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Everything posted by craig

  1. well here in my world we have a term for people like you....BLOODY DICKHEAD so the great american system is the best.....whoop-dee-f*cking-do from what i have seen, experienced,heard, read and been shown, that is a hard pill to swallow in my backward area of service we do not have to 1, be subserviant to a nurse (as my degree has the same weight bearing as theirs, and I get paid more than they do) 2, contact a medical control to administer drugs 3, have basics that can not do anything but put on a band aid (our basic level cannulate and administer drugs & fluids) 4, have to blow our own trumpet to make ourselves feel important 5, we have the ability and the trust of the medical profession to enable us to make the diagnosis of the problem at the scene, treat the patient at the scene (without a doctor authorising) and transporting to facilities that we feel is the appropriate do i need to go on........................ stay safe
  2. what the bloody heck would a st john cadet do with one? stay safe
  3. when someone is sick or injured
  4. Now timmy that isnot entirely true in victoria you have paramedics and intensive care mica guys but thats in victoria the reason you have 'paramedics' in victoria is because jeff kennett, your ex premier did an election promise of have paramedics on every car the way he did this was to change the name of the guys from ambulance officers to paramedics and wait for it they kept the same skills he achieved his aim in the eyes of joe q public as there are now paramedics on each car in victoria and for saying the only bls team we have in aus, well judging by your photos i would say you were part of the biggest bls team we have.....the jonnies stay safe
  5. Duhhhhh...................the ambulance[/font:27d421eb24].... but then again that is very imaginative isn't it. stay safe
  6. Some thing that I am sorry to say is we ALL want to be seen a professional, HOWEVER how can we be professional if we cant even bloody read instructions and spell correctly. are some medics in the States DADS? Dumb As Dog Sh*t............................ stay safe
  7. mike you changes TWO letters,,,,you cheated now it will not work stay safe
  8. We use to have this supervisor (he is still a supervisor, but i have moved areas) that would drive his car into the plant room, throw the keys at us and say "here you are herb" or "wash this herb", (he called everyone herb), with out saying please or thankyou. what we used to do was 1. he was a devotee of a certain type of music and his car stereo was tuned into a radio station that broardcast this music. we changed ALL the presets to the local ARABIC music station and then turned the volume up t the highest level, so when he started his car all he got was the arabic whailing at it's highest. 2. we place a 500 ml sachet of saline connected to a pump set under his seat, with the line running under the trim of the car until it came out just next to the sunvisor above him. each time he hit a bump in the road and his seat compressed he got a squirt in the face. 3. and then we worked out that he had to do more left hand turns to get to work from his address than right hand ones. so we wired the horn up to the right hand indicator so that when he was driving and he put the right indcator on the horn activated. and this guy HATES when people blast their horns at him.............. ahhh the things we do.... stay safe.
  9. Ruffems I know we have covered this before. I read Ugly medics post and no where in it does he call you anal retentive. what was said that the way you exhibit your stand on pranks you could raise to the rank of a humourless anal retentive ADMINISTRATOR. BIG DIFFERENCE.................... As I said before to play a prank on some one with the administration of a drug is DANGEROUS AND STUPID But I am tending to think (in my perception) that you take thing to heart and are a little thin skined when you get a negative post directed your way. If you feel that in any way I am attempting to insult you, then that is your perception as I do not have that intention, these are my views and my reality therefore this is what I am entitaled to have and voice. stay safe.
  10. to answer your complaints........ we refer to God a He YES God is a GUY!!!!!! He wouldnt do that to one of his own would he....... stay safe
  11. Just wondering as to why everyone keeps refering to the fact that this patient had a #NOF I may just be a ambo from down under but my observations and diagnosis is a # femur (mid shaft) due to the fact the post said it WAS CONFIRMED AT HOSPITAL. discounting that, the clinical signs at the scene lead more to a # of the femur than a # of the NOF due to the swelling and pain to the mid shaft and not the hip. Nothing listed as to the evidence of any shortening and rotation of the injured leg. The standard for a fracture of the upper leg is normally a traction splint (choice of the officer as to what type and as to what is available). How ever on an elderly patient that has a very thin build and may have a bone disorder (oesteoarthritis or oesteoperosis etc as most 80 yo females have) the splint may cause more damage that is warranted, therefore it may be be better to just splint the leg with a large leg splint and make the patient comfortable for transport. Therefore I see that the treatment that the officer did was not incorrect as everyone has to be treated as we find them and on the merit of the case that we are attending. The action of removing the 80 yo females pj bottoms or cutting them off, well would you do this to you grandmother while a TV crew was holding a camera over your shoulder? even though you could make the relevant diagnosis with out this action? my two bobs worth..... stay safe
  12. Where is the "D" .........all of the above? stay safe
  13. and wore comfortable shoes and rode a harley stay safe
  14. Dust from all of your friends here in the land of Oz. stay safe, keep your head down and get back quick and safe son.... prayers are with you craig
  15. The question was would i take a bsl in both cases..... there was no mention of pathophysiology, contraindications, adverse effects or the such...just would i and in a nut shell it was YES. if asked i will add to this. stay safe
  16. here we have an age limit yes it is to be able to be employedd in the job. but mainly it is because you need to be a certain age to be able to get the drivers licence to enable you to drive the ambulance. there fore the age limit is a minimum of 22 yrs i think. stay safe
  17. you must be a really mean looking guy to be bashed when you give a person the narcan. In 18yrs in ems and working in one of the biggest narcotic using areas in australia i can not remember when i have been majorly assulted by a druggie when they have been awakened by the narcan. yes verbally abused, spat at, hit thrown at (with little power) but i have never been bashed etc for doing it. most times after the narcan administration all the smackie wants to do is roll over and spew......gawd, there were times that we even tried to make them spew......makes it easier to look after them as they dont want to cuss at you and spit on you then. most times the shitbag will not want you to transport them to hospital anyway, so tubing them, restraining them etc can only be detremental anyway as you will be backout the next night doing the same things to them with the same result........... Neca eos omnes. Deus sous Agnoset[/font:fb8f0a4c51] stay safe
  18. G'day dust yeah lets do it i 'd like more of a challange........lol both arguments are flawed.....from my perspective anyway.........like i said before and will say again, i feel better beig here and being treated by ANY level of training than those that have been protrayed on these pages. basics in the states or even intermediates must be pretty bad NOT to have the backing of higher skill levels on advancing medications and skill levels. goes to show that education is NOT everything....lol stay safe
  19. i still find it hard to believe that your "intermediates" cant carry out advanced procedures or drug interventions. they are "intermediate" to what? to gain the level of ALS here you have to be in the employment of the service for at least three years. and you then do the minimum of 240 hours in the class room, then 80 hours in the hospital doing pract followed by 160 hrs "on road" with a paramedic crew as third on car, to do a road pract aspect. this is after doing the three years in the job as well as the training that goes with it. Even if you attend a school that gives you a "paramedic degree" doesnt mean that you can treat at this level untill you have done the above within the service (after you have been employed- for three years). stay safe
  20. I feel sorry for you guys that you work in an area that is REGRESSIVE to furtherment of ems here the 'basic' qualified ambo can give narcan, can give iv fluids, can give adrenaline im, can give midazolam in, phernergan in, phyntenal in.....i know that our guys are trained more than the ones in the states but if you give the emt of any level the body of knowledge then why not the skills. all this bickering about this only goes to show to the uneducated (joe q public) that visit this site that we do not have a united stand on how patients are treated and that paramedics are somewhat medical 'gods' and that what they say goes...... stay safe
  21. In a nut shell to both cases YES stay safe
  22. NALOXONE PHARMACOLOGY 215TYPE: Opiate antagonist ACTION: Reverses respiratory depression, sedation and hypotension caused by opiate analgesics. The duration of action of the opiate may exceed that of naloxone and renarcotisation is always possible. Ideally a patient should be observed and if necessary repeat doses administered. USE: The reversal of opiate analgesic overdosage: · Heroin · Lomotil (loperamide) · Pethidine · Pentazocine (Fortral) · Morphine · Digesic (propoxyphene) · Codeine · Immobilon (veterinary drug) · Endone (oxycodone) · Buprenorphine · Various diarrhoea and cough medicines · Methadone ADVERSE EFFECTS: · Opiate reversal can cause vomiting, sweating, tachycardia and hypertension. In patients with cardiac disease more serious effects such as VT, VF and pulmonary oedema may occasionally occur · Rapid reversal of the opiate overdose may lead to combative behaviour in the patient PREPARATION: Naloxone – 2mg per 5ml Min-I-Jet DOSE: ADULT Routes of administration: IV, IM · SUSPECTED NARCOTIC OVERDOSE: 5ml (2mg) NALOXONE IV BOLUS or IM if a vein is not available Can be repeated twice if inadequate clinical response · IMMOBILON OR BUPRENORPHINE OVERDOSE REVERSAL 5 ml NALOXONE IV BOLUS or IM if a vein is not available Can be repeated to a maximum of 30 mls (12mg) PAEDIATRIC Routes of administration: IV, IM · SUSPECTED NARCOTIC OVERDOSE: 0.25 ml/kg (100 mcg/kg) NALOXONE IV as a bolus or IM if a vein is not available Each bolus dose must not exceed the adult dose of 5mls Can be repeated once if inadequate clinical response Naloxone should not be administered to newly born infants, due to the increased risk of withdrawal syndrome. Above is our protocol/ pharmacology for Narcan here the primary care officer (basic to you guys) can give it in certain situations ALS (both I and P) can give it the same. stay safe
  23. i was never personally attacking you i was making a point that some people winge about thing when they are responsible for doing the same thing do you get upset when people think we still do the big "flip off" on our drugs like gates and desoto did what i was implying was that people need to take a chill pill olympus has one this argument as we are all talking about thier cameras due to this ad i knew a person that did work for an agency that did an ad that was deemed inappropriate and it only aired 4 times. when it was pulled due to complaints, the company said tat they only paid for 6 screenings of the ad, as they knew it would be controversal. However they were very happy that it caused so much trouble because they got 1/2 million dollars worth of FREE advertising due to all the people talking about it, showing iot on the news, current affairs shows , radio etc. like i said if this is all you have to worry about, chill out dude. i appologise if my comment have upset you , i didnt mean to do that stay safe
  24. for gawds sake grow up it's a commercial............ the budwiser frogs really dont say it....... the coco pop monkey is not real and there are NO pixies in a box of rice bubbles are you so thin skinned that a commercial gets you upset? are you worried that you may be caught out about something you have stolen? commercials are done as MAKE BELIEVE so get the punters in I have never seen the add , but if that is all you have to worry and complain about.....GET A LIFE stay safe
  25. civil service? not sure what you mean. here the state has control over all the emergency services it is not city municipal based like in the states. the state has one police force(15000+ employees) one fire brigade (too bloody many......lol) one rural fire service (70 000 volunteer and paid memebers- as from their web site) and one ambulance service (3000+ employees) the police and fire briagdes/services are under control of the emergency services minister the ambulance service in under the control of the state health minister via the health department due to the size of the state in remote areas there are volunteer rescue services (technical rescue not ems) that do some of the work (they being the State Emergency Service and the Volunteer Rescue association), both of these services are accountable to the state emergency services minister as well as for the other states i really dont know stay safe
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