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Everything posted by Arizonaffcep

  1. When I was in medic class, I made up cards containing much the same stuff, but including a COLOR picture of the drug container (vial, ampule, bristojet, etc) above the descriptions.
  2. I don't know...but I wish he'd pass it over here!
  3. Sure...also keep in mind that the body will change its RBC's in size and amount of hemoglobin they contain-to facilitate a bigger "bang for the buck" if you will.
  4. Another option...when you spike the bag, keep the drip chaimber squeezed while inserting it (be sure to keep the bag "hanging" upside down). Then, invert the whole thing to its "regular" position...and let go of the drip chaimber. Works fairly well.
  5. I would think it would...seeing as they did happen and the person was convicted.
  6. This is actually pericarditis...not an MI.
  7. If that's the case...we probably shouldn't use it!
  8. And if it doesn't, the "Because I'm your medical director" line (while distasteful) can be kicked into play.
  9. Heck yes! We (even in Southern AZ) keep it in use year round. It's much to easy to take a person's temp down with cold fluid, than it is to raise it.
  10. I heard of a Mesa Fire Chief who did this once...
  11. There was a similar case to this around 2000 out of the mid west. Some sports player did the same sort of thing. Might want to look it up.
  12. Me...I just love the Onion... While Onion articles tend to be a bit farcical, it does point out that, as in ALL parts of medicine, there are those that are WAY book smart, WAY street smart, and WAY good at getting the "book smarts" translated into action and "street smarts." I have seen in every aspect, from prehospital, RN, to MD. Unfortunately, the first two are much more "common" attributes, and the third is a little scarce for my liking.
  13. Wow! Seems very PROGESSIVE step! I'll be curious to see how it plays out.
  14. My thoughts have already been said here as far as practical testing...so I will only say GOOD LUCK! I'm sure you'll have no troubles! Afterwards...go get a beer!
  15. To get even more specific...the first person who is qualified to run command (has the propper training), be it PD, FD, EMS, DOT, FEMA (although I would heistate ).
  16. In Arizona, cars are by statue to yield to the right. That means, you should stay in the #1 lane. Now...there are those idiots who stop in front of you in that lane, not much you can do but maybe a PSA over the loud speaker. In reference to the right turn in the right turn lane...because cars are supposed to pull to the right and stop, if you are on their right and they pull to the right...you got yourself on Croch's list of ambo MVC's.
  17. On topic for this thread...anyone interested in reading more, google Norman Cousins. Quite an interesting story.
  18. When PMT went to EPCR's, they started by faxing them to the recieving facility. Then...they got cool and bought laser printers (small ones) for the back of each ride, with a docking station for tough books. That's a lot quicker (fax had a 3-5 min. lag time).
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