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Chicago Fire


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Ems is far more racist than Fire, due to its short history on earth. So the fact that racial discrimination is commonly found in Fire, shows how bad it is in EMS

Yes that MUST be correct .. FF are the most sexist .

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Ems is far more racist than Fire, due to its short history on earth. So the fact that racial discrimination is commonly found in Fire, shows how bad it is in EMS

I know you probably don't care, but in case you wonder why your rating is double digit negative, making sweeping- and TOTALLY INACCURATE statements such as these would be a good reason.

You really need to think before you leave a steaming pile like that.

The exact opposite is true around here, and many other places I have visited. EMS is quite integrated ethnically, gender wise, and race wise in our area and has far fewer of these issues. The "age" of EMS is completely irrelevant.

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You know, I had a conversation very much like this online with a feminist a few months ago. She was up in arms because she knew of a girl that got drunk at a party, ended up having sex with some drunk kid, and the next day called it rape.

I asked her if this girl had been physically damaged in some way, and she said that she had not, but because of her level of intoxication she was defenseless and that made it rape. I asked her if the boy was also intoxicated, to which she said that it didn't matter, he should have known better.

She was enraged when this kid wasn't arrested for this heinous crime. Not every act, nor personal failure needs a law created to allow you to escape responsibility. Some things suck. That is how we learn to prepare to avoid them in the future.

These attitudes towards women hurt my heart in the same way that Crotchity's concerning blacks do. They scream that they are equal in every way yet tiny but very vocal sub groups constantly fight for the special considerations that we normally reserve for children, animals and the mentally infirm.

I believe that both groups are insulted and defined by these exaggerated special protections and their ability to fully participate retarded. Not by the rules that exist, though I certainly do believe that racism is alive and well, (as is agism, sexism, weightism, etc) but by the constant reminder that these groups must be treated like mentally damaged children or those that have succeeded through hard work and commitment will face the wrath of the politically correct.

Crotchity's claims that the system was so biased that a black man can't compete spits in the face of the 20% of the fire dept that have chosen to do just that.

Anyone remember that movie, some horror flick where a white supremest and a black gang member are caged next to each other? At one point the black man mentions something about the white wanting to kill him. The white man says something like, "Kill you? I love you man! You've killed more n*ggers than I ever could!"

That is where I see the Crotchity's of the world. A toxin to their race. Weakening them from the inside and causing them to be ostracized in general.

Unfortunately though I see white attitudes changing, I see no sign that Crotchity will ever choose to stop repressing the race that he hollowly claims to have so much love for.


Edited to ad text in italics.

Second edit.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled that Chicago was “twice as likely to hire white applicants than black applicants.” Ironically, blacks are overrepresented in the EEOC by 625 percent, but I don’t think the bloated agency has to worry about being sued."


Surely then you are outraged by this?


Edited by DwayneEMTP
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Well said as usual, Dwayne. I have no idea how old crochity is, but he reminds me of the old school, and increasingly irrelevant poverty pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They see EVERYTHING through a prism of racism. Every alleged wrong perpetrated on a minority HAS TO BE RACISM. There simply is no other possible explanation in their eyes. It has become such a pervasive belief that entire regulatory agencies exist because of this notion-and use this as their "business motto" to pursue cases such as this.

In the case of the CFD, I'll repeat something that crochity and the race baiters always seem to ignore. This exam was RACE NEUTRAL, written by a black PHD consultant who's speciality is creating unbiased exams. So the only way this lawsuit could have moved forward is to say that since blacks were under represented in the results, thus racism must exist- even though the test was NOT biased. Thus, in the eyes of EEOC type groups, discrimination isn't necessarily even an action, it's simply about the results. It boggles the mind of any rational thinking person.

Ahem- there are plenty of alternative explanations why the disparate results happened, but none that would generate press for the poverty pimps, none that would justify an agency's existence, and none that would generate a lotto pay out for folks who have no right to receive one. The problem is, this ruling also affects every current member of the CFD, since these lotto winners also get back dated seniority, which bumps every person hired after the date of the exam. That in turn affects promotional exams, retirement plans- all because of unPC exam results. Not to mention many of these folks will never be able to work enough years to even qualify for a full pension before they reach mandatory retirement age(unless of course they change that rule for them too).

I want to make a disclaimer here. I will NEVER claim that racism or any type of bias does not exist in this country. We are human beings- with all the associated faults and failings. We envy, we covet, we distrust those who are different, ie we are not perfect. BUT- and this is a big BUT- There are laws that exist to protect folks from real bias. When cases like this go through, I think it cheapens every single legitimate racism claim. Folks are tired of hearing the cries of racism- especially when too many times, it simply does not exist.

Do I sound bitter or angry? Damn right. I'm sick and tired of this BS. I've been adversely affected by crap like this years ago, and every time it happens, I am utterly astonished that we have yet to move beyond this point.

\\\End rant. Sorry- a bit edgy lately...

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Again, show of hands, how many of you have a black supervisor or better yet, Chief ?  I hear crickets again.  The only way a black medic can get promoted is if he/she is a medic in the military.  

But of course silly me, we have thousands of members, representing thousands of EMS agencies in this room, and maybe ten of them have a black supervisor, but thats not racism.  A court of law just past judgement on one of the largest fire departments in america, but again, most of you chose to defend the guilty, because you fear your department will be next, or that God forbid, one day you might actually have a black supervisor, and we cannot let that happen.  So of course, the courts, the EEOC, the NAACP are all wrong and are all in cohoots to keep the white man down.  Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeee.

And yes, i do paint with a wide brush, as there is no reason to use a 1/2 inch brush to apply a layer of "truth" on a 4x8 sheet of plywood.   But thank you for the discussion.

Edited by crotchitymedic1986
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Again, show of hands, how many of you have a black supervisor or better yet, Chief ? I hear crickets again. The only way a black medic can get promoted is if he/she is a medic in the military.

Bullshit. It is the law of averages..I know very few medics who are black, and those who I do know are extremely talented. At the risk of you bringing up the "the education system is slanted against the black community" crap, if there are very few black medics, there's going to be an even lower percentage of black supervisors.

I work critical care transports now. But in the County we are based the local EMS system has 4 black shift supervisors and this is in the South. It can be done. One just have to apply themselves, get the same education as everyone else and excel at what they do, just like everyone else, to get ahead.

Stop looking for the easy way out. If we (us white folks) had to go to school and obtain an education, apply for a job and compete for it on an equal playing field, then so do you. Frankly, I would be pissed if I was passed over for a position when I scored higher, interviewed better and had higher qualifications, than the individual that was awarded the job because I was white. That's discrimination.

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Again, show of hands, how many of you have a black supervisor or better yet, Chief ?

I work with plenty of black chief officers. In fact, there are a disproportionate number of them, when you consider how many of them, scored on their promotional exams. Some are dumb as a bag of hammers and the ONLY reason they have their title is because of affirmative action, statistical gymnastics, and preferential treatment MANDATED by a collective bargaining agreement. Others are whip smart, and in nearly 30 years of being in this profession, my favorite, most qualified, most professional and most intelligent boss happened to be black, He EARNED his promotions, EARNED the MBA he got, EARNED the respect he received, and sadly he retired early- in large part because of how backwards the system is. He was tired of seeing mediocrity and stupidity being rewarded.

I hear crickets again. The only way a black medic can get promoted is if he/she is a medic in the military.

Sounds like sour grapes to me. Study harder next time.

But of course silly me, we have thousands of members, representing thousands of EMS agencies in this room, and maybe ten of them have a black supervisor, but thats not racism.

NO, sounds like simple math to me. 12% of this country is black, and there are entire areas of this country where there are no black folks.

A court of law just past judgement on one of the largest fire departments in america, but again, most of you chose to defend the guilty, because you fear your department will be next, or that God forbid, one day you might actually have a black supervisor, and we cannot let that happen. So of course, the courts, the EEOC, the NAACP are all wrong and are all in cohoots to keep the white man down. Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeee.

You do realize that by constantly playing the victim, you actually perpetuate the stereotypes you hate so much, right? By promoting the notion that the only way a black man can succeed is by set asides, lawsuits, and special considerations, it plays right into the hands of those who think your race is inferior. Forget the nonsense about paybacks for past injustices- this is about the here and now. If I were an intelligent, hard working black man- the norm- I would be pissed about decisions like this one. If someone cannot do well on a race neutral exam written at a 6th grade level, then I suggest they look to a more suitable job- like pushing a broom.

And yes, i do paint with a wide brush, as there is no reason to use a 1/2 inch brush to apply a layer of "truth" on a 4x8 sheet of plywood. But thank you for the discussion.

The reason you use such a wide brush is because if you actually addressed the individual points made here, you would have no argument. Simply regurgitating age old, race baiting talking points is NOT a debate, or even a discussion.

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Before the EMS/FDNY Merger, we had at least 2 Chiefs of EMS who were black. I personally worked for several, lower level black chiefs, and, as with the white ones, considered them to either be smart, dumb, easy to communicate with, or needing work on their "People to People" skills. Same for the Asian and Hispanic chiefs, captains, and lieutenants.

Addendum: Same for my Paramedic associates, as well as my fellow and sister EMTs.

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Not every act, nor personal failure needs a law created to allow you to escape responsibility quoted by Dwayne, well you are wrong Dwayne, we have to have a law to protect every single act. It's what's mandated by those less fortunate.

And Dwayne, you are white so you can't say the N word here.

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