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Everything posted by Happiness

  1. Why do you feel you have to mind your own business. He let you look and you told him how serious it really was and now he is going to go see the dr. I think you did a fine job . There are those times in our lives that we intervine and it makes a difference to those who need help, and being female helps because we tend to have the motherly touch in the touch situations. edited for saying that might be interped wrong sorry
  2. I had a nerve block once when having a tendon reattached in my index finger and your right there is no pain until it wears off . I dont disagree with your comment on slamming a trauma pt on hard surfaces and having straps tightened on broken boards but if you make sure there is alot of padding on both the board and around the straps this does minimize the any further damage and pain. Now with that being said if you have done your job to the best of your ability you will have some idea of where the broken bones are and you then dont tighten the straps in that area, you move them so they dont go over the injury. I have only had to pack one patient a far distance http://www.queencharlotteislandseh.com/parks/tow_hill/index.htm this will give you an idea of the terain and if you think the wooden pathway was easy it was slippery as hell and was not strether safe so the clam shell was used. Anyway the pt was elderly and slipped and the end of the path, she had a very broken ankle, we took the time to make sure everything was padded well and with the help of others packed her out. She was given entonox from start to finish and in the end she said it wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be. By the way the roads to Tow hill are even more horrible with pot holes etc. One thing out station does is make sure the everyone gets a code three ride laying on the stretcher so they know how it feels for the ones in the back. Now also experience has a big part in the equation, and by that I mean I dont feel the panic I once did on calls and am very compfortable being in the back longer if it means more compfort for the pt. And if my driver is not driving to what I want I will say so.
  3. I also give entonox for pain relief for any suspected fracture. When I first started with BCAS all I need was the OFA 3 course and apperently I was lucky to have an instructor that made us do alot splinting and trauma packageing. I have used pillows for ankles, Sam spints and metal flexable splints for arms. To help stablize shoulders and clavicals I use a towel up into the arm pit and zap straps to hold the arm in place. When dealing with hips or femurs zap straps and a blanket are my best friends. And if it is with in my guidelines they get the entonox asap. The one thing I never really understood during classes was using the Segar splint in trying to convince a pt that me pulling on their leg and applying this contraption was going to make them feel better until I actually used it. I asked this particular Pt if it was true and she said the relief was amazing. So I guess back to the original theme, I would like to be able to completely eleviate any of my pts pain to 0, and I have found that entonox has been a good to get most of the pain at least down to a 2. The one call that comes to mind in useing all of my resourses what a 20 yr old Dirt bike accident. He was wearing a helment thank god, was riding down the beach hit a rock, went over the handle bars, wacked his head on a rock, flipped and smacked his hip on another rock. He heard and felt the snap of his femur. Did a complete spinal and femur stablization with zap straps gave him the entonox for relief while we packaged and moved him. By the time we got him to the hospital which was 5 min away his leg was 3 times its normal size, so with that in mind in using the straps is that you have to keep evaluating and adjusting the straps so that it dosnt turn into a tornique.
  4. Happiness


    I posted this on my FB and my friend called me asking "Why are you looking for drugs on Craigslist"
  5. Education is the best place for paramedics to learn, but one thing that is forgotten is the experience of the partners. I have learned more from the flightmedics, the nurses and the drs on any given call. A text book and a teacher is going to show you the inside the box information where as the others above are going to teach you the outside of the box information and are going to show you how to apply it in the real world. Just my opinion
  6. Scotty sorry to hear you may need the help of your collegues, I am wondering if you have the emergency alert necklaces in NZ, if so why don't you get one and if something happens when she is with you in the house or out and about all she has to do is remember to push the button. Hope things get better soon and remember always wear clean underwear, as you know we do check Happi
  7. Its my only way to get that 15 mins of fame.............
  8. Interesting http://www.theprovince.com/news/thirds+paramedics+abused+study/5923898/story.html
  9. Seriously what planet are you fom. You come to these forums and call us bigots you arse and the above is the most biggoted statement I have seen in a long time. My son spent most of his life on the computer, playing all the games that people thought should be banned and watching the most violent and sex full movies. He lives on his own, owns a truck, plays music, produces music with his friends, he went to collage, he works full time (outside) and he has asperations to join the RCMP. So produce the stats, and so you know peckerhead (i just wanted to call you that)
  10. You know it's real windy when the ravens are flying backwards

    1. spenac


      You know it's Texas wind when they are rolling on the ground with the tumbleweeds.

    2. tniuqs


      You have Raven's / the Black Airforce in Texas ?

  11. We then had to bake her, we dont want any waste
  12. My favorites NCIS 3rd rock from the sun all in the family MASH Mike and Molly Married with children Big bang Reba According to Jim Pengins of Madigasgar
  13. So since she had a D&C it would be possible that there was perferation of the wall, that may have been small at first. With the passing of time the perferation became larger as she became more active, or there was internal damage that wasn't detected in the original accident. Kind of like a piece of torn material that gets bigger over time. This is also going to be aggrivated by the ASA and Plavix. Both of those drugs can cause the black rash....
  14. So if you dont have children I would suggest you volenteer for a Chrismas play and that should sum it up for ya

    1. medicgirl05


      Been there done that...requires more patience thatn I have!!!

  15. http://vitals.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/14/9426089-the-hotter-the-woman-the-better-men-think-chances-are Ok I will admit I had a pretty good giggle on this one. So as I read the artical it actually reminded me of an observation my husband made while visiting our boys, its kind of opposite of the study. So as a mother I think my boys are handsome and that any girl would be lucky to have them. So a little back ground on them #1 has always been the player type but is respectful (or so I think), he is not shy what so ever and has never had a problem with getting the girl.. #2 is the true middle child. He is a tall and really was the cutest of them all (notice I said cute not handsom). He is very shy and it takes him awhile to get the girl (he likes older ones so he told me) #3 is the same as #1 but he can also be very shy around very beautiful girls, so more of a combination of the 2. So the observation was this. When hubby and the boys were together he noticed that men would be very aggressive to #1 and #3. He thought at first that those two were doing something to encourage this behavior and it turned out that what was happening was when they were walking by a couple (girl and boy) or were at the dance club, the girls would turn and look at them. This would in turn upset the the boyfriend, which would inturn create the conflicts. Then what would happen is the middle one would end up being the negotiator so things didn't turn ugly. I just kind of found this interesting and wondered if other groups of men have this type of experience.........
  16. Well there is also this senerio, if a seike goes into a bar (not the they do) and are wearing a ceremonial sword, you as a bartender are not allowed to make the leave it at the door so to speak.............................
  17. Here kitty kitty kitty, I found your antlers and blinking nose.........now all I need are the gloves that go to my elbows ;)

  18. If you are over 45 yrs old, you MUST take this Alzheimer's Test How fast can you guess these words and fill-in the blanks? 1. _ _NDOM 2. F_ _K 3. P_N_S 4. PU_S_ 5. S_X 6. BOO_S Answer below | | | | | | | | | | Answers: 1. RANDOM 2. FORK 3. PANTS 4. PULSE 5. SIX 6. BOOKS You got all 6 wrong....didn't you? You do NOT have Alzheimer's; You are a Pervert
  19. OK did you guys read my #63 comment....................I do work the code at the scene but there is a time when they get transported. I follow the protocol and if I get 3 no shocks on my Defib then Im transporting it is the way it is. I have not started CPR on other calls and the coroner is called, because they meet another set of criteria. If I gave you the impression that I scoop and run I dont..............If I start my CPR/AED protocol I have to run it to the end, if I dont its at the house I stay and so you know Im transporting the dead guy anyways because we have no coroner here to do it for us. So lets throw this into the pot and have alittle stir. They have put all these public AED's in our bus stations etc...........It is a proven fact that if a person is shocked, the sooner the better the higher chance of survival to the ER. But by making it to the ER dosn't mean they are actually going to pull through because the If the heart is damaged for what ever reason the shock dosn't make it all better right, and alot of them die. Now dont get me wrong because when you have one person survive it is all worth it in the end.
  20. As a matter of fact yes I can, it is all about respect to some country's traditions. If my country says that you will show your face while you are taking an oath to be a good, honest, new citizen, then do it, pretty simple. If I was to become a citizen of a Muslim country and they want me to cover my face, know what that's what I'm going to do. The RCMP dress uniform is unique to Canada, and is known around the world by that uniform. I am proud of it and I want it to stay the way it is, there is nothing wrong with that. I am not going to a country and asking them to change something that make them unique. To me personally this has nothing to do with religion.
  21. Well having a piece of skin removed and some water spashed on a baby is completely different don't ya think
  22. Good story and your right it isnt all about all the skills we have its about the compassion that we give.
  23. ok maybe trying to wrap the cat up for christmas wasn't such a good idea

    1. tniuqs


      Bubble gum Vodka didn't work out ?

    2. Happiness


      I would never waste good vodka on that cat ;)

  24. Bored squint Topic one I agree that if you are taking an oath that your face should be seen while doing so. Topic two I dont agree with any culture changing the RCMP uniform. Now the running joke in the family right now is that my Haida son wants to join the RCMP so I am going to weave a traditional cedar hat and have it presented to him if he graduates. Im not thinking it will go well with upperups lol................
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