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Everything posted by scubanurse

  1. I think bitching about not getting paid right away is unprofessional. You don't know if the people you're talking to are there trying to save people's homes while their own home gets destroyed. So often the first responders in situations like these put the public first and their own homes last. Granted that is not always the case, but does occur. I think griping about little things like that when there are bigger things at play is unprofessional or just lacking decorum. Just my $0.02
  2. Or the OP could read the advice of ER Doc who included the necessary links...
  3. Chat room moderator...not forum moderator... get over yourself. Please. For all our sakes.
  4. I agree with heavy blankets helping. There have been a few studies showing heavy pressure across the chest/mid-section can reduce anxiety so I think there's something to it. I'm just too tired right now to look up that research.
  5. Welcome! ....or the one about creating your own personal EMS stock for "emergencies"...
  6. No, she was 10 weeks along. Hubby and I are taking a diving trip in November to get out of town and get some dives out before we start trying again for a baby.
  7. I haven't seen much regarding diving emergencies in protocol books that I've been exposed to. I think the most important piece to note for EMS providers and ER docs is the DAN hotline. They are an incredibly valuable resource when it comes to diving emergencies. One training dive I did, a girl started to vomit underwater and go in and out of consciousness. We ascended her and got her to shore, but the DAN docs were great for guiding a treatment plan, when in reality she was preggo and dehydrated. The dive profile is helpful to DAN when you call them, but the average joe will look at it and likely be clueless.
  8. INH seizures won't usually respond to benzodiazepines, but they are worth a shot, since it's not 100% known that this is INH toxicity causing the seizure activity. The fact that the seizures aren't responding to valium is pointing in the direction of toxicity. INH can cause refractory seizures by creating a GABA deficiency I believe. GABA is a neurotransmitter so a deficiency in this can lead to neuro symptoms such as refractory seizures. But now my brain hurts and I'm heading to bed.
  9. You wouldn't, but continuous tonic/clonic seizures with no secured airway is going to get you a very hypoxic patient. Couldn't a paralytic help in controlling the airway until arrival in the ER and more treatment options.
  10. Any response with vecuronium or succs? Do the seizures respond to RSI?
  11. Looks good to me. I have an app on my phone with this info and detailed descriptions of some of my weirdness.
  12. Diazepam 10mg IV Any way to count pills? Sounds like INH overdose with the seizing and tachycardia. Can we RSI sedate and transport? I'm guessing ems doesn't carry B6/Pyridoxine which I believe is the antedote for isoniazid. Fluids, oxygen therapy and transport? Diazepam/sedation with intubation can help stop/prevent status epileptic us from occurring. But then again I am frequently wrong.
  13. Benzodiazepine of your choice, suction, O2
  14. N-95 masks on... Something no bueno is brewing here. Start 2 lines...as large as I can get em and start some fluids (LR/NS). Hook up the monitor. I'm thinking a call to the health department will be in order after this call for everyone exposed to TB.
  15. In Topic: Starting EMT BASIC soon! 09 August 2013 - 02:08 PM YOU said cheating was fine. Check your local protocols... everywhere I have worked as an EMT-B, Paramedic, and now RN, it requires a prescription or protocol. Your cocky attitude will get you nowhere here.
  16. Scene safe? General appearance? Vitals?
  17. THIS. Oxygen is technically a drug and you need orders for it. How will you properly store this in your home? Will you place the appropriate signs stating there is oxygen on site??? You're in NYC...what situation would you be in that you have time to go grab this huge heavy tank, bring it to your "patient" location, and administer it when EMS is probably seconds away?? Unless NYC is becoming like DC and EMS units are unavailable for critical patients ... http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/23508351/sick-toddler-taken-to-hospital-on-dc-ladder-truck This just seems like such an awful idea.
  18. Get the hose monkeys on scene to grab their extinguishers and clear a path to load her up into the ambulance. No signs of anaphylaxis? Hook her up to the monitor and try to figure out the underlying rhythm? I have a hard time believing one epi pen IM could cause a cardiac arrest but I suppose it is possible?
  19. How would he be handling the contaminated needle? Start the line, remove and safety the needle, put test strip under hub, release a little pressure and get your drop of blood.
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