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Everything posted by hammerpcp

  1. You should have turned the siren on.
  2. Two thumbs up :thumbup: . One of the years best! If you only do junk once this year, do this stuff!
  3. All heroes exhibit a little ass crack no and then. It keeps the public happy.
  4. From my interpretation of the CT scan your pt is obviously pregnant.
  5. Can we get any medical history? How about events from earlier in the night? any drug use? Side note: Do you needle decompress someone who is maintaining BP? Here we don't. How are is vital signs? Is his respiratory irregularity in any particular pattern? i.e. Cheyne stokes? Is BP rising and is HR slowing? Why is he covered in minor abrasions? Is there shattered glass present or is this form previous event? So far my working diagnoses (assuming a BGL of 130 is normal???) is a head injury from the accident causing unconsciousness. Not exhibiting cushings triad, so not going to hyperventilate. Pneumo is secondary injury and is currently not life threatening. (Pt is maintaining sats, colour is improving and compliance with ventilations is good.)
  6. Now-a-days we call this co-dependence. Something that is strongly discouraged.
  7. It's okay to be dishonest if you are honest about it.
  8. Being on top once a day or so is good enough for me. Too much work you know.
  9. anal retentive (does that count as one word?)
  10. I have heard of and seen "holiday heart", but not "broken heart" syndrome. Stress is a lot more powerful in our physical reactions to it then we often give it credit for. With this in mind I am still skeptical.
  11. Actually, a "crime against morale turpitude" might classify you as a vigilante. I'm pretty sure you could still be a paramedic as long as your crime against moral turpitude wasn't in and of itself of moral turpitude.
  12. I'm glad to hear you've learned something. How do you feel about Munchausen's by proxy? Should we be sympathetic?
  13. Web Page Name Does anyone else see a logistical problem here? Forget "barbarism", forget "escalating violence"..............How is the victim supposed to.. ahem, affix this device before the deed is done?
  14. Working downtown here, your job becomes more of a bullsh it detector then a medical one. They still get one by me every now and then though and I have to say, it infuriates me. And yes, it is our job to weed out the "fakers". It's all part of giving appropriate care for the presenting condition and not wasting resources where they are unnecessary. The really good malingerers will actually cause legitimate health problems in themselves (like injecting feces for example).
  15. AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Who knew Teletubbies had such rhythm. LOL They really are creepy little bastards aren't they.
  16. LMAO! Excuse me Mr. FF, could you go outside and make sure the ambulance doesn't fall over? Thanks for coming out.
  17. What exactly is this "kizzay in the nizzay"? And where do I get some?
  18. Rant on: And another thing. Do not start defib protocols just because dispatch said the PT was VSA (vital signs absent). You still have to check for a pulse and spontaneous respirations. Here's a tip...if they are present DON'T start CPR. An yes, WE will bear the brunt of the malpractice suit because YOU flucked up. I will never ever do any treatment (read: rapid extrication) based on your assessment alone. So don't go whining to my management that I don't take you seriously. There is a damn good reason for that. Rant off.
  19. I don't care if you know what a modified jaw thrust is called, when I ask you to open the Pt's airway do it. Air way is more important then bleeding. Give me the hard mask god dam it! Not that seal easy crap! If we need the spinal board chances are we need the straps too. So bring them with you okay? When you tape the head to the board, the tape has to go around the forehead and the chin or it pretty much doesn't do anything. Have you ever done a call before? what else? Oh yeah, I decide when we start to move not you. Why don't we train these monkeys how to drive the freekin ambulance. We have two medics who know wtf they are doing but instead we use one of them to drive the damn truck while the monkey rides in back "assisting". :munky2:
  20. Sugar? and O2 via NC? He would've been on a PNRB (that's all we carry) in these neck of the woods. Oh, and ITK, the only animals that are dangerous up there will eat you not poison you. Anyhoo......I was also thinking SVT. It sounds like a rate problem.
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