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Status Updates posted by DwayneEMTP

  1. A primer for knowing Dylan... Getting ready to go and see our family! I can't tell you how excited I am. It's been too long...but it's a little bit scary too. Not because my family is scary, as I adore every last person that we're going to see, but because of the way that people most often see Dylan. And that breaks my heart. So I thought that I'd write a little primer to give everyone a heads up. Not because people are unkind, but because we are programmed from birth to see autistics incorr...

  2. According to an ancient Japanese Tale, a Samurai asked master Hakuin for an explanation of Heaven and Hell. Master Hakuin laugh at the Samurai's question and answer him with disdain: “I can’t waste my time with people like you.” Wounded to the depths of his proud being, the samurai drew his sword and shouted: “I could kill you for your impertinence!” "That", replied the master calmly, "is hell." Disconcerted to see the truth that he'd pointed out, the Samurai...

  3. Admin...Not sure if you see the spam in CrapMagnet's status update comments?

  4. Admin...Not sure if you see the spam in CrapMagnet's status update comments?

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      I already clicked on the 'report member' button on their profiles...

    2. scubanurse


      I get those a lot so I just delete them

  5. Ahhhh.... 35hrs of jeep/air travel with cholera... As a travel plan, I can't recommend it. As a diet plan however...yeah, it rocks! But to be home? There's really nothing that compares to that...

    1. nypamedic43


      Welcome home my friend :)

    2. cscboulder11


      Back here just in time for the storms.

  6. Ahhhh...just finished a 250 mile round trip medevac...10 1/2 hrs. Good friggin' thing that we used the 'freeway!'

  7. And it's not always the way that you'd think.... “Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.” ~ The Buddha

  8. And why can't we just be told how many that is? Why do we have to play the quote lottery by making our post first and then be told that it has too many?

  9. And why is it that peoples Horoscopes can take up half my friggin' Facebook page but I have to create a 'note' for my two paragraphs because it was longer than 420 characters? (Tell me that some FB stoner didn't pick that max.)

    1. uglyEMT


      Thats why I dont do social media except here. Its all a ploy to drives us crazy.

    2. DwayneEMTP


      Sorry all...I keep forgetting that this updates off of my facebook..

      I hear you Ugly..but it's a good way to keep in touch with those that you love...

  10. Any body else having issues with not being notified of new message, but getting notified of old messages as if they're new? Also not getting notified of your prescribed post replies?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TylerHastings


      I havent got a notice in I don't know how long.

    3. FireMedic65


      i get some right away and the same ones several days later

    4. DwayneEMTP


      Yeah, well, evidently there's no point in mentioning it. I love the City, but in all the time I've been here I've sent Admin maybe...10 emails and have never been gifted with a response. Seems silly to expect one now. Have to get one of the chicks to ask... :-)

  11. Any of my Aussie friends going to be around Brisbane on the evening of 8/Aug for a drink or two? I promise to go easy on you.... I should get in around 5-ish and be overnighting here... Comfort Inn & Suites Northgate 186 Toombul Rd Northgate QLD

  12. As I go through my 'friends' list I'm amazed by the people that I find there. Amazing people, strong, kind, old and new friends, family that choose to be my friends as well. It would seem that no matter how often I mess up, how long I go without saying 'hi' that I will continue to be gifted with love, kindness and friendship...and I'm made better by that....Merry Christmas!

    1. spenac


      Are you drunk posting again? Seems you already posted this before.

  13. As I'm helping Dylan with his Lego project I'm wondering if it's still considered quality father/son time when despite my very best efforts to contribute, hour after hour, about the only words I hear are, "Um, that's not right", "I already did that part", and "Dad, I think I should do this by myself."

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      No Dad, you CAN'T put that there, that's where the roof goes! MOM! Please tell Dad to go watch TV or something!

  14. Asmin. Received the following message from DFIB in my personal email. I can't get my City mail to work so am posting it here so that we can hopefully get him back online. Hey amigo, Is the City broke or is it just me. They are going to have to put up a EMT City methadone page for all us addicts. . I keep getting this message. I hope we didn't get hacked. Fatal error: This file has expired. in /usr/www/users/emsonli/forum/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/sources/ads.php on line 0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mobey


      Ha! Asmin lol

    3. EMT City Administrator
    4. island emt

      island emt

      I had a fatal error while trying to log in early today also. It's fixed itself now. ????

  15. Awesome posts brother. Good to have you! You've been a member for a year? Where the hell have you been hiding??

  16. Babs, Dylan and I spent the last week visiting with our families. One day left now. Her side first, and my side for the last three days. It's been a really long time. I forget the power that they have! There are just so few places in the world where it's impossible to make a mistake. Where you can say what you want, laugh at everything, have any opinion yet never have a worry for being 'taken wrong' or doing any real harm. And the energy that that comes from the nieces and nephews? Generatio...

  17. believes, while not admitting to the consumption of alcohol as that is not permitted here, that mixing tequila and whatever that pink Gatorade shit is, might not be a good idea for your palet...just sayin'..

  18. Carpe Diem That is all.... :-)

  19. coming in now that are as strong and smart as I've ever seen! And brassy! They, as you, have come to learn and they just refuse to be denied...it's truly inspiring. Thanks for participating girl..I look forward to the future too!

  20. Discussion yesterday with my driver while looking at a poster warning of Death Adders... "What say?" Pointing at the big red letters next to the snake.. "It says "Extremely poisonous." "No poisonous..." "Well, I looked into this snake, because I hate snakes, and found a lot of sources that say it's one of the most poisonous snakes in the world..." "No, no poisonous. We hunt and eat...no problem." "You can eat lots of poisonous animals, but what happens if this one bites you?" "Oh...you die."...

  21. Do any of us really know everybody on our friend list? Here is a task for you. I want all my fb friends to comment on this status about how you met me. After you comment, copy this to your status so I can do the same. You will be amazed at the results you get in 12 hours.

  22. Does anyone else find that when you hit the "New Posts" button (I have mine set for 'within the last month', that the "Latest Posts" from the main page, don't show up? I look through the new posts, and then have to go back and go through the "latest posts" individually...know what I mean?

  23. Dylan-ism for today... After blowing Dylan a kiss at bedtime, he caught it, pretended to eat it, and then as I was walking away said, "Hey dad! Your kisses taste like hearts!" What kind of person sends that kind of love to an idiot like me? I don't know either, but I know that I don't want to be an idiot any more.... I'm wondering, of all the men here, who believes that they are who they should be without the love and thoughts of those that "see" them? Without that? Man, I'm a 50 year old...

    1. emtdennis


      Sounds like one beautiful kid you have there.

    2. Emergency Laughter

      Emergency Laughter

      If epic can mean beautiful, then that's epic!

  24. Epic party last night in a nice hotel in the jungle. There was dancing, hilariously funny jokes, tear jerking stories, CCR playing over and over on the computer....Yeah, so it was just me and a Litre of tequila, but still. It seems like about the last thing that I remember is logging onto facebook, laughing my ass off, thinking, "You shouldn't post right now." And then, " But I'm just so damn funny right now! Everyone deserves to share in my brilliant funnyness!" My apologies if I implied I...

  25. Exactly!! A bum asks a man for $2. The man asked,"Will you buy booze?" The bum said,"No." The man asked,"Will you gamble it away?" The bum said,"No." Then the man asked,"Will you come home with me so my wife can see what happens to a man who doesn't drink or gamble?"

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