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Everything posted by asy

  1. Some of them are OK . Hey Phil, what's with the Surinamese flag? Franchising..?
  2. -to win a pair of gloves. February 29th in old Scottish law: Leap Year Traditions do not come often :wink:.
  3. PCB, Not everyone on this site are -God bless- Americans, or men, or employees of Wal Mart, or find this Stuff Funny. I was offended by it. Good luck next time.
  4. Congratulations, e-friend. Am glad you are here. Hang in there.
  5. I saw this post a while ago but had to gather mental energy to reply this without getting furious. For the sake of proper disclosure I have to state that according to the Nuremberg Laws and my mother, I am a 100% Jewish. Why is this relevant to anything? It isn't to most people. It should not be, but it is to this article, because what I am about to say in our politically correct world is harder to say by anyone other than a Jew, a Hebe, a Kike - you get the idea - since they might be accused of uttering the explicit name. I have never met any Hatzolas from NJ, but this organization exists in Israel too, where I live. Some of them are very skilled, most are not. Whoever wants to help others - on any excuse, let it be a Mitzvah or anything else on earth - let them. As a human being I really don't care who they are, where they are or if they want to show off the numbers on their arms. As a former medic I do expect them to know the job and respect the laws, if they are in EMS and especially if they wish to be representing a cultural or ethnic group which for some unexplainable reason got mixed with Emergency Medical decisions. I can still state my opinion at this particular case: THERE ARE STATE LAWS. If you park where it is forbidden - no matter who you are - you should take responsibility for the outcome. It's as simple as that, and I am glad they were toed. What they did later - hinting of being discriminated and vaguely accusing the police of doing that on purpose - is even worse. It's not just breaking US laws - it's violating the Jewish law and being jerks in general. There is enough true antisemitism in the world, no need for Kaplan to use this word falsly. Or rather aggressively use a political momentum and the media to promote a very certain group; since the group is defined by racial and genderal (yes! only men!) acceptance codes, and since it appears that the group does see itself as superior to others ("their" laws do not apply on Hatzola?), I don't see why this case doesn't fit the dictionary definition of racism. By the Hatzola guys, not the NJ PD. Derech Eretz, Kaplan. If you must break a few ethical laws to get votes at some hellhole in the New World, why on my back? Be responsible for the rest of the ant farm too. If there are any NJ Hatzola guys among the members here - I call you to explain this. PS: Yes, throughout this reply I did misuse my own Ethnicity Powers (or whatever) to dramatically say things that could be said in a more civilized way. Yes, it was intentional. I think this is exactly what they are doing there... and I think the accusations are not addressed to the NJPD or to the unorthodox US public. I hope the way I said it didn't hurt anyone, and that it helped to clarify my idea. AND I lingered in a "no parking" zone doing that. Damn... it's all because I am.. you know. VS, your turn :wink:.
  6. Maybe you two can work something out: - Now find me a picture of a contagious feeling.
  7. first - and now . (What are the odds? Still, I refuse to acknowledge a pattern) Not feeling richer, but maybe a kind of CyberSynergy. Thank you Michael.
  8. I cheat all the time. I cheat those I love. I cheat on people I was never with. I cheat myself. And I'm not EMS.
  9. tniuqs, THANKS for all of your trouble! Please thank your aussie and "hikers" Friends as well. I don't know, people PAY to get to this place and survivers even say they had a great time. "SNOW"? I have heard of that phenomenon. They say Inuit has more than a 100 words for it, don't they? Hebrew has 1. The chair you mentioned is very interesting but will not work at this particular S&R unit; Both New York and Chicago have colder climates. But it IS interesting. Thanks for the link for body suits, if not for the Pt I'd really like to have one for myself! :thumbright: THANKS for Timmy and all those who suggested the ice packs. We also have the breaking kind, but Israeli medics who were more experienced, whom I asked, were skeptical about this method. Maybe we have different brands and ours is less effective..? Do you have a link to maybe a research results about it? Maybe I should try Mick's kind. Again, wish we had those gel vests. I should visit Australia. scaramedic, yes, we do get the Jerusalem Syndrome a lot, but not only. Either way it is psychiatrically fascinating. I love that REI stuff! Do you think you can convince them to branch in this direction? BTW, it is also HOT at 4 am when it's totally dark . About sitting still - evidently getting the Pt (and us) into an air conditioned room is best. Sometimes sitting still also means getting warm. I like that PSC, not for this particular terrain but it's nice to have this kind of a rickshaw. EMT-B 55, we DO NOT use alcohol pads as it is not recommended the last few years, as EMS49393 mentioned. Mick, liked your attitude. Don't know what a "camel back" device is but we do have camels, maybe we can just install a freezer on one. "hiker", thanks. We do use benzos at times, when it's clinically needed. Of course prevention is the best way, but when dealing with civilians there is less ability to control or predict their actions. Same goes for Patrick (BTW those methods are also customary in the Israeli army but again, they have their own legislation). Thank you all. Till next summer I will do my best to obtain that cool gel vest. asy
  10. (Hello all. It's good to be back in the City. Thanks for everybody's concern, I appreciate it. ) ----------------- For an unknown reason, some people find it fun to go hiking. Lately they seem to enjoy it more, when temp. is above 43 degrees Celsius (/110 Fahrenheit) in the shade. Apparently these strange people like it most if they had just arrived in this hell-like environment and are not yet acclimatized. It is hot. So.. looking for ideas on how to cool down Pt's body temperature at hot weather wilderness scenarios. I am referring to remote areas where evacuation takes place on foot, and rescuers have to carry equipment and Pt in rough terrain. Evaporation is limited or non-existent at certain climates, while fluids (IV or on the skin) warm up to air temperature on the way. Cooling pads are not very effective for lowering body core temperature. And no, there is no wind. Or rivers. Or glaciers. Just salt, sand and rocks. HOT rocks. Please tell about your way of treatment or link me to related articles. (Hi Dust, thanks for your posts 8). How are you? ) Thanks, asy
  11. Sorry to reopen that debate but i just now got to read this locked thread: "Would you stick that laryngoscope blade in your mouth????". I really don't wish to aggravate people all over again, just to add an interesting point. GAmedic1506 wrote - - I agree with those who said that intubation it is not a sterile procedure and that whoever needs it do not complain.. I hope no one will get offended, I mean this with all seriousness and I'm sure some have done it too. I now work where we have both disposable and regular blades (which we clean). But what I wanted to add is: at some respected (!) facilities here, we use CONDOMS to cover the blades. I'm not kidding; try it out. Best when needed for more than one patient at a short time. :oops: P.S.: PLEASE try to keep this thread civilized.. i know there are endless joke possibilities now :wink: . (Yes, I bet the condom company DOES wonder what's going on there when they order them by the boxes... Yes, those are MEDICAL facilities.. Yes, the condoms ARE disposable... and... what was it about 'sticking it in your mouth'..?)
  12. http://www.yo-god.com/ - which God will this be?
  13. Suicide bombing attacks: Can external signs predict internal injuries? - Unfortunately, this is now a subject that may concern other parts of the world. The survey was conducted in Israel between the years 1994 and 1997. Conclusion and article were published in JAMA in 2005, now free for public view HERE . Better go there if you wish to see the tables and protocol (sorry but i don't know how to post those here). A similar study took place between the years 2001-2004 and was recently posted in PubMed, HERE. If any of you can find a legal and ethical way to have in shown here, i think it would be interesting. asy.
  14. In religious parts, I was once called by the Yiddish equivalent of "wanton" (for being a woman wearing pants or driving an ambulance) :x . In the non-religious sector I was once called the Hebrew equivalent of "hey babe" ... :angryfire: . - But mostly we were called "OH GOD! WHAT HAPPENED?!" (by neighbors in elevators).
  15. At risk of getting into this discussion as an "outsider" i was going to keep quiet, but i must agree with Dust. These pics were not taken in Iraq; Both Palestinians and the Israelis who are in it/posted it are not objective or playing it "fair" (actually they are not playing at all). Using ambulances as shelter for fighters/ smuggling explosives, weapons or people/ disguising car bombs or missile launchers as ambulances/ using fake documents, paramedics or equipments to hurt others are all well "customary" around here for decades. So does shooting AT ambulances or stealing them in order to sneak into hospitals and public buildings unsuspected and KILL. There is NOTHING holy or taboo. All that has nothing to do with choices to join a certain war. There are also no choices where this film was taken, for any of the sides. Notice that the ambulance filmed is a UNRA one, with a RED CROSS on it - when most there are RED CRESCENT ones, like the one the majority of people are seen running towards. Interesting. This was taken by Reuters in GAZA, on May 11th 2004. Yes, it happens, and yes, we use it as propaganda. Please think and come visit before passing moral judgements. Now, I will duck and STFU.
  16. Check these threads out: http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...t=bringing+dead http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...t=bringing+dead [align=center:46a74acfa5]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/align:46a74acfa5] I recall watching that movie in 2000 when it got to Tel Aviv. It's main message to me was not about EMS at all, though the whole thing took place in "EMS world". This goes to all us escapists: [align=center:46a74acfa5] INT. FIRST FLOOR--DAY Mary, wearing a burgundy robe, opens the door. Frank says nothing. Her expression darkens. Frank looks at her again: it's not Mary, it's Rose. Mary has Rose's face. FRANK He's dead, Rose. Your father passed. ROSE/MARY How can that be? He was getting better. FRANK He coded. They shocked him one too many times. I'm sorry. ROSE/MARY He was tough. You did all you could. FRANK I'm sorry. ROSE/MARY You have to keep the body going until the brain and heart recover enough to go on their own. Frank nods. [/align:46a74acfa5] - But maybe that's just me.
  17. asy

    On Top

    !!! HERE i am!!! how could i miss this..??? :banghead: can't believe it took me 20 pages to get here.
  18. asy

    On Top

    hi.. i'm new here.. what are you all doing..? can you move aside please? i want to get to the BOTTOM of this.
  19. Do they have those with sticky soles so i could walk on walls? ...And two cute little rockets in the back.. Oh, and a flame-thrower? :violent3: :toothy8: - Will they ship it overseas?
  20. Welcome to the site! For Israel, try asking for the list of professional requirements at the official MDA's site . I will not ask as for your "non-civic existence" but be aware of the possibility that they probably will. I would suspect that their first question however would be whether you have an Israeli citizenship, and speak Hebrew/Arabic. Their site is not that updated or impressive, but they do have a very efficient "contact us" button. If you do read the language, try at the Israeli paramedics association website. Many good people there who would gladly help you out. hmmm... probably not in the EMS field :wink: . Good luck.
  21. Oops.. didn't notice i was repeating you, North.. :oops: lol. sorry! But it's true!
  22. Don't be intimidated, it will be the best audience you would ever have ! First of all, they would love you no matter what. They would really listen, even if for a short time. They would be honest with their replies.. And they would remind you of something.. :wink: Secondly, many kids think that ambulances are cool (.. for the same reasons adults do - it flashes and makes interesting noises), they would be fascinated by your uniform and most of all by YOU - being someone they have never met before. Remember that and be less afraid . In my opinion you should not worry too much about WHAT to say, but HOW to say it - if talking much at all. At this age the main thing is that you are THERE. You will do most of the job by just showing up. They would look at the ambulance; it would be branded in their memory as "a good thing", together with someone nice who came to visit them once. No need to get too technical (but you can show all the "stuff" to them without trying to explain big words). Their perception of injury or death is different than ours, and that is a good thing.. no need to try and mess with it. If you really want, you could all first stay inside while talking about the 911 number, telling them you and your friends at the ambulance sometimes need their HELP and that you TRUST them to know the no. . Don't give too much information at once, check them - if you feel this group already knows the concept of an emergency you can go on telling them when to call and when not to etc. As long as you talk calmly, smile, listen and react to each of them as much as you can, they would appreciate you and not be intimidated. Mention their parents, ask them if they ever talked to them about this and give positive reactions as they answer. Try to add to what they already know. Show them with your tone of voice and body language that you respect what they have to say. If you want one of them to be quiet, or want to correct them, explain why. You will be okay. 20 mins would not be a long time! you'll see.. and having a list of "things to go over" might distract you from noticing the kids. You would have their teacher there (i assume) and he/she will help you. A group of kindergarten kids means ALOT OF LOVE .. . You can handle that! Good luck and have fun, asy
  23. ... :roll: I can quite certainly say that some areas here have become specialized in that. As a whole, Magen David Adom (the Israeli national EMS- there's no different EMS for each town) is in my opinion as prepared as it can be, drill-wise and actual-cases-wise. It's ability to cooperate with the military, the police, the fire departments and the civilian organizations of volunteers has proven to be remarkable. The best feature is that almost every civilian knows just how to act in those cases (especially when it comes to terror attacks and bombings), and has some degree of awareness. STILL, my town is NOT ready and I don't believe anyone can be "ready". here, what makes the difference between being paranoid and being ready for armageddon is how much time there is until the next elections.
  24. [/font:2579b52bff] "He who saves one soul - has saved the world" [/font:2579b52bff] (hope I translated it right)
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