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Everything posted by Chief1C

  1. So... How do we know that Robert Frazier did anything wrong at all, and you're not just defaming his character? However, I caught on to the Wikipedia-like responses long ago, hence why I call you Wikimedic. However, I don't know you any farther than "Ben" some dude on a forum from New Zealand. Whatever. This is all really confusing.
  2. I'm amazed nobody said EMS..
  3. I think we need to ban the term "taking the piss". And "lol"
  4. That's true, actually. Type 4 are car-chassis based ambulances. I rode in one last summer in Manasquan, NJ. Smoooooth.
  5. How much is the going rate to pay to have someone cut your clothes off? PayPal, Visa, Cash, Check?
  6. Just put some Spray Nine on it, let it sit for about five minutes and it comes right off.
  7. What I can't figure out, is who the hell is stupid enough to post their drivers license on an internet forum. I'm amazed he didn't post his SSCard. If he were acting, as in treating patients, under false certifications; that would be one thing. I don't think it's illegal to say, hey I'm a nurse or hey, I'm a doctor.. on the internet, to boost your delusions of grandeur. Immoral, but not illegal. Clearly, based on what you've said, there is some underlying mental health issue that he has. I suppose you won't be using his address to send a Christmas Card, eh? UGH! Firefox spell check quit, and I can't find the button on here. I'm totally exhausted, so excuse any errors.
  8. Ah shit. Lost the content.. We're having a snowy-ice storm, and there seems to be a delay between lights out and generator take over. Anyhoo.. Nawt directing this at Ruffticles. The noob with the eager shears. Cut with a purpose. If you cut some old lady's coat off to take a BP, because she has leg pain, and is stable.. You have no business in the back of an ambulance. I've lobbed clothing off patients for various reasons, unrelated to trauma. Unresponsive diabetics, profusely diaphoretic. What do wet patients do? Cool off quickly. The best and only way to warm with my new, favorite tool, the Ready Heat; is if they're pretty damn near naked. But stewing in wet clothing won't help. But if the patient was alert, I'd pull the clothing off. Again.. Nawt directed at Ruffticles. My auto spell check isn't working, so forgive any accident mistakes. Some things I spelled wrong on purpose. And I'm tired. So you'll have to throw me a bone today.
  9. Where's the nearest hospital? Looks like a tragic outcome in the making.
  10. I think they skipped that chapter when I took the course. I take on each patient, as an individual. I don't lump groups together. Aside from EMS, that's not how I was raised. Some standards may be different, based upon regions of the globe. The only thing I could do different for my patients, due to an industrial boom, is learn spanish; and beat myself up for taking years of French I and II in high school. Je suis un ananas. Or something like that.
  11. If I can take it off, before laying the patient down; or immobilizing.. without causing pain or movement when movement is bad.. I take it off. If they says it's their only one, I tell them to send us a bill, and we'll pay for it. And we WILL pay for it. It's not fun to strip someone nude, it makes them feel vulnerable, stressed and insecure. A comfortable patient, you will be able to see, by their vitals unless they're truly sick. Those are the patients that don't care. Sometimes, it just has to happen. You don't know what's behind the door, unless you open it. Not just for traumas either. Don't call me Shirley, Roger. Over.
  12. I'm confused. What exactly is going on here, and how do you get connected with the most off the wall, one-in-a-million-whacko people, Ben? It's like you're a magnet for the most hard to believe shit. Has hal pinged the IP to the general vicinity of Sparta, TN? As we now know the guys street address. Are we sure this isn't a case of "I stole your wallet and I'm ruining your name"? I believe the last callout was the girl who wanted money, and pretended she was dead or in ICU? She was gonna sue us all for calling the newspaper, the fire house, etc. Yeah. Fail. A few of us have grown kinda close, gone apart, but got to know one another quite well. But some folks, I just have to wonder about.
  13. Cultural, folklore and historical stuff in general.
  14. I was being sarcastic in the first sentence. You should expect that by now. Although, a good nap is enjoyable. The kind where you're so tired, you wake up confused afterward. I also dabble in throwing virtual bricks at Wikimedic here.
  15. Where exactly are you? Just wanna know, so I don't happen upon your "initial response area". If it's for "first responders", as in the training course, not like cops, firemen, et al, media named first responders. That's like standard first aid. If they can't pass. They should be, first, sterilized.. and second.. not be first responders.
  16. I enjoy sleeping, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, fruity-alcohol. I also write. I'm a published author. I do a lot of shit that really has no meaning, so why bother saying it, right?
  17. Have you dropped it yet? You better drop it a few times. If it breaks, it doesn't belong on an ambulance yet.
  18. Look over your ILS protocols, it will probably tell you when to call ALS. But if you're assessing your patient, you can always use ALS going by mechanism. Won't hurt to give a true trauma patient, the full court press.
  19. Galls? HA! Way too expensive. You want refurbed AED's, and low priced medical supplies - Progressive Medical International... That's who I buy from, when I don't need the stuff the next day. Otherwise, I use Moore Medical. Pete and Pat, my reps. No other companies send X-mas cards. ha ha.. And ProMed sends you a case of free shit for signing up, like cool stuff, not junk. No I don't work for Progressive. I believe Bound Tree just bought the service I used to be a rep for.. Then there is always South Eastern Emergency Equipment. SEEQUIP, if you're googling. They wouldn't give us an account, b/c we're small, not that busy, and don't have many large ticket accounts. But I've purchased from them. I buy "refill kits" in bulk, make my own trauma bags and resell. Buy blue and orange Cordura when its on sale, by the 60yd bolt, and you're all set. Just visit Joann's Fabrics for webbing and buckles.
  20. Up until about two months ago, I took Benadryl on almost a daily basis for sleep. Sometimes, so much that it actually made me itchy, vs taking it away. One morning, whilest brushing my teeth, I noticed my left pupil was significantly larger than the right. My doctor is a complete fucking idiot, can't understand 90% of what he's saying anyway. But he wanted me to be promptly taken away by helicopter to a hospital 90mi away, b/c clearly I had a brain injury that I was unaware of.. Cause. Excessive use of Benadryl.
  21. Or as my reports go... ____ to ____..... ____ to ____ on the HEAR.... ____ to ____ on the HEAR, do you copy? ____ to ____ on the HEAR do you copy, over?... ____ to ____ on the HEAR, whether you copy or not, I don't care I made the attempt, pulling in now. Why didn't you radio in? > Why didn't you answer.... Didn't hear you. YEA..? Your did not HEAR me, why is your HEAR turned off? What ya gotta do is turn that $#!t up a good distance, and pull the volume knob off, and put it in your pocket.
  22. Wouldn't that make about 70% of the people from the Eastern US, Eurpoean Americans?
  23. I'll take some, I've never been drug tested. Thank god, I dunno how long pot stays in your system, but... Anyhoo. Goddamn drug seekers. Nine years ago, I went on a regular routine call for someone in cardiac arrest. At the time, we got there urgently, but didn't leave urgently. Except we didn't know it was a cardiac arrest, and we only had a two man crew, with no possible assistance. Hurt my back, didn't get it checked out, b/c what is the most common complaint that's easy and expensive to diagnose, but requires immediate pain management? Low back pain. Never had back pain though, leg pain, bad. Went on my own, my own insurance, no comp, etc.. Got one of those steroid injections, buddy took me, and brought me back. Felt amazing, till about 3am. Before then, I'd never have known I had any problems... Till I woke up with a headache, pain, HOT, white hot, severe, screaming pain in about six different spots. Went for the Mtn. Dew, b/c they said if that happens, drink lots of Caffeine.. No deal. I was bawling, laying on the floor, screaming, vomiting, literally pissed myself. I had half the ambulance crew in the parlor trying to put me on a Reeves to get me out the door in the fetal position. Despite my BP being around 260/180, my pulse about 160's, and breathing so fast I sucked the bag flat... I wasn't allowed to have ALS provided pain meds, b/c the ER Command didn't think it sounded right. I was to be given something to calm me down. Well they gave me so many things, from every entry point you can put meds, that my breathing had to be assisted, and I was intubated. Never had anything like it since, no idea what caused it. I was having a bonified medical emergency, I needed pain management. You can't fake that shit, it isn't possible. If I didn't see those people every day, I'd have sued their asses off. Instead, I threatened it, and the doctor was fired. The only possibly cure that I could see at that point, would have been shooting myself, and if I could have walked, it would have been tempting. *possible. I've been up for about 30hrs.. Quitting smoking. I'm extremely irritable, I hurt everywhere and I'm moderately depressed...and I'm not one to find myself in that mood, per se. Can't sleep. I could go on and on all night long. Well, all morning long. I've cleaned everything I can clean, assembled a model ambulance, looked at every page in my LOL Cats Calendar and vacuumed ten rooms. But I'll take some of those mushrooms. They're not like the food kind, right? B/c I'm allergic to the kind like you get on Pizza, or stuffed in fancy restaurants. And how do we learn these things? That's right, the hard way. ha ha
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