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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. I don't think scrubs are the way to go. Honestly, I think they are unprofessional outside of the hospital enviroment. How would you like two overweight hairy men coming to pick you up in their pajamas?
  2. Cameras in locker rooms have also been upheld when the employer had reason to belive illegal and illicit activity was taking place in them.
  3. Cops wear jackets. Jackets don't scream EMS professional to me.
  4. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in the workplace. If you read, one of the case laws I cited even shows that cameras in the bathroom pointing at the doors are legal.
  5. Reading some of the case law, if the employers can prove that there is a private area for employees to dress in, there is no audio recording, and employees have somehow been notified of it (even a line in an employee handbook that reads "Employees could be subject to video monitoring on the premise"), then they could be upheld by the courts.
  6. Scrubs are cold in the winter. Sorry. Polo/BDU puts a professional imgage out there, with the ability of being casual enough to keep you from being confused with LE. Espically with seperation of colors. A shirt and tie with kahkis do not scream doctor to me, but many wear them, only putting the gowns and coats on when needed.
  7. Do not take this personally. I do not know you and would say this to anyone. [hr:5300c84486] I hope you took a state recognized EMT-B course that had in depth course and practical time. If you did not, you need to retake another one. What is your ultimate goal? Where do you see yourself in EMS in 5 years? I have not taken the NREMT and can not comment on the quality of its question pool. However, EMT is just procedure memorization. There is no critical thinking skills required to become an EMT. You do not need to know dosage formulas, cardiac rythms, or ACLS guidelines. Where is the breakdown? What is giving you such a hard time with this test? I don't want to discourage you, but honestly I do. If you have failed this test twice, how am I to know that you will be competent on the road? Let's leave the "some people are bad test takers" BS out of this discussion too. I don't care what kind of test taker you are, you know the stuff or you don't. Please, with out being rude or offering any personal attacks, explain to us why you think you have missed this test twice?
  8. What is wrong with a Polo/T-Shirt and BDU pants? Leave all the crap you don't need off the belt and you don't look like an officer. Screenprint / embroider them with the company name/logo. Have your jumpsuit on the ambulance for the occasional wreck and you are set. Make your shirt colored diffrently from the local PD's. Medium blue, green, and white all seem like good choices.
  9. Haha! Sorry, the old speech and debate research days come back to me. Is there a supplied, private place where you can change? Is the employer telling you about the monitoring? Are they recording audio?
  10. EPIC [hr:22d13fd3b8] California [hr:22d13fd3b8] Vega-Rodriguez v. P.R. Tel. Co. [hr:22d13fd3b8] TENTH ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT LAW INSTITUTE [hr:22d13fd3b8] PRIVACY LIMITATIONS FOR ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE [hr:22d13fd3b8] PRIVACY LIMITATIONS FOR ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE
  11. [web:af9f8e61ee]http://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Trunking_Basics[/web:af9f8e61ee]
  12. When you key up the radio sends a burst on a control channel. It says who you are, what talk group you are using, and what permissions you have. The Main radio then takes that information and assigns a frequency for you to talk on. It also sends out a burst to the radios set to your talkgroup to tune in to that frequency. Everytime you listen or talk, it is potentially a diffrent frequency. That is the benefit of a trunked radio system. You can run 20 talkgroups "channels" on 10 frequencies.
  13. This is too much to ask for. Honestly. There are too many variables in a radio system to go off of opinons. You need to have official technical data. Our county LE uses an 800 LTR system. Its not set up right for what we need. Coverage is horrible on a WT, and tolerable most places on a mobile. The state has the 800 SAFE-T system. It covers the whole county like a charm.
  14. This is anecdotal of course, but I read many times there is a state patrol down south that in the day time uses red/blues, at night blues, and when the vehicle goes into park amber. I can't tell you for sure which state it is, but they cited studies in their reasoning for it.
  15. Welcome to the city. I know you probably have better things to do, but stick around and maybe add to all of our intelligence here
  16. I had a minor one from improper lifting of a fridge. It still bothers me time to time, I just try to focus exercises on my back and keep that portion toned. Keep your back strong that is the #2 best thing you can do. Some suggest chiropractic. I won't recommend one way or another.
  17. If you check out AD's blog, he is working on a fiction story that I am hooked on as well!
  18. Boooooootttt.... Othifer..... It was ONLY one beeeeeerrrr
  19. If you want a flashlight grab a 5 dollar LED light at walmart and throw it in your cargo pocket with the pair of gloves. Forget the rest of the stuff. Problem solved.
  20. Ours is either 8 or 12. It doesn't matter much to me, I work so much at my FT job I never drink anyways.
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