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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. Isn't reprocity, the whole idea of the NREMT? Testing so you can move fairly easily between different states? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
  2. Hey Alco, In answer to your questions, the short answer is yes to all of the above. If you ask to see their equipment, it shows your interested. Call volume is important, that's why you"re there. Community outreach is a good topic, but perhaps bring that up at your next interview. ( if there is one ) At this stage, your trying to sell yourself. A pad and pen is not inappropriate. Keep it with you as reference, but try and know the questions you want to ask, it shows confidence. Good luck!
  3. I know, hammer! That one is so true! I don't think I can go to the ED without laughing ever again.
  4. :shock: I am speechless! For the sake of my sanity, I will tell myself this was just a isolated incident. Although I am sure it happens with a little more frequency. Not being involved with fire, I really don't understand it. In this instance though common sense was severely lacking.
  5. Meh, tell her when the registration has her name on it, only then can she call it *HER* bus. Until such time, you suggest she get off her ass and share the work.
  6. Maybe it's do to lack of sleep, but I found some of these funny http://www.rantorama.com/nurs20.html I know AnatomyChick, no life. LMAO! LOVE the pic to the side of these.
  7. Way to go Alco! Just be yourself, personable and confident as you said, not cocky. ( can I say that here? ) I have always found if you dress professionally, the interviewer seems to notice you a bit more. Don't smoke ( if you do ) before your interview. Good luck!
  8. I was just surfing around this morning and found this. It maybe helpful to those who are considering a career in EMS. It's a little lengthy, but some useful background information. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos101.htm
  9. JakeEMTP


    lol, I got a date a 03:00 for a kabab. WOOOHOOO! moist? finger frenzy? :shock:
  10. I have to concur with the the others previous posts. NC does not require us to have EVOC, but our service does and that is a good thing IMHO. It should have been included in the Nat'l curriculum, but I digress. :roll:
  11. Excellent choices cougar1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JakeEMT digs out white leisure suit, starts singing " Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah Stayin alive, Stayin Alive" :lol:/
  12. Only because this is a EMS site, we'll let you say priapism here. Because you know............LOL
  13. Trust me, there's more than 48" of headroom. the ambo spec's are KKK1822-F.
  14. yeah, I remember it on News of the world. I saw them too in good ol' T.O. at MLG in '76, with Thin Lizzy. What a show!
  15. Dust, does this bring back any memories? http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...AA/loglarcom-20
  16. I am in a medic program now after being a basic for approx 6 mths. The only reason I waited that long was for the program to start. I keep reading this thread and constantly see the same theme, " get experience, then go to medic school ". It's not like they keep us away from pt's untill we are certified or licensed, as we will be in NC be the time we're finished. We do have pt contact's as you all remember. Most of my classmates are currently working with pt's all the time via transports, or Volly 911 services except for the 0 to hero group, and they're turn will come during our clinicals. 300 hrs hospital rotations and I think we will see more pt's then , then some in service ppl see in a year. We can debate this 'till the cows come home, but at the end of the day, it is all up to the individual.
  17. Here's one, It wasn't a song but a album ( big round piece of vinyl, placed on a turntable) Sheer Heart Attack - Queen
  18. Hmmm, Off the top of my head, I would think, Breath - Pink Floyd Comfortably numb - also Pink Floyd Jungleland - Bruce Springsteen I will add more later when I not so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  19. Man! Am I ever glad our stuff is embroidered. Some of those NC patches are ugly!
  20. They were all excellent!!!!!!!!! My personal favorite was number #1!!!!!!!!
  21. That is exactly the way it is done here Dsmitty. We work doing transports or volly 911 while attending the medic program. While transports may not be ideal for observing ALS, at least you have pt contact and also keep your debtors happy.
  22. Hey lcfiremedic31, I'm not sure if this is what your looking for, however it may provide with some of the information you're seeking. Hope it helps. http://www.scdhec.net/hr/ems/ P.S. Google is your friend. You can search Google directly from EMTCity. ( plug intended admin :wink: )
  23. What a shame that this educator has to lower her standards just to keep her tenure. Is this contributing to the " dumbing down " of America?, or anyway else for that matter. I think in our world of drive thrus and 1 hr photos, ppl expect to attain high grades in exchange little effort. In out effort to keep up with Asia, we are producing students with excellent marks, yet poor education. Disheartening to say the least. I hope this doesn't happen to EMS, but I believe it's already started, my program included unfortunately.
  24. WOW! that's a pretty general statement considering the company here at EMTCity. I personally don't think you have the right to make such a statement and take exception to it! Maybe where you work bro, but not where I am. Most EMT's and medics I work with are nothing less than professional in all aspects of their pt care and all other duties we have to take care of. Maybe with that attitude, it's time for you to move on!
  25. Geez, all they issued us for school was some REALLY constrictive tights and a mask. LMAO
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