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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. You just used criticial thinking, and rationalization skills. I hope the EMS in her town, are as fortunate to have these.
  2. Can't say there is much PD can/would do. It also depends on if you are on good terms with them or not. Many misdemeanor crimes have to be witnessed by an officer, or expect to take a day off for court.
  3. I should put that on the side of Tactical Cavalier One.
  4. So we have CFR, EMT-B, EMT-BA, EMT-I 85, EMT-I 99, and EMT-P? Thats (fill in the blank)'ed up! So IV practice, experience with RT's, seeing every case that comes in by ambulance, working on every code, and basically being an ER bitch, give you no experience? But working as an "EMT-I" while pondering if you should go into medic school then picking up bad habits because you don't have a more experienced partner, is better? I fail to see the logic.
  5. In Indiana, we have EMT-B, EMT-BA, EMT-I, and EMT-P. How those two in the middle relate to 85/99, I don't know. I you want to "test the waters" get a job as an ER tech at a good hospital, you will learn more there then you would being an "I" anyway!. Welcome!
  6. THAT CAN NOT BE SERIOUS! I only say that because I don't see AK surfing it yet. :D
  7. Thats fine, for irrigation and moist dressings. You're not using it for anything else, are you? Why do you have this? You don't treat wounds, you stop the bleeding and transport, or give the kid a band-aid. These are useless. Does anyone in your service use sternum rubs? What do you even use these for? Are they in your protocol? What are the "little" things?
  8. The fact that ALL cell phones can dial 911 doesn't help. Remeber that next time you give your toddler your old cell phone to play with.
  9. What about that naked singing cowboy dude in Manhattan?
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