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Funniest Practical Joke ............


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Most, if not all of us, have seen the yellow "Crime Scene" tape, either in person, or on a TV "procedural" show.

I don't know what prompted it, but someone took 2 full rolls of that tape, and I don't know where it was obtained from, and completely "gift wrapped" the lieutenant's personal Pickup truck! That was something over 200 feet, under, over, across, well, you get the idea.

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Most, if not all of us, have seen the yellow "Crime Scene" tape, either in person, or on a TV "procedural" show.

I don't know what prompted it, but someone took 2 full rolls of that tape, and I don't know where it was obtained from, and completely "gift wrapped" the lieutenant's personal Pickup truck! That was something over 200 feet, under, over, across, well, you get the idea.

Ha, yea Ive gotten the ice treatment before. Told to go out back and shovel the side walks and stairs because our banquet hall was rented out that night. Return to the front of the station to see two captains and a leutenant adding water to the snow and blue paint of my Eclipse. Lets just say that I was not going be held responsible for failing to go on a call because my gear was frozen in my car under 1-1/2" of ice.


Anyways... I hate being a party pooper as I do like to have fun but depending on what you or another person is doing something that starts as a joke can become worse. My former Chief jokingly knocked me upside the head once, the way his hand connected it cupped over my ear causing a perforation to my ear drum. Needless to say I was a bit pi$$ed regardless of knowing he didnt mean it.

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Virginia Firefighter Fights Demotion Over Hazing

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- A firefighter is challenging his demotion from captain after complaints of hazing last year.

Robert Valentine ran Station 9 in Kempsville for four years. His rank was reduced to master firefighter and he has appealed the demotion in Circuit Court. His lawyer contends that the grievance process was unfair.

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Virginia Firefighter Fights Demotion Over Hazing

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- A firefighter is challenging his demotion from captain after complaints of hazing last year.

Robert Valentine ran Station 9 in Kempsville for four years. His rank was reduced to master firefighter and he has appealed the demotion in Circuit Court. His lawyer contends that the grievance process was unfair.

Yup hazing harms no one. Harmed his checkbook when what honestly everyone knew was going on but probably finally went one step to far so he became the fall guy. High enough up the chain to make it look like they really care but low enough not to make it look like it is as large a problem as it is.

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Personally, I appreciate a good, tasteful practical joke. In our department we do have the usual "written rules" in regards to what is considered "sacred" (rigs, PPE, personal harm...) and rightfully so. With this being said, I have to admit that the IV bag under the mattress and tubing secured to the headboard can be funny.

When I was an engineer, I had a "floater" aka a "fill in guy" assigned to my rig one day. Well, during morning radio test, he is laying across the seat of the rig with a halloween mask on, and yells at me as I open the door for said radio test. I was unscathed, joke gone awry on my hopeful and now depressed coworker. However, later that evening, I see his mask in his locker, which was open, as are most of ours while at work. I "borrowed" it. His cubicle is down the hall from mine, so I wait patiently. Finally, with the lights off, he walks down the dark corridor, and I sneak up behind him, mask on, and say his name. He turns, sees the mask, and screams like a little girl. (NO OFFENSE LADIES) To me, and everyone else in the squad bay, it was priceless, as well as to my "victim". We were actually talking about it just the other night at work.

Did a few guys get woke up? Sure, did any patients lose quality care? Nope. No response times were hampered, and no equipment or personal effects damaged or destroyed.

I have had my bed short sheeted, it is funny. I have had my bed put on jack stands from the shop, it was funny. I have also done the same to others. We all laugh, we all help get the bed back down. Then there are a few pool balls placed under the sheets, or the CPR manikin put in someone's bed.

I believe we see enough of the dark side or ugly side of life and human nature while at work. A little fun at work helps relieve stress, and lightens the day. I am not an advocate for causing harm to a fellow worker, or placing their personal property or health at risk, but a harmless prank can be a great stress relief.

If this seems unprofessional to some, you are welcome to your opinions and beliefs. I shall remain with mine.

On the off duty side of life, my former wife and I TP'd a couple that we were friends with. Not only did we get the tree, we did the van also. The next night we were over for a little while, and the husband was FURIOUS that some scoundrel neighborhood children had TP'd him. He was FUMING all night about it. As we left, he went outside and put his van in the single car garage, saying how this would keep the little heathens from messing with his van. I immediately drove to the discount store and bought a half dozen rolls of saran wrap. A couple of hours later, I woke up to my alarm, and walked the two blocks to his house, and proceeded to saran wrap the entire garage. His wife called mine the next morning to tell her what happened, we could hear him screaming in the background how he was going to kill who ever did this, he actually did call the cops though. His wife told us later that the cops told him to keep an eye out, and try to be nicer to the neighborhood kids, as it may prevent recurring events. I almost peed myself listening to him rant and rave. I am sorry, but I did find it funny. They never did know who did it.

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In the FDNY EMS, we use a cardboard tube called a Moody Tube to contain used sharps and IV bags. One paramedic, who knew his partner's combination lock numbers, put almost the entire station's supply of them into the partner's locker. When she opened up her locker, it was an avalanche of white and orange cylinders. The only part of that one I had, was, I helped her take it out of her locker, off the floor, and return it all to the stock room.

I don't recall what, if any, retribution the first medic suffered at her hands.

Same medic, with another partner, had a running "battle" with a particular team of NYPD LEOs. They had managed to put a "Just Married" sign on the back of the Cop Car, along with several METAL bed pans (where did they get metal ones? we've been using plastic disposable ones for years.) to drag behind making noise. The cops retaliated by putting metal slugs, a type disc, over the keyholes. I discovered them, and brought it to the attention of the paramedics, who popped them out of the way.

Then, somehow, the paramedics got INTO the Cop Car, and put glitter dust into the air conditioning vents. Unfortunately, the SARGENT was the one caught in the dust storm, as he was trying to reposition the car.

Following that episode, a meeting was held at the precinct house, consisting of the 2 cops, the 2 paramedics, the EMS Captain and one of the lieutenants, the Police Sargent, and the precinct commander (a deputy inspector, which is higher than a captain, but not a chief). The consensus was, if any incident like this were to happen again, all 4 personnel would be transferred to Siberia if the supervisors could have their way, fined, or even fired!

There were no further incidents.

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On the down side, he may know now tho.... does he troll the net?

That or does he own a gun? Be a shame if because you did not man up some innocent kid one day walks by with toilet paper and he shoots them. And yes things like that do happen.

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ok, I have one. I'll admit I did one practical joke in past

WE had a helicopter crew who flew down to try to get a patient transfer. By the time they arrived a snow storm started and they had to spend the night here.

We put the paper bed covers - you know the kind that doctors offices use in the roll to pull out and cover a bed for a new patient.

We took about 12 feet of it and wrote FOR SALE CALL 911 on the paper and then taped it to the helicopter, took a picture and showed the helicopter crew.

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ihave this little electronic thing i bought f a joke shop, it has a light sensor in it and when its placed in a dark room it plays the sound of a mosquito flying around, so i but that in one of the bedroom at work one night, and found my partner asleep on the lounge the next morning, said there was a mozzie the size of a jumbo jet i there but he could't find the bastard :D

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