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Everything posted by Chief1C

  1. I believe he is calling the ambulance, a bus.
  2. Well, since the agency doesn't have ambulances, I'd say their primary duty is to probably arrive, assess, treat and pass off. Which you can probably do at any age, from about 12 to 112. It's pretty damn simple. Good for him.
  3. Raise rates to the highest legal amount and removed any subscription or membership programs. You'd be amazed how much comes in, and how many people you piss off, sometimes to the point of violence.
  4. I backed the firefighter. It was nighttime, the cop car doesn't have a flashing light that says cop car. It could be easily assumed that the person behind you is another firefighter. In many states reds and sirens is common equipment, and blue is for police. I used to have to remove my bar when traveling. Now it's clear.. soooo u don't know the color till its on. Now the cop, they say the firefighter was going extremely fast. But from what I seen, the cop was speeding - intensely, until he caught up to the firefighter. Then it was in the range of 55. I always take my time, I know I won't miss a truck, and I could always go to the scene. And nobody's emergency, I don't care if you cut your leg off or you're in cardiac arrest... it's not worth me losing my life. And if I wreck enroute, and hurt someone else, I couldn't live with myself. I carry 500,000 in personal liability insurance, a worth $28/month expense. Shit happens. We deal with power trippy cops in a civil manner. Request a second one to the scene of accidents, ensure all hazards are secure...and leave them to direct traffic. Usually, they try to bail on us. But I figure, they're state employees, and we're not. So it's more their road than ours.
  5. Just wait for the Blizzard... then of course the sudden warm up into the 70's three days later. So.. The flood.
  6. All the better reason to live in a community where no structure is higher than three stories.
  7. I'm sincerely concerned, after Lee hit - and that was just flooding, no wind, places around here with without power for 3-7 weeks. This is wind and flooding.. and possibly snow. The forecast was for 57F as the high, it hasn't risen above 45 all day. They're sand bagging the whole goddamn town, Lee was the worst flood that hit since records began to be kept in 1835.
  8. Well, if you revive them, they won't be zombies. Then again, should you start CPR is the sudden cardiac arrest patient shows signs of becoming a zombie? We're gonna need that to be explained before December.
  9. There has been just the right amount of time since this began... Friday, there will probably be thousands of boxes of blankets in this guys office. Hopefully someone shows up and write it up as a fire code violation.
  10. Read into it, doesn't matter. But then they should discipline the crew that comes on shift, for failing to ensure that the unit was equipped properly.
  11. The blankets were donated to give away. So it's not like these bastards are out of a few bucks. And we all know that the free shit you get at some ER's doesn't qualify as a warm blanket.. Yanno, unless it's 85deg (F) outside, and you're cold b.c you have a 103F temp and just need that "covered up" feeling to calm down. If he forgot to restock.. Put another one on. It's not like he took the monitor batteries out and forgot to replace them. Forgetting a blanket won't cost someone their life. You can always sit them in a vehicle and turn the heat on.
  12. Yanno, I can't think of any funny quips about being steamed to death in a tuna plant. Just saying it is enough... and I can live with wanting to crack a joke. I haven't laughed in like two days, I even subscribed to Netflix in an attempt to get my natural knack for near-syncopy laughing spells back. Nothing. I may be dying.. but at least it won't be while I'm being steamed. Nope. Shit.
  13. *Walks in... Someone call the funeral home?
  14. *Proudly mailed Chief Douche a WWII surplus wool blanket.. Don't see anything wrong with them, I use one on my bed when it's cold enough to over power the heat. When in reality, I just use heat so A. the pipes won't freeze and 2. the cat won't freeze. Bought a whole case of them.. Spray painted "DONATED GIFT. NOT CITY PROPERTY" on one corner and let it air out before I mailed it.
  15. Speaking for my geographic location. And being educated in the matter.. We could get tax funding.. Which would be about $12/taxable property/year. Can't have both, either taxes or billing for services; have to choose one.That would be an income of about $4200.. Annually. Or.. we can bill each and every ambulance call, and make about $88,000.00 annually. Hrmmmm... I think the tax payers can keep their twelve dollars. Though, I don't agree with the stereotype that every volunteer service and every volunteer are poorly educated, lack skills and don't cut it. I feel the same way about most *new EMS providers, whether they're volunteer or paid. Mostly the paid ones, I say paid, because to a lot of the noobs it isn't a career.. It's just another job, that they have no intention of putting their heart into. Especially if their chief job description is to drive the ambulance.
  16. And which funeral home would they like him transported to?
  17. Unless of course you have a police agency who doesn't respond until you arrive and determine that their assistance is needed. Then you're pretty well screwed.
  18. Holy shit... Yanno what? I feel entitled all of a sudden, or maybe I'm overly stressed, burned out and slightly depressed. Hard to say. I feel entitled to my moderately sized white - white because I'm abnormally pale today - but normally pinkish ass being kissed by John Q. Public. I feel that someone out there literally needs to kiss my ass. Why? I used to enjoy a violent, bloody car crash; as much as I did holding some old ladies hand, or hearing their life story during the hour long transport. Today. I took someone for a fucking finger rash. A FINGER RASH. ONE FINGER. Doctor says you should be seen. So what do they do? THEY CALL AN AMBULANCE. With three cars, upscale home, hard workers... and two vehicles following along to taxi them home.. they need a goddamn ambulance, lifted into and out of, for a finger rash. Pardon me, if I feel that it was a waste of my skills and time. I'm young enough that the pain in my chest, is probably not cardiac. Stressy tension, but not cardiac.. My day just went down hill from there.. So, I was bored, and then the patient needed the heat on. Well, I'm wearing a uniform pull over, and a sweater under it.. because it was cold. OUTSIDE. Comfy inside.. So I get the sweaty nausea thing going on.. And that shit doesn't go away, if I get sick feeling in the ambulance, I feel that way all day, unless I vomit. Then it goes away.. and I already had an ear ache, which I hadn't had for like 20+ years.. so my world is rocking to the left and every little noise is just driving into my brain.. so I'm not on top of my game. So, we go into the Cafe for a pop.. and pop is free for EMS workers. But I usually pay for it.. and the guys in front of me, not in uniform, just wearing pagers get theirs free.. and I get up, say what you're supposed to say.. and she says to us $4.50.. Now $4.50 wasn't the point... Except that's 2.25 for a 16oz bottle of Mountain Dew. That's highway robbery, it's only 1.29 in a store for christ sakes. It was the point that one of their physicians specifically requested the patient with absolutely not one goddamn thing wrong with them, to call 9-1-1 for an emergency ambulance service, to transport their lazy ass 50 miles for what amounted to probably an hour in the ER. B/c I seen the person about 3hrs later walking down the street. So, anyhoo... I flipped my lid, and we went somewhere else. Therefore, today, right at this moment.. I feel entitled that someone KISS MY ASS. JUST SAYING. Wow, that feel so much better.
  19. That's funny... I bought myself a Kindle about five months ago, and that was one of the first things I read (purchased via Amazon).
  20. Our stuff gets stolen, not lost or destroyed, stolen, all the time. Trauma teams cut our spider straps.. Other services RURAL METRO for example, steal our LSB's and CID equipment left and right. Nothing you can really do, unless the hospital takes an active role in seeing that your equipment is returned. After all, you're bringing some business to them. That would be the right thing to do, only a few ER's do that here. The rest leave your shit out for the picking. I've never taken what wasn't ours, w/o the purpose of 'dropping it off at x station on the way home'. But we've had stuff returned months or years later, with other services stickers on it, or covering our stickers. Usually the service doesn't give two craps. And they're usually the ones who don't have to worry about the cost of replacing stuff. Bastards. That's right, R/M... You're crews are often total schmucks.
  21. I hate pockets. I would never wear the typical EMS pants, I'd rather side with LEO uniform pants. Everyone shows off their shears, and super uber tactical knife.... till some nut job grabs hold of them and cuts your wind pipe. Go pink shears! Oh wait, that's the blood rhythmically spraying from my neck, onto my custom-will-cut-anything yellow shears. Damn.
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