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COuncilman wants EMS to respond before police in violent incidents


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Thank you Ugly for making my point, yes "one" wasted life it too many, question is why is the poor person in the hood's life not a waste. In all the classes that I took, where they talked about the "golden hour" or "time is muscle" or "time is tissue" they never put an *asterisk beside it and said, "unless you live in poor or high crime neighborhoods" !

Again, I am willing to bet for every story you can dig up on the internet about medics being injured/killed by patients/bystanders/random acts, I can find 10 stories of EMS injuring and killing patients in vehicle accidents. So if we are going to base decisions solely on statistical probability and/or perception, patients (rich or poor) should avoid an ambulance ride at all costs.

But if you really fear for your safety, the easy answer is to take EMTs off the ambulance and replace them with cops acting as drivers. Then you will be safe on every call.

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I'm here to help patients. I did not create the unsafe scene, the unsafe neighborhood, the unsafe hood or the unsafe trailer park.

Why am I being forced to enter an area that has notoriously been deemed as unsafe? Did we create that area? Do we have control over a neighborhood being unsafe? NOPE we do not.

What we do have control over is this, we have the ability to use common sense and judgement and not enter any place that is considered unsafe.

I remember a area in the past in Chicago I believe that had always been considered unsafe for people to be out wandering around but it was safe for fire and EMS to go in. One night that changed when a EMS crew came under fire and assault because they did not go into a violent scene. The truck took I believe I read over 40 bullets or something like that. An otherwise safe area became a very unsafe area for everyone involved.

So now you have a neighborhood where EMS have been targeted. Do you just not go to that particular address and consider the other addresses as safe or is the whole neighborhood unsafe? I ask that rhetorically.

Crotchity, I do admire your sticktuitness but I think that your continued use of the race card makes these discussions moot for all intents and purposes.

You don't see it, I know you don't but when you bring up race in a thread that had nothing to do with race, yes yes yes, go back and read the original article, there was no mention of race issues except by you on this thread. I know you are a black man and you have been subject to racism, we've discussed this in the past, but it's not always about race you know.

I'd hate for you to be seen here as the Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson of EMT City.

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Oh, Lord, the coloreds are moving in next door, what will we do, what will we do ? As stated numerous times Uglyemt, I have no problem with you waiting for as long as necessary at a known violent crime scene. And as evidenced again, by your own statements, you can only come up with a handful of anecdotal accounts of medics being attacked, out of the millions of 911 calls that are handled every day.

YOU GUYS LOVE STATISTICS, IT SHOULD NOT BE HARD TO BACK UP YOUR ARGUMENT AS TO WHY WE SHOULD DELAY CARE TO A CRITICAL PATIENT WHO LIVES IN A BAD NEIGHBORHOOD. IF THE PROBLEM IS AS BAD AS YOU CLAIM, YOU SHOULD BE JUST A FEW KEYSTROKES AWAY FROM CITING ALL KINDS OF STATISTICS THAT WILL JUSTIFY WITHHOLDING NEEDED CARE FOR YOUR PATIENTS. I will bet a paycheck righe now, that there is noone who can produce scientific evidence that justifies delaying care to patients based on the fact that they live in a poor neighborhood and that medics have actual risk (proven by statistics) if they go in without PD.

Er- you replied to the wrong post.

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And as my best white friend always says, "Crotchity, it really pisses me off when I see Al or Jessie on TV, playing the race card; but almost every single time, usually within 2 weeks, some dumb white person does something stupid, that hits the media and makes them relative again.

I went to google news to test the theory, you said "beetle-juice", I didnt. Here is what pops up on google news for just a few of the issues in the past few hours:


http://www.cbc.ca/canada/nova-scotia/story/2010/11/08/ns-rehberg-not-guilty.html (for Canadians)



But of course, racism has been dead since the 60s right ?

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And as my best white friend always says, "Crotchity, it really pisses me off when I see Al or Jessie on TV, playing the race card; but almost every single time, usually within 2 weeks, some dumb white person does something stupid, that hits the media and makes them relative again.

I went to google news to test the theory, you said "beetle-juice", I didnt. Here is what pops up on google news for just a few of the issues in the past few hours:


http://www.cbc.ca/ca...not-guilty.html (for Canadians)



But of course, racism has been dead since the 60s right ?

This story was NOT about race. It was about responding to unsafe scenes.

If you want to start a thread about racism and EMS- be my guest. Just be prepared to back up any claims with proof that EMS refuses to respond to calls because of some racial factor.

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This story was NOT about race. It was about responding to unsafe scenes.

If you want to start a thread about racism and EMS- be my guest. Just be prepared to back up any claims with proof that EMS refuses to respond to calls because of some racial factor.

Well I have beat this one to death, so I will bow out. But I leave you with this final comment. Those of you who are online right now reading this are probably at home. If in the next few minutes you hear a horrific crash and look out your window to find an overturned vehicle in your yard, that is on fire, I bet you will go investigate even though you have no protective gear or Fire Deparment on scene. And I imagine that if you heard crying children (of any race) trapped in that vehicle, you would do your best to get them out, even if it meant you got burned yourself. Or would you wait on Fire and listen/watch them burn to death ? Our job is risky, you have a greater chance of catching an infectious disease or being killed in a crash than you do of getting shot or stabbed. But if you want to hide behind that irrational fear when it comes to socio-economically depressed areas of town, and deny prompt/minimal care that every patient has a right to, then so be it. Peace Out Hommies, Catch you on the next topic.

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Well I have beat this one to death, so I will bow out.

And it's about damned time.

I am sick to death of you derailing threads with your race comments, and your own agenda, and I don't really care who is right and who is wrong, YOU derail many threads. YOU make arguments without backing them up with statistics or references (oh, I correct myself - you made 1 reference that you backed up with a link). YOU ignore the original posts so that you can get on your soapbox about race issues.

Every one of your arguments in this thread has been race related, and have no bearing on the original article posted. Even when you were asked to keep your posts related to the original thread, you refused.

YOU are every bit as racist as you accuse others of being, by the way you treat others here on these boards. YOU throw the first stone every time, and accuse others of racist behaviors without proof. YOU accuse people in these forums of being racist, but whenever someone presents an alternative view, you scream even harder that others are racist.

You demand respect when you do not give the same, and wonder why you are not respected. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with your own actions.

You want to start a thread on race, do it, but quit derailing other threads for your own agenda.

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And it's about damned time.

I am sick to death of you derailing threads with your race comments, and your own agenda, and I don't really care who is right and who is wrong, YOU derail many threads. YOU make arguments without backing them up with statistics or references (oh, I correct myself - you made 1 reference that you backed up with a link). YOU ignore the original posts so that you can get on your soapbox about race issues.

Every one of your arguments in this thread has been race related, and have no bearing on the original article posted. Even when you were asked to keep your posts related to the original thread, you refused.

YOU are every bit as racist as you accuse others of being, by the way you treat others here on these boards. YOU throw the first stone every time, and accuse others of racist behaviors without proof. YOU accuse people in these forums of being racist, but whenever someone presents an alternative view, you scream even harder that others are racist.

You demand respect when you do not give the same, and wonder why you are not respected. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with your own actions.

You want to start a thread on race, do it, but quit derailing other threads for your own agenda.

Amen sistah

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Not going into a potentially dangerous situation (be it in 'socioeconomic depressed sections of town or whether in affluent sections of town) isn't 'racist' it's called COMMON SENSE.

In order to be considered 'racist' by any standards, one would have to compromise the level of care rendered based on race, color, creed, religion, gender or socio-economic criteria. We are not talking about oroviding 'compromised care' for the poor, black, white, purple, green or any other color. Nor are we talking about giving enhanced care to the affluent (again regardless of color).

As far as your example (the wrecked flaming vehicle in the front yard), if we cannot get near the scene due to hazardous conditions, I don't see where there is anything we can do.

Charging blindly into a situation without assessing the risks or a known unsafe scene is foolhardy at best. For the Councilman to even suggest it makes it clear that we are only 'public servants' and our safety means NOTHING to him. Remember, "the rescuer who needs to be rescued is of no use to anyone, and creates a drain on otherwise limited resources!".

You stated that our job is hazardous to begin with. To not take steps to attempt to mitigate the hazards is insane.

You're so quick to play the 'race card' in every thread you post to, that you seem to forget that not everybody lives or works in Suburbia, USA and lives next door to Ward and June Cleaver.

There are some of us that have worked in some of the roughest neighborhoods in the most dangerous cities in the United States (based on FBI crime statistics). Until you can tell me that you've worked and lived in those areas, don't you DARE call ME a 'racist' or even IMPLY that I compromise the care given to ANYONE without concrete facts! Yes, I've worked some of the worst sections of Metro Detroit (which has topped the list of the most dangerous cities in the United States more than once. I have lived in Flint, Michigan; which is currently the fifth most dangerous city in the United States based on the FBI's 2009 Uniform Crime Reporting Program)

With the frequency that you stir hell and havoc in this forum, I actually think you live to create strife. Your antagonisitc tendencies are what's labeled you a 'forum troll'. You're quick to blame EVERYONE for the problems faced by certain minorities, but what have you done to come up with a solution?

Please explain to the rest of the class how it is that only WHITES can be 'racist', when your actions alone suggest the contrary?

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And as my best white friend always says, "Crotchity, it really pisses me off when I see Al or Jessie on TV, playing the race card; but almost every single time, usually within 2 weeks, some dumb white person does something stupid, that hits the media and makes them relative again.

I went to google news to test the theory, you said "beetle-juice", I didnt. Here is what pops up on google news for just a few of the issues in the past few hours:


http://www.cbc.ca/ca...not-guilty.html (for Canadians)



But of course, racism has been dead since the 60s right ?

And bow out you should. This post show you to be a hypocrite and destroys your entire point.

Other than the one link that showed a hispanic or white kid, not sure which, the race wasn't stated in any of the other stories. Why would you then assume that they were white? You must have if you'd posted these in support of your point.

Obviously the noose was from a white man, right? Wait, where have we had another noose story, of a black being tormented with a noose....ahhh, that's right, it was another black man that did that!! Does that excuse the white idiots that due like things? Of course not, it only exposes you for the shallow troll that you truly seem to be.

I keep hoping that you'll show yourself to be intelligent enough to have a conversation, but unfortunately you're simply ignorant and angry. You have no desire to educate, only to blame. You have no need to move forward as being stagnant serves your purposes much better. You have no need to stand up as crying is more your style. There are many, many blacks that inspire and yet you choose to make yourself an anchor to their cause? I'm sorry about that, I'd wish better for you...


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