available for call that are staffed with an on call crew (not always an ALS crew) We work 12 hour shifts and usually 6 days on and 7 off.
  15. Defib No I am glad you challenged me on this. I can see it from your stand point but I have to agree with the others. If someone expects a thank you I dont think EMS is the place for them. Yes, we do get thanked. I do know there are people out there that appreciate the emergency responders. I guess just knowing this person it made me mad because I know she expects the thanks and when she doesnt get it She takes it as they are ungrateful. TCRIPP- Maybe hero complex isnt the right word. It was what popped into my head at the time. I just dont think we should have expectations that everyone will say thanks. Its great when they do but if they don't thats ok too. It is a time of emergency for them and depending on whats going on, I dont doubt that they are grateful that someone answered the call. Am I making any sense?? Ash
  16. *Picks Jaw up off the floor* I am speechless at this moment.
  17. There are no "rules" about ringtones on either of my services. For the most part, those of us that carry a cell phone keep it on vibrate while we are working. I can't say there have been any complaints about the ringtones.
  18. So I was looking on Facebook and one post from a co-worker caught my eye. It was a post about being an EMT/Medic/Firefighter and how people NEED to thank us for the job we do. While I realize there is some pride in our jobs when does pride turn into the "Hero Complex"? Let me define my definition, to me the Hero Complex is when pride gets taken too far and you believe that EVERYONE should Thank you for your service and they should bow down to your because you are the "mighty lifesaver". (Hmm Sorta sounds paragod-ish) Well, maybe I am just naive here or maybe I am just strange, but I don't think anyone owes me anything for being in my profession. This is what I want to do and this is what I love. If I get a Thank You out of something hey thats cool but if I don't thats ok too. As long as I know I did my best for the patient. So while some may feel this is an overreaction on my part, the person who posted this on Facebook is one that feels they need to be held on higher ground because they "save lives". They believe that once you become an EMT or Medic that you are the hero. It makes me wonder if some people are getting into EMS for the wrong reasons. So here is my question to you, do you feel that there is a point where job pride becomes a hero complex? Do you think that people NEED to thank you because you save lives? I want true honest opinions here. At what point do we draw the line and say this is a thankless job and we all need to put our big kid undies on and just accept that?
  19. Be gone all unwanted Trolls!! (Ok humor me, lack of sleep and nothing to do at this moment.)
  20. Ok I can't help myself here.......Sorry What about the Ogre?? Thats me!!! Oh and the Grinch Yep thats me too Ok I better stop while I'm ahead. I couldnt help myself. LMAO I like the city for the fact that I have learned a lot from the people here. Yes there are some people that are "tough" but some of those people have challenged my thinking and helped me as a Medic. I know I don't get the chance to get on here much, but when I am I find it helpful and it also gives me a place to visit with many friends I have gained over the years. I have run into Trolls but they are part of life. You never will rid yourself of the trolls. I guess I have learned to just laugh at them and move on. So is all that clear as mud? I am running on no sleep LOL.
  21. I am starting to get into the hang of being a Medic. Still unsure about some things but the docs think I am doing well. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nypamedic43


      I keep telling you..you're gonna be great. Lol is it starting to sink in yet??

    3. nypamedic43


      Ooh yeah...text me if you need me :))

    4. MedicAsh


      Thanks guys. Teri, there are days where it sinks in and i have the "Oh $hi*, I am the medic and I have a basic partner" or I get the "Hey, I am a medic" moments. I am starting to get more comfortable and I am noticing my confidence is up. Yes it is confidence and not cockiness. :)

  22. Book smarts and street smarts are very different. Take the opportunity to get your confidence up while you can. I have learned that you need to be confident but not cocky. Once you get out there on your own, its a whole new world. Prior experience or not, Its just like starting over again. There are some things I wish I would have done more of in clinicals. I am slowly building up my self confidence in the field but it hasnt been easy. Baby steps are good but the best thing to do is step out of your comfort zone and just do what you need to do. I hope classes are going well.
  23. Our protocols dont address this directly but according to my medical director you treat the seizure as you would treat any other seizure. The one main thing you want to be careful of is the patient's respirations. If they are showing signs of cushings triad this is when you really want to watch the airway and consider intubation. He also said that in a situation like this unless specifically stated in your standing orders, to contact medical control. It saves your ass and its always a good idea to ask when you are unsure of something. Our medical control here is great about us calling if we are unsure.
  24. I have been here since September 2006. Wow time does fly.
  25. Pumpkin Seeds!!!! I always have them in my coat pocket and in my mail box. I get razzed about it all the time. They are my addiction. Other than that I really don't snack while on shift. If for some reason I do, I have fruit in the fridge or granola bars in my locker.
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