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National Registry impending "Smackdown"

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Has anyone noticed the National Registry is preparing to deliver a huge insult to the EMS community? What I refer to is their veiled attempt to require retesting of registrants. Of course they are slowly introducing this as an option and have said in the newsletter that retesting is "not currently a requirement". It doesn't require much imagination to see where this is headed. I feel this is just another "smackdown" by the very entity we were counting on to validate us as a profession. No other "registry" of healthcare professionals insults their "registrants" by requiring mother may I re-testing including Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Radiology, Sonography etc. Its time for someone to stand up for EMS and stop selling out to the influences bent on keeping us under their thumb! Oh and by the way I have read the NHTSA crap they will use to try and validate the need for re-testing as a means to ensure competency. To this I would submit that EMS providers are already scrutinized far more than all other disciplines through Physician Medical Directors, QA / QI and tertiary certifications such as PALS, ACLS, BTLS, CPR etc.

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They can kiss my ass. I just won't renew with them. There would be no point to keeping up with their almost impossible list of CE's I would have to retest to keep registry and If I let it go and wanted to leave MI I would have to take a refresher and retest anyways, so either way I'm retesting. I think a lot of people will think the same as me.

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I am already not planning to renew! I have moved a few times due to getting separated and I can not find all my CEU stuff, plus right now having NR in front of the EMT does nothing for me.

I am an EMT in MD, but work in VA and our building (mostly military) has an inhouse medical response team in case of major event. Most of the members have Army Combat Lifesaver training, some just CPR/AED. I contacted VA to see if I could get my VA EMT, but I can not because I am not affiliated with an EMS agency in VA. That was the stuff I had hoped the NR would make easier.

So, I am going to continue to get my CEUs, but save the money and give up the NR.


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I don't know about the rest of you but we have to demonstrate our BLS/ALS skills anually within our County to maintain the right to function in EMS. Also, as again I would hazard a guess most of you if not all are required to do the same , we are required by the State to maintain "x" number of con-ed hours per year.

The NR is a test. Nothing more, nothing less. Once you have satisfied their requirements, you should be done with them, Sure, you have to send in your con-ed hours and classes every 2 years + the $20.00 :roll:, but that shouldn't be a problem.

As stated above, you still have to gain reciprosity or apply if you will, for your State license/certification once completing the NR.

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I don't mind retesting and confirmation of my knowledge, but for NR? The CBT cost $110. Unless pearson moves their testing centers to the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, I won't be buying. Or, are they going to do free testing? And if so, why did I have to pay the first time?

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Am I the only one who found these comments amusing thus far?

The retest i soffered as an alternative to doing a full medic refresher course. People complain that they can not get a refresher in there area, time away from job, etc; so now they have a very simple alternative yet they still complain.

What is the big deal anyway? Are you telling me as an experienced medic you could not pass the entry level exam again if you had to?

That says a lot for your standard of education or willingness to stay current.

Another poster commented on "their impossible requirements for CEs" or something to that effect. Again, I laugh and laugh hard. Their requirements are not that difficult as long as you do not wait until the last minute every TWO years like half the slackers in our field.

It is very easy to acquire the CEs and maintain your registry. I mean if you can not take the time and effort to maintain currency in extra education outside your job for your "profession" do you really need to be in it?

Teachers, bankers, HR people, RTs, MDs, and a whole slew of other "Professions" do it. SO why do we piss and moan about it so much?

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Yea its not that big of a deal. Many states offer a written test as a recert option. As AK said, if you can't pass it after 2 years of experience, then there are some major issues at hand.

Lets not start a conspiracy theory, if they come that it is required, then so be it. There are bigger things in EMS to worry about than an entry level test.........

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Right now, the whiners, and the rest of us, have two options. Either do what you think is a ridiculous amount of CEUs which you say there is no way you can complete, or, in the alternative that the NREMT has offered you, you may simply re-test for re-registry. I think the same people would piss and moan if they said "all you have to do to re-up is show that you are currently working in the EMS field and we will give you a new, year specific patch." Quit whining for Gods sake. Do your CEUs, which you should have been doing anyway, or take the test. I have been taking CEUs but havent gotten enough to meet the NR standard so will be testing. Whats the big freakin deal. For those of you who are not re-registering as some sort of protest, go for it. But if you move to another state, and want reciprocity, you may find it difficult without NR. Wisconsin requires NR currency to reciprocity from Illinois. Basic what those of you that are whining are saying is I dont want to do anything to have to re-register. I just want them to give it to me. i dont want to do my CEUs and I dont want to take a test. Typical something for nothing mentality. Tuck it in and do what you have to...otherwise, I hear they are taking applications at your local Walmart.

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It's only a test for goodness sake.

Maybe this might be a step in the right direction in advancing our industry as a profession.

It might go a long way in proving that our people are professionals by requiring the education to keep current and then a test to prove we know what we are supposed to know.

Wouldn't that promote our professionalism to the industries who consider us to be step children.

Or do you think it might just prove to those other professions that we can't be trusted to keep current unless a test is required.

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