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Everything posted by hammerpcp

  1. Never underestimate the power of placebo. Placebo
  2. Alb you're embarrassing me. :oops: Last words "Oh Sh*t!" seems to come up as often if not more so then the two words you mentioned. What do you suppose the significance of tat is? Do many people actually have innate, profound and divine love for feces?
  3. Okkkkkaaaaaayyyyy? Just to clarify a belief in GOD or a higher being does not preclude a belief in evolution. Did the devil make the dinosaur bones to trick the silly mortals? :roll:
  4. I am thinking I don't have a freakin clue what you are taking about. I better give this pt a blanket and take them to the hospital.
  5. I used to take resp rate on every pt. Then I realized that everyone is breathing at a rate of 16 bpm. So unless they are tach/bradypneic, they get an automatic 16 on the ACR. I have found that with a little experience it is actually quite easy and fairly accurate to just estimate.
  6. I had a pt with "suggestive heart failure" the other day. Now that is a serious medical condition!
  7. My thoughts exactly Craig. As far as stabilizing hip fractures in the field, it is SOP to use three triangular bandages here. This method takes the least amount of time and seems to provide enough stability to move the person (since they are often on the floor) without causing further pain or injury.
  8. Hmmm............"my philosophy on pain" eh? Well, I don't like it. If pain was any kind of teacher women would never have a second child, junkies would never use, alchys would never drink again, motor cross and skateboarding and mountain biking and roller blading etc, etc, would not exist. People have this wonderful quality that we can, and always do forget the actual quality and sensation of physical and to some extent emotional pain once it is gone. And good thing too. As far as pain management goes I agree completely with the Duster. Give out the drugs. That's what they are there for. The pendulum has swung to far in the other direction we are all way too worried about drug seekers when in actuality they make up the vast minority of the population needing/requesting pain management.
  9. Any peripheral edema? Pleural effusion or pneumonia or spontaneous pneumo (assuming no trauma) are also on my list of possibilities. Although I think we are being led towards a liver problem at this point. Liver CA and cirrhosis are both possibilities although pt being so young is probably in a low risk category for both. Hepatitis is a good guess.
  10. LMAO! No shyt sherlock. I think I am in love............... :love4:
  11. What kind of suplements and how were they related to the headaches?
  12. Nice cut and paste Ace :wink: . However, none of these types of headache come on several hours post excercise.
  13. 26 y/o female c/o of severe pressure type headache 3-4 hours after jogging x 4 months. Recently headaches have become more severe with nausea and vomiting. Often pain is not relieved by Advil and/or Tylenol, headache dissipates only after sleep. Medical history: Minor asthma KNDA Meds: Oral contraceptive, Ventolin prn (used rarely) BP 120/80, HR 80 reg, RR 16 This may be a stumper...................
  14. What is this reputation thing? I think Jacob is worth way more then 5.6. Unless that is 5.6 out of 6.0? To answewr your question I think that a of of ER dr's like to use their toys just as much as the medics. I know one in particular that will snow any pt with haldol etc.. who puts up the slightest resistence.
  15. All I can think of is how all these guys in NYC must have been sh*tting there pants when the call came over the air: explosion. No wonder the whole damn cavalry turned up. Marty, you're awesome.
  16. Actually I am not an EMT anything. In fact, that level of training does not even exist in this province which makes it all the more annoying to be called that.
  17. I hate it when people call me an EMT.
  18. OMG! Have thse robots made it to Canada yet?
  19. LMAO! I love a woman who knows what she wants.
  20. I had to readdress this thread because there are several things just sounded hinky to me. First off Dr's point # 1 = B.S. Dr's point # 2 = absolutely true. Dr's point # 3 = first time seizure activity NYD would not have any anticonvulsives prescribed. Also, in my experiences the layman is notoriously bad at reporting mental status. They just don't notice the right things or ask the right questions to properly assess. ERDoc, I was always under the impression that there was no conclusive way to determine whether a seizure was in fact "real" or not, so I asked around. The consensus is that prolactin levels do not conclusively indicate a true seizure. Does "medical stamp collecting" ring a bell? It seems that at some point someone did a inacurate study, with poor controls and test group sizes and then published the results which were then dispproved. XYY chromosome anybody?
  21. Pseudoseizures do not necessarily a "faker" make. In fact it can be a somatoform disorder. Don't be so quick to assign blame.
  22. Great scenario. I had never heard of (or forgotten) Axonal shearing injury. Very interesting.
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